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We’ve all had at least one night when we tend to stay up the whole night and not fall asleep, haven’t we? It usually happens when you have had a good, sound sleep in the evening or are worried about something or have taken a good, healthy dose of caffeine (sometimes it does happen without any reason too). And in most cases, it is just you in the house/ room who’s not sleeping. So you NEED something to pass your time, don’t you?
Even if you haven’t had such nights when you can’t sleep, don’t worry, this article will still help you, because who knows what the future holds for us…
Well, if you were looking for things to do when bored at night, Congratulations! Your search ends here!
Here you’ll find a wide range of things to do, with friends and without friends. And a range as wide as from relaxing to having a party, from binge-watching to sleeping, and much more.
I’ve got you covered with the best things to do when bored at night. Enjoy!
Top 21 Fun Things To Do When Bored At Night
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 1
1.Play Board Games

You will need someone else, too, to execute this, in most cases. But there still are some board games which can be enjoyed alone. For example, Chess is one such game in which you can compete with yourself. Snakes and Ladders is one too, but that usually becomes too monotonous when playing alone.
And just in case you have company, I’ll have to agree that you’re one lucky person. Bring in your companion and enjoy the good ol’ board games!
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 2

Suppose you are one of those blessed with the skill to draw, design something. Design your dream house, design a t-shirt, design phone covers, design dull cardboard boxes to interesting figures, design Halloween costumes, anything.
In fact, it can also help you make money if you are interested. Many companies offer people to come in, and design products for them, and the companies also pay a good amount.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 3
3. Appreciate the Night Sky

If you are lucky enough to have access to the beautiful night sky, make full use of it. Simply staring at the pleasing sky at night time is a different vibe in itself. It helps you reflect on a lot of things. The sad moments, the happy moments, the ups and the downs, every bit of your life.
But other than that, the night sky can also be a good roof under which you may get solutions or ideas or decisions which you should make, going ahead.
The canopy of celestial bodies also helps you spend some quality time and focus on your mental health.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 4
4. Be With “Just You” for Sometime

Sleepless nights can be one of the best times to sit alone and look into yourself. As rightly said by Shri Sadhguru Ji- is that the only way out is to delve within.
Solutions to external problems are most likely to be found when you look within yourself. Meditate. It might not sound like a “fun” idea, but once you get the taste of it, you will realize its importance. Meditating also helps relax and get more energy to fight the battle, for the upcoming day, a great idea to self-care.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 5

The most common pastime of all the things among bored night owls, binge-watching. So sit cozily on your bed and watch all those web series, movies, anything and everything available on OTT platforms. Make use of that money spent on your streaming services, on sleepless nights.
While everyone sees watching movies as a “timepass” thing, it can actually be a learning ground if you play your cards right. Watching the right type of movies at the right stages of your life can help you TONS, even when you don’t realize it.
Tired of searching for movies to watch? Clicking here would help!
Fun things to do when bored at night – 6
6.Listen to Good Music
One more common pastime among people with sleepless nights. Listening to music can also help you execute the first idea on this list ;).
Your music could be anything that you like. While it is said that soft music helps you sleep well at night, it is completely okay if you don’t find soft music worth listening to—groove to some other beat and cruise through the night.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 7

Now, this is something uncommon, as it would probably wake the whole house up. But you can still prefer it if you can dance without noise, or are alone at home. So working those muscles out while doing some fun activity is a good idea, isn’t it?
Clicking here will give you some good ol’ classics to dance to.
Fun things to do when bored at night – 8
8.Write Poetry

Exercise that hidden (or prominent) poet inside you. Take up to pen and paper or your device and write/ type down your thoughts. Work on those thoughts and give them the most beautiful form of a poem.
I’m sure you might have gone through quite a lot of experiences throughout your life, so why not write them down?
The nighttime is usually silent and peaceful, so it becomes relatively get your mind working and write down your beautiful thoughts.
Fun things to do when bored at night – 9
9.Play Group Games

When you have more bored people like you who spend the night without sleeping, passing time becomes an easy task. Get together and play charades, play truth or dare, and countless other fun games that people can easily play and have fun.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 10
10.Play Video Games

Get your squad rolling with you. Hit that turf and enjoy some amazing video games. Don’t have your good ol’ friends to accompany you; no worries, rule the gaming arena like a lone king.
Gaming through the night is arguably the most wished pastime among the youth. Now that it also provides career opportunities, the gaming industry is on an ever-rising spree.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 11
11. Explore your Interests

Many people are unaware of the many interests they have. Use the nighttime to discover yours. Who knows, maybe you stumble across a new hobby you never imagined? Maybe you like playing with stuffed animals? Maybe you ace at making a cup of herbal tea? Maybe you can do squats on one foot? Maybe you develop a new recipe? Anything can happen, isn’t it so?
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 12
12. Make a List

This is a highly underrated activity. Making a list helps your mind to decide in which direction to steer. The list could be of anything. It can be a to-do list, a gratitude list, or even something as simple as a shopping cart list. As most of us are quite stuffed with work in the day, sleepless nights can be the perfect time for making the required lists.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 13
13.Learn Something New
Don’t let the precious hours of the night go waste. If you really are having a difficult time sleeping, try to learn something new.
The world is ever-changing, and so shall we. Competition in all the fields is just going to get sharper by the day, and you need to do your part in standing out from the crowd.
Learn a new language, a new dance form, a new martial arts move, anything. Just feed your brain with something new (and productive) at regular intervals, and you shall be good to go.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 14
14. Take Help of Literature

Literature can be your best buddy when no one else is. Take up a good book and see the magic it sprinkles. If you have difficulty reading, worry not. We are advanced enough to have audiobooks, so pick one of them and listen to it. Also, in this world, with almost everything available at your fingertips, getting a book to read shouldn’t be much of a problem.
And literature doesn’t always mean only “reading” books. How about you write one? Maybe a book about your life? Maybe a fictitious story you had in mind?
Of course, you won’t be able to write something significant overnight, but at least take baby steps towards it.
Unleash your creativity through the nib of your pen, and have fun!
In case you are finding books to read, clicking here can help.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 15
15.Take a Bath

It sounds unusual, but it can be quite useful. It’s preferred to take a hot bath, as it helps sleep more quickly, but it’s all your decision in the end. And once you are refreshed, try doing the rest of the activities in this list.
So climb inside that cozy bathtub and relieve yourself of all tiredness
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 16
16. Eat
As simple as it sounds. Pick up a basic, fresh fruit or dive in for a big treat, and the call is all yours.
Some people might actually see this as a better idea than cooking something, as mentioned previously. Well, binge eating is all fun and games until you see the negative effects of it. So have fun eating, but at the same time, remember to keep your physical health in check.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 17
17. Let your Phone Serve you

I bet this is the most go-to idea for spending sleepless nights without being bored. Many use their phones to watch anime, listen to music, read e-books, play fun games, surf social media, make money, talk to friends, and do endless other stuff. Now it can be productive for some, and the opposite for others, totally depends on how you use your phone, but the fact remains that using phone while on the bed remains the most popular pastime, and it seems like it’ll continue to remain so for a long time, won’t it?
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 18
18.Practice your Skills/ Hobby

We’ve talked about discovering new hobbies within us, but the skills you have been blessed with should never be taken for granted. It can be anything, dancing, creative writing, art and craft, reading or something else.
Practice them regularly, as with growing competition comes growing opportunities. We live in an age where almost every hobby can be turned into a well-paying profession. So make good use of your hobby and the opportunities you have.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 19

This, in most cases, is only possible when like-minded people surround you at night in the place you stay or are quite alone.
Get a friend(s) to meet you, physically or virtually (sitting cozily in your bed), and have a good time. Please talk about your week or your past experiences or any such stuff which keeps y’all entertained.
You can never feel too full off talking to your friend(s), so cruising through the night like a pro shouldn’t be a problem.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 20
20.Complete What it Ought to be

This may sound old school and definitely not a “go-to” thing, but it is still a really good idea.
You are already devoid of sleep, so why not use that time to complete anything that’s pending. It can be a school/ college assignment, can be a painting which you were ought to deliver, a piece of content that you were ought to write, and other such things which you left pending for any reason.
And I’ve personally felt good after doing such a thing, Of course, it might be difficult to start, but there’s an immense amount of satisfaction waiting for you at the other end.
So find a good place, which can be anything from your bed to a bench in the park, search for some good music (if needed), and spend the night well.
Fun Things to do When Bored at Night – 21
21. (Try to) Fall Asleep

As easy as it can be! If you’re having a hard time staying awake, try getting some sleep.
Turn off all the lights and stare at the blank ceiling of your room while laying on the bed, and you might fall asleep even before you know it.
Rejuvenate those worked cells of yours, and get all pumped up for the next time you wake up.
So pull up a cozy bedsheet and (try to) get some sleep. Trust me, it really helps!
Author’s Note
And with that, we come to the end of this list. I’ve personally experienced nights where no matter how I lay on the bed, I can’t sleep, and at those times, many of the ideas given above have helped me, and I hope they help you too.
I usually have such nights once in a week or two, but I know some friends who go through such stuff more often. So this article is for them, and y’all too, who have a hard time getting sleep.
I would highly recommend you to get some sound sleep. Not necessarily the “8-hour-sleep”, but any amount of time that gives you ample rest. Especially teenage kids, whom I have seen staying up all night and binge-watching. You might have heard it from your elders a LOT, but giving absolutely zero rest to your body is indeed extremely harmful in the longer run.
But also, at the same time, if you feel that being a night owl gives you more productivity compared to anything else like the evening time, in terms of ideas, organizing stuff, or any other work, then so be it. Always choose what’s best for you, as per your situation.
Over to you
I hope sailing through the night like a master shouldn’t be a problem, now that I’ve helped you with one great activity to do after the other.
These were just my picks, and I’m pretty sure you have many more ideas on how to spend a sleepless night. So why not comment on them under this post so that our readers have more and more options to chose from.
Also, don’t keep this information to just yourself. Why not do some social work? Please share this article with all your friends so they too can stop the search of finding things to do while bored on the bed or in their room.
Click here to read more.
Also check out, Fun Things to Do on Facetime with Friends
Last Updated on by Sathi