Every one of us enjoys a fair share of superhero movies, cartoons and comics, no matter how young or old we are. We have all wanted to be a superhero at one time and imagined a life where we could save the world with our superhuman powers while wearing a cape that’s as unique as our power. What if I told you that people with superhuman abilities exist not only in movies but also in real life? Below is a list of 5 such human mutants who have abilities that others do not possess.
Eero Mantyranta
This Finnish man is an Olympic Skiing Champion. He and his family suffer from a genetic mutation that gives them a very high endurance! Mantyranta suffers from this condition because of a mutation in the erythropoietin receptor gene, giving 50 per cent more oxygen in his bloodstream. This mutation made Manyranta test positive when he was tested for hormone doping in the 1960s. However, he did not take any external drugs to increase his endurance. This mutation is, in a way, a blessing to him as it really helps him with high endurance sports like skiing.
Ben Underwood
Ben turned blind due to retinal cancer and had his eyes removed at the young age of three. He was then taught the art of echolocation, which he mastered to such a level that he can now rollerblade, skateboard and even play sports like foosball and video games using this rare art form. Echolocation roughly translates to the process of making clicking sounds with your tongue to locate objects around you. Although echolocation has been around for years, Ben has taken it up a notch.
Michel Lotito
Michel’s superpower is that he can eat and digest just about anything and everything. Before you get jealous, I’m not talking about real, human food like pizzas but objects like television sets and even an aeroplane. Yes, Michel has secured a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for eating an entire Aeroplane, which by the way, took him two years. You might wonder how Michel even survived after eating objects that would kill other humans if they consumed them? It turns out that when Michel was in the womb, he developed an extra thick stomach lining which is basically twice as thick as the normal stomach lining, which helps him consume just about any object.
Tim Cridland
Tim is known because he worked for the famous Jim Rose Circus but is way more famous because of his high pain tolerance. This man has basically done everything that a normal human would not be able to. He has swallowed swords, walked in fire and slept on a bed of nails. He has even slept on a bed of nails with a Toyota over him. I know what you’re thinking; ouch! According to scientists, Tim was born with a mutation that prevents him from feeling pain the way normal human beings do. He does not register the pain due to a malfunction in the nerve cells.
Isao Machii
Isao is known as a modern-day samurai. He has performed feats such as slicing a bullet in motion in half. He has super speed while using his katana and has even been filmed by the Mythbusters, who used a slo-mo camera to check whether his stunts are real or not. According to researchers, Isao has a super sensory level, and he does not visually but anticipatorily process it all.
Therefore, human mutants do exist. Superhero or not is up to you to decide.
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Last Updated on by kalidaspandian