Want to Know How Much Is Invisalign Costing?

Aayush Kumar Shrivastava
15 Min Read

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Every person wants to have a beautiful smile as it enhances one’s personality and self-confidence during public interaction. But there are many people around the world who, due to some misalignment of their teeth, hesitate to smile freely in the public domain.

For a very long time, people used traditional braces to fix their tooth’s improper alignment. Traditional braces are one of the cheapest and widely used treatments. Still, there are some of the discomforts and issues associated with them which act as an inspiration to the development of invisible braces.

Teens and adults nowadays want a kind of treatment for their teeth that do not interfere with their regular life and tightly fitted invisible braces, or aligner is one such solution for improving their smile.

People’s curiosity to know ‘how much is Invisalign costing ?’ is increasing day by day and also to use a more comfortable solution for their dental care.

If you are also interested in knowing how feasible and accessible Invisalign treatment is, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss all you need to know about Invisalign.

how much is invisalign costing

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Align Technology, Inc., is the company making Invisalign clear aligners since 1997. More than 9 million peoples have chosen Invisalign clear aligners to improve their smiles.

In Invisalign treatment, the patient is required to wear invisible aligners. As the treatment progresses, these aligners are modified. One of the major advantages of using Invisalign is that it is removable, not possible with traditional braces.

These invisible braces gradually straighten the teeth. Their installation does not require any wires or brackets and also prevents the patient from the restrictions that come with the traditional braces.

Invisalign aligners are made of flexible plastic. The thermoplastic material used for the purpose is SmartTrack®. The aligners have been approved by FDA and contain no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten.

Unlike the traditional braces, it does not involve installing metal brackets or wires, which are very irritating and require an emergency visit to the doctor sometimes.
At the beginning of the treatment, you and your doctor will discuss the results that can be expected at the end.

How Much is Invisalign Costing?

Many people have been interested in finding the exact answer to the question ‘how much is Invisalign costing?’. The answer is, there is not a fixed amount that this treatment costs.

Invisalign claims its treatment cost almost the same as the traditional braces. But from the people’s perspective, it costs more than the normal braces.


The actual amount that a person would have to pay depends on the type of issues in the teeth, and the time it would take to correct the issues. Invisalign treats cases like overbite, underbite, crossbite, gap teeth.

No matter which plans you choose for the treatment, some of the services that will be available in every plan are:

1. You will be having face-to-face meetings with the Invisalign authorized doctor, who will walk you through stages like things you need to know about wearing your aligners and how you can make the most of your treatment.

2. Aligners are fitted and trimmed for each beneficiary on an individual basis. Because of this, the results are more predictable without causing any discomforts.

Modes of Payment for Invisalign Treatment

Since now you can assume how much Invisalign will cost you based on the complexity of misalignment, it is also worth knowing how to pay the treatment amount as per one choice and convenience.
Multiple ways can be used to make the treatment more affordable.

The clients can

  • use the insurance coverage that comes along with the Invisalign treatment
  • use their FSA or HSA for making payment using tax-free dollars
  • or even can divide the payment on monthly plans

Invisalign Treatment Insurance Coverage

Just the way many dental insurances cover braces, they also cover Invisalign treatment. Depending upon the type of insurance, it is possible to pay a certain percentage of the total treatment cost or pay a certain dollar amount.

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Generally, there is a lifetime cap that an insurance company pays for a person’s orthodontic treatments.

So it is very important to consult with your doctor in finding the insurance accepted by them. Even the doctor can also talk to your insurance provider to ensure the coverage.

Payment With Tax-Free Dollars Through an FSA or HSA

One of the major reasons for making payments using FSA or HSA is that they do not charge tax on the money kept in these accounts.

So what is an FSA?

FSA stands for Flexible Saving Account, which can be used for making medical, dental, and orthodontic payments, including the Invisalign aligners.

It is the client’s employer who maintains the FSA. The client is required to deposit money into this account. Generally, a fixed amount is automatically deposited into the account after dedicating that amount to the salary. But FSA services are not offered by all employers.

What is an HSA?

HSA stands for Health Saving Account, a saving account specially designed for people with a highly deductible insurance plan.

The patient must maintain the balance in this account, which can be later used to pay medical, dental, and orthodontic charges like Invisalign aligners.

For opening an HSA account, the person is required to meet some IRS eligibility requirements.

So make sure to discuss with your doctor and your benefits managers the payment procedure. Either you can pay the amount, which your FSA or HSA can later reimburse, or they can take the responsibility to pay your doctor directly.

Monthly Payment for Invisalign Treatment

The monthly payment plan is designed after a discussion between you and your doctor.
Here, the full cost of treatment is divided into many small payments required to be paid along with the treatment.

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Generally, in such cases, the doctor asks for a down payment before starting the Invisalign clear aligner treatment.

For many people, it is difficult to pay thousands of dollars in one installment, and hence small installment makes this treatment more affordable as it can fit in people’s monthly budget.

Steps Involved in Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment involves three basic steps:

1. Meeting The Doctor

You can find the doctors near you on the official website of Invisalign.

There the doctor will scan your teeth using the iTero Element® scanner. This 3D scan is digital as well as fast. The results of this scan will be used to map the customized treatment plan for each individual.

2. Wear The Aligners

Your journey to transform your smile begins when you start wearing custom-made aligners. It will be your doctor’s responsibility to make sure that the aligners fit well on your teeth and solve all your queries.

You will be required to wear them for at least 20 hours a day to get the desired results in a certain amount of time and should be taken out only when necessary, like eating or brushing your teeth.

If you failed to continue wearing the aligners for some days or weeks, then it is recommended to consult with your doctor, who will order a new one for you, but it will add extra expenses to your treatment.

You will have regular check-ups scheduled with your doctor to track your progress and get new aligners every 6 – 8 weeks.

The results are visible in some weeks, but it takes more than 6 months for the entire treatment.

3. Wear The Retainers

Once the treatment is over and you have transformed your smile in the best way possible, it is important to keep them in the same state. To do so, the doctor will prescribe you the Vivera Retainers.

These retainers are custom made and required to be wear while you sleep after the treatment to prevent this shifting back of your teeth.

Features of Invisalign Treatment

1. Comfortable And Predictable

Invisible aligners are comfortable to wear and also eliminates the pain caused due to wired braces. Along with that, they can be taken out easily while playing sports or eating.

Every case is considered different, and customized treatment is for each patient as per need. The results of the treatment are more predictable as the aligners are developed according to the desired results.

They fit tightly around the teeth and let people live their life the way they normally do.

2. Doctor’s Support

The doctor lets you visualize how your teeth may look after treatment using an iTero Element scanner. This instrument helps map the 3D image of your tooth by capturing images at the rate of 6000 images per second.

This process is far more accurate than the physical impression of the tooth. Accordingly, the doctor plans the treatment for transforming your smile to the best possible state.

Meetings with the doctor are scheduled at regular intervals of time to keep track of the progress in the treatment. It let you know ‘how much is Invisalign aligners transforming your teeth?’ and ‘what should be the next step to make it to the desired results.

3. Customized Treatment

The Invisalign authorized doctor uses the outcome simulator to map out the path of achieving the desired smile. Every smile is different. Hence doctors are required to customize the treatment based on the complexity of the case.

The software gives information about the right amount of force that should be applied to the teeth at a certain stage of treatment.

It includes designing a series of aligners that will slowly shift the teeth to their appropriate places by applying a gentle but continuous force determined using the software.

4. SmartForce® Attachments

The pushing of your teeth is taken care of using the SmartForce® Attachment. These attachments are of the same color as your tooth and act as objects to apply the force for making the desired adjustments.

They may be placed either before or during the treatment and are too small that it’s even hard to notice them.

5. Precision Wings

Invisalign can also help in fixing issues like overbites common in tweens and teens. Their mandibular, that is, the lower jaw advancement features like precision wings, help in making this happen. It can fix up to Class II malocclusion in teens and tweens.

Precision wings gradually move the lower jaw forward to improve the bite. Along with that, it also is in improving the appearance of the chin. All of this is done in parallel with the straightening process of your teeth.

Comparison Between Invisalign and Traditional Braces

  • Invisalign aligners are made from safe SmartTrack material. Traditional Braces use brackets and wires.
  • You can have a face-to-face consultation with real doctors in both kinds of treatments.
  • Invisible aligners do not require any emergency visit to the doctor. You might need to visit the doctor immediately in case of broken wires for braces.
  • Aligners are almost invisible. Braces are visible.
  • Aligners are more comfortable to wear as they are trimmed up to the gum line. The wires and brackets do cause some discomfort in braces.
  • Many orthodontic insurance plans cover both treatments.

How Invisible Braces are installed | INVISALIGN Procedure & Precautions

I hope we would have been able to answer your questions like

  • How effective is Invisalign?
  • How much is Invisalign costing?

Invisalign clear aligners are one of the most comfortable solutions for getting a beautiful smile if you can pay few thousand dollars based on the complexity of your case and the number of aligners required.

The aligners fit well and are completely invisible. You can remove them whenever you want yourself for daily works like eating, brushing, flossing, and occasions like interviews, weddings, or parties.

Of course, when it comes to how comfortable is Invisalign to use, it may be possible that you take someday to get comfortable with the aligners in your mouth. It is recommended to prevent smoking and chewing gum with aligners on as they may stain them, and you may be asked to spend more for availing the new ones.

The Invisalign trained doctor can be easily accessed using the online locater available on the Invisalign website.

Last Updated on by NamitaSoren

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