Getting Bored? Here’s How To Eliminate Boredom!

Aamir Azhar
7 Min Read

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People nowadays are so busy or engaged in their hectic schedules that they barely get any free time. But beyond a certain limit, it can be proved false as even the busiest people get bored somehow or the other.

Boredom is a state in which an individual is left without anything to do in particular and isn’t interested in their surroundings. Scholars understood that boredom is not a timeless emotion but specifically a modern phenomenon with cultural dimensions. Boredom is a similar-faced bland twin to the word called INTEREST.

 Some of the things one can do when he or she is bored are as follows:


  • Listen to music: If you are a music lover and are bored, then you must listen to songs; this can lift your spirits, which seem to be tied in the ball chain of boredom. But it would be best if you kept this thing in your mind that sad songs should be avoided.
Young woman lying on the bed and enjoying music.
By Shutterstock
  • Have a gargling contest: Put a glass of water in your mouth and start gargling. If you laugh, then minus the points and award points for loud and amusing gargling noises. This will turn on instant amusement and will drive away your boredom.
  • Start Dubsmashing: If you have a phone and are getting bored, then no need to worry. Just open Dubsmash and start making hilarious dubs. This will surely drive away your boredom within no time.
  • Have a humming competition and hum out your opponent: Start a humming competition with any person. Sit opposite them and start humming. Let’s see who will carry this funny game and for how long. The winner is the one who keeps his or her face straight, and whosoever will be disqualified.
Getting Bored? Here's How To Eliminate Boredom! 2
By metamorworks/ Shutterstock
  • Go on a food exploration: One of the practical ways to put off boredom is to explore food in new restaurants. Go for that meal that you haven’t tasted before and give your tongue a brand new experience.
  • Work out your body to its beauty: When getting bored, the best way to turn your idle time into a productive one is to get up and start working out! It’s the best you can try at home but only if you have enough knowledge about the useful exercises. You can refer to the many youtube workouts available to us.
Woman in gym working out
By ZoranOrcik/ Shutterstock
  • Start experimenting in the kitchen: Whether you are into cooking or not, whether you are a chef or not, it doesn’t matter. If you are bored, then go to the kitchen and start experimenting with the food. Seeing your engagement in the kitchen, your boredom will automatically turn itself off.
  • Call your far away relative or friend: Another way to pass the time away when getting bored is to call your relatives or friends and start talking. This is an effective way to drive away their boredom.
Young people singing and dancing in the bus
By Drazen Zigic/ Shutterstock
  • Start Singing: It doesn’t matter whether or not you are a good singer; when bored, break away with your singing and show the world the power of a hidden singer. Whether people like your singing or not, do it because you are not doing it to please them, but because you are doing it to drive away your boredom.


  • Reorganize your bookshelf: Another way to spend your boring time decently is to rearrange your bookshelf. In that way, the bookshelf will be clean and the time would tick away soon! Win-win situation, no?
  • Engage in sports: Whenever you feel down and bored, one of the energetic power-packed ways to show your boredom its exit gate is to pick up any sports equipment and start practicing it.
  • Start Painting: Try your hand at painting and show off your hidden artistic skills. Painting is a good time consumer and will also leave you with your own piece of art!

Man painting
By ZoranOrcik/ Shutterstock
  • Read your heart out: Whenever you’re sitting idle, make sure that you walk right to your bookshelf, pick up a good comic or novel or whatever you like, and start reading. Not only would it kill your boredom, but it would also make you learn about ample things.
  • Become a learner: Engage yourself in new activities. Try to learn a new language, or play a new game, or try your hand at any new skill that you’re already not aware of. After all, you can never learn anything completely.
Woman playing guitar
By the goatman/ Shutterstock
  • Try blogging: Create your own blog and start typing your heart out. Pen down anything that you like. Be it your own thoughts, a daily online diary, poetry, stories, anything that you like!
  • Start cycling around: Pick up your bicycle and get out of your house. Start cycling around your locality, and if you’ve seen it all, then cycle around the town, but don’t forget your safety gears!
  • Go on a long drive: Long drives, good music, and open spaces to drive around equate to spending your time perfectly! It will cheer you up instantly and literally ‘drive’ you away from your boredom.
Long drive
By eldar nurkovic/ Shutterstock
  • Become nostalgic: Pick up your old and dusty albums and relive those memories. It’d bring back lots of precious moments that have been alive in those albums for years and years. And as soon as you get done with looking through all the albums, you’ll be surprised that the time flew away so quickly!

So, these are certain measures or activities which you can undertake or opt for whenever you are experiencing boredom.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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