The world is ever-changing, not just in cultural aspects but in the natural systems also. Several activities are constantly transforming nature, some natural, others caused by humans. Some specific changes are especially harmful in terms of their effect on the living components of the earth. In the 21st century, it is no surprise that human activities have driven many wild species of animals in the world toward extinction. The result of harmful, greedy, and selfish acts of human beings comes into effect in the form of natural habitat loss, the decline in natural resources, etc. It is important to know what is the rarest animal in the world.
Many species of animals are increasingly becoming critically endangered, an IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) status. And it is undoubtedly the direct result of several human activities. Now it has become necessary to recognize these endangered, rare, endemic, and vulnerable species if we do not want them to go extinct shortly. What is considered a rare animal? And how many are there in the world that is considered rare? Scroll below to find out and get informed on what is the rarest animal or animals and how we could conserve them.
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1. What Is the Rarest Animal in the World?
When it is said that an animal species is rare, it means that either it is found only in one single place (geographically limited) in the whole world or that its number has fallen down to extremely low numbers. And sometimes due to both reasons at the same time. The last reason is the cause behind the current rarest animal in the world.
Currently, the answer to ‘What is the rarest animal in the world?’ is Vaquita (Phocoena sinus), considered a critically endangered species by IUCN. It is the rarest animal species, with only 18 numbers of these mammals left in the entire world.
1.1. A Closer Look At Vaquitas
Vaquitas (Spanish for ‘Little Cow’) is a species of Porpoise (the smallest of them), meaning they are a type of Cetaceans. These Cetacean species are fully aquatic marine mammals, including whales, dolphins, and Vaquitas. The other two cetaceans (dolphins and whales) are much more popular than Vaquitas. These cetaceans are similar in appearance but have enough differences not to cause big confusion.
Porpoises have large gray fins and a dark ring around the eyes and are usually smaller than Dolphins or whales, reaching heights of only about 5-7 feet. Similar to dolphins and whales, Vaquitas also breathe above water. Vaquitas are easy to recognize and tend to swim away quickly when approached.
1.2. What Is The Rarest Animal In The World And Why?
There is more than one reason these cetaceans are rare and critically endangered. First, these are endemic species, which means they can only be found in one specific area on earth. In this case, Vaquitas can only be found at the extreme northwestern corner of Mexico’s ‘gulf of California. No other part of Earth has these animals.
The second reason is its declining number; back in 1997, the total number of Vaquitas left in the whole world was 567, however, as of 2022, there are only 18 of these aquatic mammals left in the world. And looking at the current situation, it is likely to go extinct by the next decade.
Vaquitas were first discovered in 1958 in the Gulf of California. Even around that time, the population of the species was pretty low. Unfortunately, ever since its discovery, the number has been increasingly declining.
1.3. Why Are Vaquitas Declining?
It is a piece of alarming news that only 18 of these species are left in the whole world. These are critically endangered and rare on top of that. The odds of their survival beyond the next ten years are very unlikely. The reasons are multiple and most human activities.
The most popular and potential cause is the practice of illegal fishing operations around the gulf of Mexico. Fishing requires the use of nets, which are one of the major causes of the reduction in ocean life.
Due to their small size, the Vaquitas easily get tangled in the fishing nets. In Vaquitas’s case, gillnets (fishing nets that help catch fish by their gills) are a big nuisance. Once they get caught in the net, there is a low chance of escaping. Therefore Vaquitas have no other option but to give in and drown. Another obvious reason is ‘Climate change, which is the primary cause of many animal species becoming endangered or on the verge of being extinct soon.
Another, a more natural reason that plays a part in Vaquitas being rare and few, is due to its breeding nature; these aquatic mammals give birth only once every two years. And since not even one Vaquita is in captivity, there is no use of conserving techniques such as breeding programs to help increase the population.
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2. What Is The Rarest Animal In the world: Some More
Besides the rarest of the animal species (Vaquitas), there are other important and just as rare animal species in the world. Scroll down to find more of these rare animals. What is the rarest animal in the world, and what makes them rare? These two points are covered in the following section.
2.1. Kakapo
The Kakapo (Strigops habroptila) is a species of Parrot native to New Zealand. It is also known as the ‘Owl Parrot’ since it is nocturnal, like owls, and is also flightless. These birds have a long lifespan, around 60 years; some even live up to 100 years. Currently, Kakapos are considered the rarest birds on earth.
i. Why Are Kakapos Rare?
These birds were living normally until human colonization of New Zealand’s island nation. With humans came the cats, which act as a predator of kakapos. Cats and rats have brought the population down to a level where the bird has become critically endangered.
Currently, only 116 mature adult Kakapos are alive and distributed among three small islands of New Zealand. These islands are heavily protected; therefore, these remaining adults are safe. Luckily through the efforts of government-sponsored conservationists who constantly monitor this species, the population has witnessed steady growth. Kakapos are a possible answer to ‘What is the rarest animal in the world?’
2.2. Philippine Crocodile
The crocodile species is currently critically endangered. Another name for the Philippine crocodile is ‘The Mindoro crocodile.’ It is endemic to the Philippines and is one of the two species of crocodiles found in the country. The other one is the large ‘saltwater crocodile’ which is far fiercer.
When it comes to the physical aspects of the Philippines crocodile, it is much smaller in stature than the other crocodile species. The longest one recorded was 9 feet long. These crocs prefer freshwater habitats such as rivers, ponds, marshes, etc. They prey on smaller animals such as fish, pigs, dogs, etc.
i. Why Are The Philippine Crocodiles Rare?
Since 2008 when it was declared critically endangered, its growth has not seen a positive result. Many reasons are contributing to the decline of this endemic species. Currently, there are only 92-137 numbers of mature adult Philippine crocodiles in the whole world. And the number is still declining. The reason behind this is, not surprisingly, human activities.
The species is endemic to start with, which means the species is already vulnerable. Human exploitation of these species by hunting them for their skin turned them into critically endangered species. This was before people were aware of exploitation and its declining number. Right now, besides climate change, the major threat for these animals is the ‘clearing of rainforests’ where these crocs thrive. This species is one of the cold-blooded animals on the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’
Another reason adding to the decline is humans’ killing of these crocs. A fiercer relative, ‘Large saltwater crocodile’, can kill and prey on humans; this has also led to people killing the Philippine crocodiles as a precaution. This results in a further decline of the few numbers that are left.
2.3. Addax (Antelope)
Addax is an antelope species indigenous to the Sahara desert. Once upon a time, these animals used to be all across the deserts of North Africa; however, due to human activities, these have become incredibly rare. Addaxes are considered the ‘loneliest mammal’ in the world due to their incredibly low population. Not only the loneliest but the Addax also come under the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’
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i. Why Is Addax Rare?
The decline of the Addax ((Addax nasomaculatus) population started due to its ‘unregulated hunting’ by people. This reduced the number severely, and after regulations were established, human activities like oil drills on the Addax habitat led to further decline. Plus, there is also frequent poaching of these animals. Right now, only about 20-30 adult Addax are left in the wild. Although around 1000s are in captivity and kept under protection, the number is still extremely low.
2.4. Saola
Saola’s are a rare species of mammal native to Vietnam. It is an endemic species, meaning it is only found in Vietnam and Laos. Saolas are nicknamed ‘Asian unicorns’ due to their secretive nature and extremely low sightings. Saolas appear much like Antelopes, with two parallel horns and bodies shaped like antelopes. But they are more closely related to Cattles.
Due to several reasons, the saolas are difficult to study and were only discovered in 1992. Although exact numbers of these animals are not recorded, it is estimated the population is extremely low.
They live in the wild and are hunted for their meat which further declines their number. The wild population is estimated to be around 20-30 adults only. And since no Saola is in captivity, there are no protections for the population of these animals. There is a high chance of these animals getting extinct shortly. This comes under the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’
2.4. Sumatran Rhinos
Rhinos are an obvious member of the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’
These rhino species are one of the most critically endangered animals in the world. Sumatran rhinos (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) a species of rhinos, are currently only found in the wild in Indonesia (as the name suggests). Sumatran rhinos are the smallest rhinos in the world.
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i. What Makes Them Rare?
This species of rhinos have become extremely low in numbers, with only around 30 mature adults remaining population. The main cause of this decline has been poaching and habitat loss due to various human activities. And in the wild, conservation efforts are futile since the population declines are so fragmented, so there is no way to join these to form a healthy group.
Efforts are being put in to conserve these critically endangered animals. ‘Sumatran Rhino Rescue program is working to take the remaining numbers of the rhino and transfer them to a sanctuary for protection against poaching and for breeding programs.
2.5. Javan Rhino
Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus), is one of the two species of Rhinos found only in Indonesia currently. These Rhinos are considered critically endangered and with only around 100 of these remaining in the wild. Originally before it was heavily exploited, these Rhinos used to roam all around northeast India and Southeast Asia. Now the population only survives in Java, Indonesia.
i. Why Is Javan Rhino Rare?
There are several reasons; firstly, the poaching of these rhinos for their horn and traditional medicine purpose started the dwindling of its number. Another major cause is the planting of a ‘Langkap’, which is the traditional name for Palm (Arenga obtusifolia), for palm oil plantations. This is a highly invasive species and can invade many of the protected areas in Indonesia. Due to its invasiveness, the plants that the Javan Rhinos feed on are being destroyed, which is harming the Rhino population. Another Rhino is on the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’.
Efforts, such as breeding programs, have been made to help and protect these rhinos. The results are disappointing as far as it is seen; breeding in captivity resulted in only 2 female rhinos reproducing. Therefore the Javan Rhinos are considered a critically endangered species.
2.6. Greater Bamboo Lemur
One of the most endangered animals, the Greater Bamboo Lemur (Prolemur simus) is the largest of the bamboo lemurs in Madagascar, Africa. These lemurs can be easily identified due to their white ear tufts. As the name suggests, these lemurs only feed on bamboo and nothing else. These primates, similar to pandas in terms of diet (exclusively bamboo) are vulnerable to the degradation of their environment. The Great Bamboo Lemurs are cute to look at and are one of the cutest in the list of ‘What is the rarest animal in the world?’
Due to their vulnerability and rarity, these lemurs were considered extinct for a while. But in 1980, 500 numbers of these lemurs were re-discovered. Those are the last ones remaining currently.
2.7. Red Wolf
The red wolf (canis rufus), is a native of the southeastern United States. The IUCN status is critically endangered for red wolves. But sometimes, due to the debate about whether the red wolf is a unique species or a subspecies of the Gray wolf, they are not included in the endangered list. The size of these animals is a hybrid of Gray wolf and coyote, meaning their size lies between the two. Red wolves are known for their shy nature and the ‘mate for life’ concept. These wolves have only one partner with which they bride throughout their lives. The only wolf species on the list of ‘What is the rarest animal in the world?’
After its population started dwindling in the wild, an ambitious conservation project re-introduced these animals back in the wild in eastern North Carolina in 1987. This is the only place the red wolf is found in the wild. And only 40 individuals are in total. Therefore species is still considered critically endangered. Conservation efforts are ongoing to prevent the species from going extinct.
2.8. Amur leopard
Amur leopards (Panthera pardus Orientalis), are considered the rarest big cat in the world. And out of all leopard species, these are the most endangered, and its IUCN status is, therefore, Critically Endangered. As the name suggests, these leopard species dwell in the Amur region shared by Russia and China. Of the total population, a large portion of the population lives in Russia, and a small portion lives in China. This is an answer to ‘What is the rarest animal in the world?’
Amur leopards are solitary animals, much like other big cats. They are known for their beautiful orangish yellow coat with long hair.
i. Why Are Amur Leopards Rare?
These leopards are hunted mercilessly for their beautiful coat, and adding to that, habitat destruction due to unsustainable logging; forest fires, etc are the main cause behind their low number. In 2007, it was reported that only around 18-19 individuals were left in the wild. Fortunately, in recent years, the population has been steadily increasing. It shows hope for the endangered Amur leopard. This is a rare and precious member of the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’
3. What Is The Rarest Animal In The World? More of These
The following animals are not an exact answer to ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’; however, they are rare nonetheless.
3.1 Cross-River Gorillas
The Cross River Gorilla is one of the answers to ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’ they are a subspecies of the Western lowland gorillas and are, therefore, one of the most endangered subspecies according to WWF (World Wide Fund for nature). Estimation gives that only 300 of these gorillas are left in the wild. They are rare and found in the mountains of Nigeria and Cameroon.
These gorillas already have a low population which is worsened by the fact that these gorillas tend to live in scatters and small groups. This leads to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity, which means weaker gene pools and lower mortality rates.
3.2. South China Tiger
All tiger subspecies in the world are endangered; the rarest is the South China tiger. Due to the heavy poaching of these tigers for their skin and traditional medicine and habitat loss, these tigers have not been able to survive in the wild. Currently, these tigers are given the status of ‘extinct in the wild’ by IUCN. Very few numbers are in captivity.
3.3. Tapanuli Orangutan
Another answer to the question of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world, these reddish Orangutans are the rarest and most endangered of all the orangutan species. It is found only on the Sumatran island in Indonesia. Currently, there are only 800 of these orangutans left in the world. The dwindling population is due to hunting, illegal wildlife trade, human-wildlife conflict, and habitat loss due to mining, agriculture, etc.
3.4. Black-footed Ferret
These ferrets are native to central North America and are also called American polecats or prairie dog hunters. This Ferret species make up the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’
In terms of appearance, it is similar to its European and Asian counterparts. Black-footed ferrets are rare and endangered; they were once considered extinct. But after its re-discovery in 1981 in Wyoming, huge efforts were made to conserve these ferrets.
Conservation efforts such as captive breeding, cloning, habitat protection, etc., have managed to restore the population to 300 individuals in the wild. But, these ferrets are still hugely threatened by habitat loss and disease. Conservation experts say that to restore these animals in the wild fully, at least 3000 individuals should be in the wild.
3.5. Hainan Gibbon
Hainan Gibbon (Nomascus Hainanus) is a species of Gibbon; it is considered the world’s rarest ape and one of the rarest mammals. This species is found only in Hainan, China. According to IUCN, this Gibbon species is critically endangered. There are only 30 individuals of these Gibbons left in the world. Conservation of these flagship species is being done by joint efforts of IUCN and Tech4Nature (a global partnership that uses digital solutions for conservation purposes).
3.6. Ploughshare Tortoise
Ploughshare tortoise or Angonoka tortoise is an endemic tortoise species found only in Madagascar. These tortoises are rare and the most endangered of all tortoise species on earth. Its diet consists of grasses, succulent plants (mainly Opuntia cactus), and fruits. This is another important species to be included in the list of the rarest animal in the world.
Pouching for the illegal pet trade is a major threat to this tortoise species. It is the most sought-after tortoise species. Conservations efforts are constantly working for its protection, and as of recent, there are 400 individuals of these tortoises in the world.
3.7. Cuban Greater Funnel-Eared Bats
Yes, these bats also come under the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?’ These bats (Natalus primus) are found only in Cuba in a cave called ‘Cueva de la Barca.’ These bats have large ears and tails (as long as the whole body). These bats are so rare that until 1992, they were supposed to be extinct, but a group was found to live in a cave in Cuba. Currently, there are only 100 mature adults in existence. The funnel-eared bat is the only bat species in the list of ‘what is the rarest animal in the world?
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3. Measures To Protect Rare Animals
These rare animals are in extreme danger of being wiped away from the face of the earth. Therefore wildlife conservation is a must and necessary step towards protecting and helping these animals listed under ‘What is the rarest animal in the world?’
Conservation efforts such as captive breeding programs, protected areas, creation of spaces such as national parks, wildlife reserves, etc., are important and effective measures against the extinction of rare animals. Additionally, educating the masses about the issues (What is the rarest animal in the world), about living sustainably and eco-friendly, and making everyone environmentally aware will go a long way against bio-diversity degradation.
Also read: Dos and Donts in Cuba.
Last Updated on by ritukhare