Humor is an easy way to relieve stress and make life easier and worthy. People tend to make jokes about their poor situation, which helps in keeping their minds diverted in such cases. Laughing and enjoying every phase of life keeps you healthy and motivated.
So Really… Who Has a Better Sense of Humor?
Generally, women have many ways to release their stress they can cry, shout, ask someone for help, etc., but you don’t find men resolving in such ways. So what men have in their hands is to take up the situation very lightly by making jokes at them and keeping themselves happier. So, men generally tend to have a better sense of humor than women.
According to research conducted by various psychologists to understand the general behavior of both sexes, it has been discovered that though men have a better sense of humor, women take up jokes more happily than men. Women react more to jokes, making them better receptors for humorous situations.
Women are generally attracted to men with a better sense of humor than others and can make them laugh twice as she does being alone. Humor is also considered a sign of intellect and strong genes. Women are more attracted to funny men due to the burdens related to pregnancy and because of the genetic benefits of their potential baby.
On the other side, men expect their female counterpart to be such that she takes up their jokes gladly and laugh out loud at them.
Men are more attracted towards women when they laugh as it shows they are cheerful, understanding, positive, and they can have a better connection with them. So, the sense of humor is an important factor behind the mind set and attraction between the two sexes.
When you go to a circus, you find that clowns are virtually all men. The reason for this is quite simple. Men carry a better sense of humor, and males and females both laugh more at men than women. So, the male crowns can better entertain the audience than any female crown.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian
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