Have you ever had your dream come true? Like, one day you see something happen in a dream. A few days later, you see the same thing happen in reality. Sounds creepy, doesn’t it?
These are known as Prophetic dreams. Sceptics say it’s a mere coincidence. But is it a coincidence? Is it God communicating through a holy spirit? There’s no way for us to find out.
We see dreams for some reason. Sometimes, dreams in the dream world are what we wish would happen in real life. Sometimes, our subconscious mind helps us see reality through dreams.
Some claim that our subconscious is responsible for these prophetic dreams. What the conscious mind cannot realize, the subconscious mind does. It figures things out before it hits our mind and shows it to us through dreams. Later, it comes true.
What Are Prophetic Dreams?
We usually forget our dreams, especially such dreams. Prophetic dreams Today have led to another theory which claims that We choose to alter our dreams according to reality and then claim to have seen a prophetic dream.
Again, people do not do this on purpose. The subconscious mind is responsible. The religious ones believe that God speaks to them through their dreams.
We cannot tell if a dream is prophetic or not till it comes true since your brain is turned off during sleep stages, you can’t really figure out when you dream dreams as such. It is almost impossible to figure out the mechanism behind this.
We cannot deny the existence of Prophetic dreams or prophetic power.
- President Abraham Lincoln predicted his death
- John Dunne dreamed about a volcano eruption
- Mark Twain dreamed about his own brother’s death
Most discoveries are made with the help of these Prophetic dreams. People dream about songs and books they are going to write, buildings they are going to construct, and lotteries they are going to win.
Prophetic dreams can be of the following types:
Apparitions- In these dreams, the dead appear to deliver prophetic messages, more like directional dreams.
Clairvoyant dreams- These are dreams where one sees something that is already happening somewhere in reality.
Shared dreams- A dream that two or more people see at the same time.
Emphatic dreams- Events occur that move you in a dream and give rise to sympathetic feelings.
Warning dreams- These dreams let you know of things that are going to happen in the future which would affect you negatively.
Telepathic dreams- One can connect to someone else’s thoughts through the dream.
Prophetic Dreams in The Bible
Many times in the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament), people of all kinds—including prophets (Daniel 7:1), wicked monarchs (Daniel 2), and regular men—experience prophetic dreams (Genesis 31:24).
Sometimes, like with Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2, the dreams needed to be interpreted. Other times, as in the case of Abimelech and Abraham’s wife (Genesis 20:1-6), no interpretation was required because God spoke directly to the dreamer.
The following could be a definition of a prophetic dream: a paranormal night vision containing foresight. Daniel took care to acknowledge God, who alone bestows the understanding necessary to decipher such dreams (Daniel 2:20–23).
It is impossible to state categorically whether or not God still grants individuals prophetic dreams in modern times. Many people have reported having prophetic dreams, especially places where the Bible and the gospel are not widely available.
Sometimes, God may use dreams to direct people to locations where they can hear the message and receive salvation. Christians across the globe report experiencing a wide range of spiritual as well as prophetic dreams. But none of these can be confirmed to the point where we can state with certainty that God still inspires people with prophetic dreams today.
Is it this dream from God? should be your first query if you believe you have had such a prophetic dream or even have heard a first-person account from someone else who has.
It is recommended to dismiss the dream—even if it comes true—if anything seems to contradict God’s teachings or His nature when comparing the dream’s content and message to the Scriptures.
Never will God disobey what He has said. Our reference point for reality and God’s revelation is the Bible. When analyzing a dream, we can always pray to God for wisdom (James 1:5).
1. Can One Dream About a Future Event?
We refer to these as precognitive dreams. If a dream is precognitive, you can never be certain of it until after the event. A lot of individuals have precognitive dreams.
These dreams are associated with synchronicity, as defined by C. G. Jung. By definition, synchronicity is the meaningful combination of two unconnected occurrences.
Precognitive dreams, involving synchronicity, have happened to me.
Understanding that at some levels of consciousness both our own minds and matter may operate as the other is another approach to comprehending synchronicity.
In actuality, synchronicity serves as the bridge between matter and thought, which are two sides of the same coin.
Pauli, a physicist who won the Nobel Prize, and Jung investigated the phenomenon known as synchronicity.
2. What Results in Prophetic or Precognitive Dreams?
Considering Einstein’s theory of relativity and his conclusion that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously in a four-dimensional framework termed space-time (humans typically think in three dimensions and are unable to see in four dimensions).
All events, past, present, and future, occur inside this space-time continuum, but humans only see the present since for them, the past is already past and the future has not yet arrived.
Science has not yet been able to explain how or why some individuals are able to “tune in” to past or future occurrences, but I do think that some people are able to do so.
Throughout human history, people have always had visions/dreams of future events or had that “deja vu” feeling.
On the other hand, some believe they have lived before and are able to recount their “previous lives” in remarkable detail.
3. How Can You Tell a Regular Dream from A Prophetic One?
Predictive dreams, according to C.G. Jung, may be identified by the powerful emotional responses they elicit in us. Predictive dreams were remembered for a very long period, but ordinary dreams are occasionally even bothersome and are quickly forgotten.
Because they spoke of “little dreams” and “great dreams,” the ancient people were aware of this distinction. The grand goal causes a profound and enduring psychological impact.
Typically, it takes time after the fact to determine whether a dream was prophetic. There are a select few people who are more intuitive and appear to have a talent for foreseeing future events in both their own lives and those of others.
Unless it is in the best interests of other people to know, these people often keep their information to themselves. Others make prophetic claims as well. If one actually possesses the talent of knowing, one usually want to remain unnoticed. Be wary of lying prophets who claim they have prophetic powers since not everyone has prophetic dreams. Those who make a lot of noise about becoming prophets claim the lord appeared during deep sleep in real life, they may claim that God spoke to them, and that have prophetic powers to tell one what their ancestors forgot.
-Edited by Steffy Michael|4/7/22
Last Updated on by Steffy Michael