Before estimating Why does Easter change every year, but Christmas doesn’t? Let’s first understand what are easter and Christmas and their significance.
1. What Is Easter?
Easter is a significant holiday for Christians. Due to its primary relationship with the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. According to the Bible, after Jesus died on the cross. Though he overcame his death by resurrection. Following three days which has also been witnessed by his worshippers or disciples (early Christians).
Essentially easter day is also known as “Resurrection Sunday”. During Easter Christians are expected to provide services to churches. These services vary in their customs and beliefs. They practice Easter Vigil, the night before easter. People also gather on Easter morning to hold Sunrise Services.
Some of the easter foods are easter, chocolate eggs, and British hot cross buns. Easter Symbols are quite popular among children. It is said that an Easter bunny fills children’s baskets with easter eggs, chocolates and gifts.
What Is Easter? Why Christians Celebrate the Holiday (
2. What Is Christmas?
On the other hand, Christmas is based on the solar calendar. It is primarily associated with the birth of Jesus Christ. In essence, this day is celebrated annually on December 25th. Particularly by a gathering of family and friends. Notably by giving gifts, singing carols, and preparing pleasant-tasting food, especially roasted potatoes, Christmas pudding, and cookies. Furthermore, children expect the visit of Santa Claus. They wish to receive blessings in the form of gifts.
Easter and Christmas are equally important days in the life of Christians. Unlike Christmas, which is celebrated momentarily due to Jesus’ birth, Easter is celebrated as a religious faith. Christians rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus.
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3. How Is The date for Easter Decided?
The following steps are taken to decide on a date for easter:
Step 1: The Spring equinox plays a relevant role in determining the exact date of easter. Easter may or may not fall on the same date as of the astronomical event. But it does fall in spring. Thus, the first step relates to determining the dates of the Spring Equinox.
Step 2: As the lunar calendar (Jewish calendar) follows the phases and lunar cycles of the moon. The full moon falls presumably every month. Given the case, the first full moon after the Spring equinox is the fixed date. It is used to determine the date of easter.
Step 3: Easter is celebrated on Sunday. So, to establish a date for Easter, the first Sunday after the first full moon is used. If the first full moon falls on Sunday, the following Sunday is established as Easter Sunday. Consequently, this happened in 1981, when the full moon was observed on April 19th, 1981 (Sunday). Henceforth shifting easter dates to the upcoming Sunday of April 26th, 1981.
Let’s discuss these events and terms in detail.
3.1 Jewish Calendar
The Jewish calendar is used primarily to determine the date of easter along with other Jewish holidays. It is commonly referred to as the Lunar calendar. This calendar is based on lunar cycles and the phases of the moon. The Lunar calendar consists of twelve (12) months, which differ in dates such as twenty-nine or thirty.
The calendar also has a leap year of thirteen months. The additional month is known as “Adar II”. Coupled with the addition of Adar II, the Jewish calendar can keep up with the Solar Cander. This ensures that each holiday though differing in dates may fall on the rarest date of the same season.
The calendar is also used to determine the dates of other festivals such as Jewish Passover, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Purim, and the weekly cycle of Torah Readings.
3.2 Spring Equinox
The Vernal Equinox also called as Spring Equinox is used to determine the date Easter is to be celebrated. The Spring Equinox is an astronomical event occurring twice a year, once in Northern Hemisphere during spring and another in Southern Hemisphere during fall.
The word “equinox” is derived from Latin meaning the equality of night and day. As suggested by its meaning, during the spring equinox day and night become almost equal in length explicitly where it is observed.
3.3 Easter Sunday; Why Is Easter Always on A Sunday?
According to the lunar calendar, the very first Sunday after the first full moon followed by the vernal equinox is determined as Easter Sunday or Easter day. It is believed that Jesus rose from his death on Sunday after he was buried in a tomb. Hence, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon.
4. Other holidays That Shift With Easter
Easter is the first Christian holiday to be estimated by the Lunar calendar. Other holidays in the Christian calendar which are related to Easter also change their dates following Easter. They are as follows:
- Ash Wednesday: It is celebrated forty-six days before Easter Sunday. Essentially marking the beginning of “Lent“. Ash Wednesday is a forty-day or six-week-long period of repentance practised by fasting and abstinence.
- Palm Sunday: Easter is celebrated the next Sunday after Palm Sunday. Thereby, having a seven-day or a week gap in between.
- The Maundy Thursday: Also known as Maundy Thursday, Great Thursday, or Covenant Thursday. The Maundy Thursday is celebrated three days before Easter.
- Good Friday: It is celebrated two days before Easter on Friday. In other words, its dates also change depending on Easter.
- Black Saturday: This is the Saturday before Easter also known as Great and Holy Saturday or Black Saturday. Subsequently, it falls in between Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
- Easter Monday: Easter Monday falls after one day of Easter and is a part of the Easter holidays. Commonly referred to as Renewal Monday or Bright Monday. It is celebrated by hunting easter eggs or other outdoor activities, family gatherings, and providing donations to the needy.
- Accession Day: Particularly celebrated by Anglican Church and Eastern Orthodox church. Accession day takes place after forty days of easter.
- Pentecost: Essentially celebrated after fifty days of Easter celebrations on the Seventh Sunday. Due to this reason, it is also known as Whit Sunday.
5. Christmas is Always on The Same Day, but Easter Changes each year
Christmas date depends upon the Gregorian calendar (Solar Calendar). The calendar is named after Pope Gregory xiii who introduced this Calendar, an improvement of the Julian calendar, one of the early calendars. The fixed date of Christmas helps in planning the celebration in a better way.
It is always celebrated on December 25th. This date is chosen by the Christian church to coincide with the traditional date for the birth of Jesus Christ and the winter solstice. Though there are attempts from orthodox Christians to shift the date to January 6th or somewhere close to it.
Some key points about the Gregorian Calendar:
- It is based on the Earth’s revolution around the sun and therefore consists of 365 days and 366 days in a leap year.
- It is synchronized with the solar year and is popularly used to determine the dates of festivals and holy dates due to its consistency.
- It is used by various religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
6. Why does Easter change every year, but Christmas Doesn’t? | Christianity FAQ
Let’s test your understanding of this article through the following FAQ. The following questions are set to boost your understanding while also testing your uptake.
Question 1: Which day Is Celebrated in the Rejoicing of the Resurrection of Jesus?
Answer: Easter is celebrated as the rejoicing of the resurrection of Jesus who rose after his death on the cross. This event has established the unbroken trust and faith of his worshippers in Christianity. Therefore, Easter is popularly celebrated by Christians.
Question 2: Why does Easter change every year, but Christmas Doesn’t?
Answer: Christmas does not change dates due to relation to the Solar calendar. On the other hand, Easter depends upon the lunar calendar. Easter changes dates based on different dates and the phases of the moon. Therefore, these Christian celebrations depend upon different calendars and have different dates in comparison.
Question 3: Who Was Jesus Christ and Where Was He Born?
Answer: Jesus Christ according to the beliefs of the Catholic church is the “son of God and Saviour of the world”. He was born during the fourth century in the house of Jewish people. Angel Gabriel conveyed this message to Mary (Jesus’s mother). He told her that she was going to conceive a child of divine origin (holy spirit). Later when Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, Jesus was born in a stable.
Question 4: What is the Importance of the First Sunday?
Answer: The first Sunday is regarded as the day when Jesus conquered death. This has established the faith of people in Christianity. As a result of which some believe that there is an eternal life for his believers. To honor these Christian celebrations are held. They are conducted in the form of Easter on different dates depending upon the lunar calendar.
Question 5: Compare and Contrast the Jewish and Gregorian Calendars
Answer: The Jewish Calendar is also referred to as the Lunar calendar. It depends upon the lunar cycle. The lunar calendar is used to determine dates for festivals and holy days like Easter, Accession Day, Maundy Thursday, etc. These festival dates vary annually.
While the Gregorian calendar is referred to as Solar Calendar. It depends upon Earth’s revolution around the sun. The festivals which follow the Gregorian calendar have a fixed date of celebration. Some festivals decided by this calendar are New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day and Christmas.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian