Why WalletMonitor is the Best Choice for Dropshippers

Icy Tales Team
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Dropshipping has become really popular in the past few years – and it’s no secret that you may be looking to leverage the phenomenon to grow your business. The high demand for online shopping has made many entrepreneurs focus their attention on dropshipping to earn a quick profit. As a result, many people are looking for dropshipping tools to make their operations run efficiently.

Are you still wasting hours just to research products? Do you stay up nights adding each item painstakingly to your store one by one?

We must say that it is a complete waste of time! You need something professional and reliable to help you out and make your task easier. And that’s where WalletMonitor comes in! 

WalletMonitor (WM) is the best dropshipping tool to automate tedious tasks and run a dropshipping business successfully.

But what makes WalletMonitor so special? Let’s find out!

Take Advantage of A Wide Range of Suppliers – Including eBay and Shopify!

Yes, you can easily start selling on eBay and Shopify with us, without having to worry about any unauthorized use. We are one of the very few dropshipping programs who are certified for eBay and Shopify – there aren’t many out there!

WM is certified by eBay, and meets all the requirements of the ecommerce marketplace. Only a few monitors have the certification, which provides for a seamless integration. So, any products that you list with us meet the stringent eBay rules. You don’t have to worry about your store closing down because of not meeting eBay requirements. Instead, you are sure to see an increase in traffic to your products, leading to increase in view, and in turn, sales.

You don’t need to restrict yourself to just one supplier while sourcing your products. You need to find trustworthy suppliers from different platforms who can supply you with high-margin products to sell.  

WalletMonitor enables you to source products from all major ecommerce platforms like AliExpress, eBay, Walmart, Shopify and more. You get endless options to discover the right products for your store and sell them for a profit.

WalletMonitor automatically scans your suppliers and provides a list of items you can sell in a matter of minutes.

Add Products from Supplier Sites with A Single Click

All it takes to add new products directly from supplier sites is one click! You can list items with all variations directly from supplier site. WM is the only monitor to do it like this – all other monitors prefer to add products from Excel.

We know that adding products to your store is another tiresome part of dropshipping. You have to add each product with their description, images, prices and more. Does it make sense to spend all that time on adding products when you need to focus on marketing and growing your business?

WalletMonitor helps you add products to your chosen stores in a single click! You don’t have to copy descriptions or add images manually- everything is done automatically by WalletMonitor.

If a product has size or color variations, they are also added at the same time! You can also edit any aspect of a product easily with one click.

The software also adjusts the prices based on your set rules so that you don’t need to change them on each occasion. You can also manage unlimited stores through a single account on eBay and Shopify.

Monitor and Track Inventory

WalletMonitor is always by your side, scanning for new products every few hours. Based on your plan, you can get automated monitoring for 1,000 to 3,200 items along with 50 to 250  orders on platforms like AliExpress and Amazon. Doesn’t it sound cool?

The software also lets you keep track of your inventory so that every order is fulfilled successfully. A customer will not be able to place an order for an item if there are less than 14 in stock, saving you negative remarks and embarrassment. When the stock returns to a number above 14, WM will automatically list the item for selling again.

When a vendor changes his pricing, WalletMonitor also re-prices the items automatically.

Competition Scanner

WalletMonitor is going to add a competition scanner soon to help you gauge where you stand in the competition. It analyzes the active competition in the market and focuses on current pricing trends so that you don’t sell any product for loss.  It’s one feature that is coming soon, and one we are waiting for!

Order Tracking and Customer Notifications

Order management is a crucial part of any ecommerce business. Unless you have a reliable tool to manage your orders, your business is left open to vulnerabilities.

Dropshipping involves buying products from one platform and selling on another, so you don’t get the products in your hand. So having an order confirmation is necessary to avoid scams or frauds.

WalletMonitor will automatically update the tracking numbers of all orders once they are placed. The solution also sends an automatic email confirmation to your customer when they place an order. You don’t need to worry about notifying your customers manually.

It’s all Automatic

You don’t have to worry about missing out on order deliveries. With us, you can expect automatic fulfillment, and delivery of fast orders. With improved customer satisfaction, it does get a tad bit easier to make more sales.

Videos for Every Feature

Wondering what a particular feature can help you with? If you are new to dropshipping, the many terms can seem confusing. Don’t worry about using one of our features. We have got it all covered for you with our extensive videos that talks about all our features in details. It’s as easy as you want it to be!

Informative and Easy-to-Manage UI and Dashboard

Even if you are a beginner, you will fall in love with the simple UI. You can get a complete overview of your stores and dropshipping business from a user-friendly dashboard. The interface lets you view and add credits, manage your subscription, orders and provides a billing summary for the credit system.

You can also access your previous transactions and upgrade your plan any time you want from the dashboard. The software also lets you track your sales and profit without the need of any extra spreadsheets.  

Easy Setup and Integration

Are you already with another dropshipping software and wondering how wasy it would be to migrate? With us, you can complete the process in just a few steps.

WalletMonitor doesn’t need you to go through difficult installation or setup. You just need to register and download a browser extension. From there you can log into your account and create your settings in a jiffy. Then you can add your stores and move directly to search and add items.

No other dropshipping solution has an easier setup out there!

Pay for What You Use

You only pay for the features you are using on WalletMonitor and nothing else! For example, you will not be charged anything if you choose to deactivate the product monitoring feature. This way, you can use the features that you deem necessary and only pay for them.

WalletMonitor has several plans and uses a unique credit system to applicable charges. You can go for the trial plan for just $1 and get unlimited access to all features for a week.

Each plan comes with attractive discounts, bonuses, and extra credits so that you can make the most of WalletMonitor.

Plus, they have new payment plans depending on your needs. For instance, the Starter pack costs just $9.90 and includes listing and monitoring of over 500 items every four hours. The Master plan on the higher end, and includes listing and monitoring of over 100,000 products every one hour, ideal for large businesses selling on eBay and Shopify. Each of the five plans available includes ten Amazon auto orders, as well as unlimited number of eBay and Shopify stores.

Gain Competitive Advantage with WalletMonitor

WalletMonitor helps you save time so that you can scale your business to earn higher profits. On average, you can end up saving almost 20 hours per week with the automated features of WalletMonitor.

Here’s a brief overview of why WalletMonitor is the best-

  • Automated every automatable aspect of your dropshipping
  • Receive product alerts and price change notifications
  • Source and add products from all major suppliers easily
  • Automatically re-price products based on defined rules
  • Track orders and send automated customer order confirmation emails

Automatic purchase Amazon Gift Cards with 2% discount

Did you know that Walletmonitor allows you to purchase Amazon gift cards for your needs at a 2% discount? That’s not all – it’s automatic, and you can pay by Paypal too. Here is another reason to minimize your worries for your dropshipping business.

Looking to get more sales but wondering how you can go about it? Talk to us to know how we can help you.

More Protection for You

Worried about unqualified Amazon sellers? Don’t worry – with Wallet Monitor, you can detect them easily, and they will not be able to list their products, helping offer a safer experience for all.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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