10 Reasons Why Sex Is Beneficial for You

By Divya
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I bet the word SEX caught your attention. Aren’t you smiling? Gotcha!

It is honestly not a big deal. It’s okay to talk about ‘it’ in public. Nothing abnormal about it, right? We need to rid our minds of any presupposition regarding the same and talk it out. Getting to the point, sex has more benefits than you know. You’ll find out that love-making has more pros than just pleasure. Here’s how:

10 Reasons Why Sex Is Beneficial for You

1. Keeps Your Immunity Strong

Studies have proved that sexually-active people are more immune to germs, viruses, and other intruders than those who don’t indulge much in this activity.

Strong Immunity
By Tijana Moraca/ Shutterstock

This certainly does not mean you NEED to have sex to acquire a better immune system or that you have to rely on sex for better immunity entirely. Of course, you’ll have to eat right and exercise often.

2. Stress-Buster! 

Sex soothes your mind, unleashing all the stress you’ve been stacking up inside you.

It is known that the soothing effect lasts longer than any dark chocolate, ice cream, or dessert. What more do you want?

3. Way of Working Out!

Sex burns a lot of calories. You burn a lot of calories in the whole process, thereby reducing the number of hours you set aside for working out. Win-win, yeah?

Toned Body of a young beautiful woman
By Sofia Zhuravetc/ Shutterstock

It also tones your body since it’s a way of working out.

4. Prevention of Prostate Cancer

Studies have proven that prostate cancer risk decreases significantly due to the hormones released during orgasms.

A very welcomed sex benefit, right? Yep!

5. Better Sleep

Well, of course, you’re tired after all the exercise and the burning of calories. Not only are you tired, but you’re now more relaxed and stress-free. Who doesn’t sleep better when you’re tired and relaxed simultaneously?

A woman sleeping peacefully
By Inside Creative House/ Shutterstock

Getting some much-needed good night’s sleep will help you wake up happy the following day, ready to face the world!

6. Increased Levels of Certain Beneficial Hormones

In men, sexual activity involves the work of the hormone testosterone. This hormone makes them feel like the boss in bed, and not only that, it significantly improves their bones and muscles and keeps their heart functioning well, thereby improving their overall health.

In women, estrogen protects them against heart disease, keeping them fit and healthy.

7. An Effective Pain Reliever

Pain relief board
By ESB Professional/ Shutterstock

Suffering from a headache or stomach ache? Well, good news for you! Sex releases oxytocin 5x times more than usual. It’s the same hormone released in high amounts when you fall in love or kiss someone you love. This hormone relieves people from pain and aches. YAY!

8. Glowing Skin

Have you ever woken up the following day and wondered why your skin looked so much better, gushing with blood and happiness? Well, it isn’t a part of your imagination. Glowing skin is a part of the arousal process, which involves relaxation and stress relief.

9. Terrible Cramps During Periods? This Point Will Make You Happy! 

Sex is proven to diminish the pain during a period of cramp attack. Cramps occur due to the tension of the muscles. Sex is known to relieve this tension, therefore relieving the pain.

10. Bid Farewell to Depression!

It causes your brain to release the ‘happy hormone,’ serotonin. It is indeed the body’s natural anti-depressant that helps bust depression. WIN!

Smiling woman in black and white
By Martin Lauge Villadsen/ Shutterstock

Overall, sex has more to it than just pleasure-making. Of course, it is always advisable for one to use their discretion about the person they wish to have sex with and the methods that are going to be used. Use your preferred type of protection, and stay safe!

One trending method these days to enjoy lovemaking more is through sex toys. It is safe, but it indeed makes sex more creative and unforgettable. One site that is worth a try is Love Plugs.co


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Divya Raghav

Last Updated on by Sathi

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By Divya
Divya Raghav is an enthusiastic blogger and speaker. She is constantly looking for new interests to explore into. Buy her chicken and/or coffee and she'll gladly be your friend for life. She currently lives in Bangalore, India. https://www.kashkontent.co