20 Memorable Quotes by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Darshna Kaur
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Before taking a look at F. Scott Fitzgerald’s quotes let’s get to know more about him.

1. Who Was F. Scott Fitzgerald?

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was known as F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was an American fiction writer. He was born on September 24, 1896. In other words, he was an essayist, a novelist, and a short story writer. He was one of the most promising young writers of that time. Scott Fitzgerald is notably known as “One of the Greatest American Writers“. Likewise, he is regarded as one of the well-known figures of the “Lost Generation“. Furthermore, he befriended other Lost Generation modernist writers and was greatly inspired by them. At the young age of forty-four Fitzgerald died on December 21, 1940.

Some Novels written by Scott Fitzgerald are:

  • The Side of the Paradise (1920)
  • The Beautiful and Damned (1922)
  • The Diamond as Big as the Ritz (1922)
  • The Great Gatsby (1925)
  • Tender is the Night (1934)
  • The Love of the Last Tycoon (1941)

Some Short Stories and essays by Scott Fitzgerald are:

  • Flappers and Philosophers (1920)
  • The Ice Palace (1920)
  • The Short Stories (1920)
  • May Day (1920)
  • Bernice Bobs Her Hair (1920)
  • Tales of the Jazz Age (1922)
  • Winter Dreams (1922)
  • The Diamond as Big as the Ritz, and other short stories (1922)
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (1922)
  • Absolution (1924)
  • The Rich Boy (1926)
  • Babylon Revisited (1931)
  • The Crack-Up (1936)

1.1 Writing Style of Scott Fitzgerald

Unlike his financial background of being born into a middle-class family, Scott’s work caters only a link to the lavish lifestyles of the wealthy particularly referred to as the ‘Jazz Age’. Firstly, he brings up attributes like the emergence of cultural dynamism, large parties, change in gender roles, and the upheaval in the way of life that occurred during the twentieth century.

Secondly, he related the empowerment of cultural dynamism to the emergence of jazz music and the evolution of art, and literature alongside fashion and entertainment. This has been reflected in many of his works. Finally, Scott coined the term Jazz Age as an implication of such a multifaceted occurrence.

Themes of loss and nostalgia are also equally important components in Scott Fitzgerald’s writing. His works are a composition of distinct ideas and varied writing styles. He explores and examines the social structure and class division. In addition, highlights immorality, desires, and ambitions.

He is also known for writing autobiographical works. He implies his own life experiences through his fictional characters. Further, he reflects on the American experience and provides his readers with introspection on American Dream. One such work of his is ‘The Great Gatsby’, which is regarded as the “Great American Novel“. In essence, his works are the conceptualization of self-reflection, expression of love, and relationships. Significantly he is highly regarded for his good writing in the whole world. Henceforth, skillfully capturing the characters’ emotions through romantic lyricism.

2. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on Love and Life

One of the major themes of Scott Fitzgerald’s work was innocence and the complexities of life sparing people’s feelings of love. He emphasizes the illusion of the life of human beings by connecting it to the characters. To capture the reader’s attention Fitzgerald uses evocative prose and makes the characters close to real life.

2.1 Never the Same Love

Scott Fitzgerald’s fourth novel ‘Tender Is the Night’ was published in 1934. The novel highlights complex and flawed human emotions. It explores the deteriorating relationship between husband and wife during the adversities. Fitzgerald characterizes Nicole Diver (wife of Richard Dick Diver) as a mentally unstable and sentimental person and a former patient of Dick Diver. The character can be said to be based on his wife Zelda Fitzgerald. The novel is autobiographical as Scott’s inspiration for the characters and plot was based on either his wife or his own life. Scott Fitzgerald explores the variations in love in his novel. This is reflected by his following quote:

  • There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.”

The above quote implies love as an ever-changing emotion. Human beings can have multiple intersections with love, but each encounter is multifaceted, unique, and distinct. It explores the various form of love that can occur in our lives. Furthermore, highlighting the impact of each ‘love’ on an individual’s life. Therefore, Fitzgerald stresses that each love brings different emotions and is never the same.

Likewise, the following quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald explores love in the same world in another light.

  • I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.

In the above quote ‘love’ is distinguished from ‘tender curiosity’. It implies the positive interest of the narrator. It differs the interest of a sentimental person from the intense and passionate love of a romantic person. On the contrary ‘tender curiosity’ reflects the human nature of simple curiosity which may or may not evolve into a deep romantic love.

F. Scott Fitzgerald | Biography, Education, Books, & Facts | Britannica

20 F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes
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2.2 Longing for Love

The Great Gatsby was published in 1925. The novel revolves around Jay Gatsby’s notion of love. The central themes of this novel are social status and wealth. Love in a materialistic world often creates vulnerable and complex emotions within human beings. Time passed on the relentless pursuit of wealth leads to an emergence of a hollowness within the human heart.

  • “I wish I had done everything on Earth with you.”

The above quote depicts a sense of regret. It highlights the significance of passing the time. No matter how much time one spends with their loved ones, it feels short leaving a feeling of longing and yearning. In other words, time is an irreversible component that needs to be utilized properly.

  • “It seemed that the only lover she had ever wanted was a lover in a dream.”

The above quote is taken from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Beautiful and Damned’. Accordingly, it was published in 1922. The story revolves around a husband and wife living in New York. The central theme of the novel is love. Here love occurs as both alluring and destructive. Scott Fitzgerald abandons any form of innocent and pure love and characterizes perfect love that exists only in a dream. The quote reflects a longing for an idealized love. Consequently, this love is unattainable in real life.

It is said that Fitzgerald used many of his real-life experiences in the novel. Similarly, to his previous work, ‘Tender is the Night’ the character of Gloria Gilbert in ‘The Beautiful and Damned’ is based on his wife Zelda Fitzgerald.

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3. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on Existentialism/Life

The term existentialism refers to a philosophical movement during the twentieth century. It relates to introspection into the nature of human existence. This idea emerged with the European philosophers and is not directly related to Scott Fitzgerald. But one can see the notion of existentialist thought in his works. Furthermore, this introspection is fueled by the central themes of his work like personal identity and the search for purpose in life in this meaningless world.

3.1 Quotes from The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is a pioneer in the unrestrained pursuit of materialism. Moreover, it explores the concept of individualism and propounds the American Dream from the eyes of Jay Gatsby. Throughout the novel, Scott Fitzgerald reflects on experiences faced by humans. He emphasizes the emptiness, isolation, and despair that come with the pursuit of materialism. The following quote reflects such meaning:

  • The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.“

The above quote suggests the vulnerability of human beings. During the turmoil, all they can do is ‘stare blankly’. It resonates with the readers who would know because they find themselves incapable of doing anything to improve their situation. Likewise, they know because the feeling of being overwhelmed consumes them during such adversity.

  • “So, we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

This is yet another quote from ‘The Great Gatsby’. Unlike the romantic matter of the novel, this quote focuses on self-reflection. Fitzgerald uses this quote as a metaphor for describing human nature and time. He emphasizes how individuals dwell upon current matters. Further, it implies how failure to break the tide of time and how we ‘borne back carelessly into the past’. Thereupon Scott Fitzgerald uses this metaphorical statement as a concluding line for his novel.

Likewise, another quote from ‘The Great Gatsby’ is:

  • “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.”

The above quote represents variations in life. Consequently, the narrator finds himself deeply affected by this ever-changing life experience. This ‘variety of life’ has resulted in a fascination with his view on life. Nevertheless, this fascination sometimes is replaced with a repulsion towards ‘the inexhaustible variety of life’. Thus, ‘simultaneously enchanted and repelled’ feelings are portrayed respectively to variations of time.

3.2 Quotes on Determination as Best Sense

Unlike the above quote where the feeling of helplessness overpowers an individual soul the following quote explores the unyielding human strength. The Crack-Up and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button highlight the importance of never giving up.

  • The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

Scott Fitzgerald’s collection of essays titled ‘The Crack-up’ explores the personal growth of individuals. Fitzgerald suggests that through resilience and dedication, one can overcome all setbacks. These challenges are necessary for shaping one’s mind. Moreover, it helps in realizing one’s potential. Here in the quote, Scott Fitzgerald treats ‘intelligence’ as a component that retains contradictory ideas. Further, he implies that through ‘intelligence’ one can work well even in adverse circumstances. Therefore, intelligence is something that reduces difficulties and overcomes complexities. It also helps in smooth functioning.

  • I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a short story by Scott Fitzgerald. It has also been adapted as a movie in 2008. The story depicts the unique life of Benjamin Button. Even though Benjamin leads a strange life, he maintains a positive view. In addition, the story highlights the importance of the interpretation of different experiences in human life. The above quote signifies pride and satisfaction in someone’s life. Rather than be discouraged over an unfulfilled life we should keep working hard to pursue a life full of pride. In essence, dissatisfaction can only be overcome with courage and strength.

4. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on Happiness and Wisdom

Elements of happiness are often explored in Scott’s work. His characters can be seen as struggling in their pursuit of joy. These characters usually regard happiness as the possession of materialistic wealth. Albeit wealth and social status provide moments of bliss in Scott Fitzgerald’s work.

4.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on The Essence of Joy

20 F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes
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  • “Later she remembered all the hours of the afternoon as happy– one of those uneventful times that seem at the moment only a link between past and future pleasure but turn out to have been the pleasure itself.”

The above quote is taken from Scott Fitzgerald’s fourth novel ‘Tender Is the Night’. It captures the fleeting moments of happiness. Sometimes we fail to appreciate the present time engaging ourselves in worldly matters. Scott highlights this aspect of life and combines it with transitions between past and future pleasures. In essence, real life starts with these insignificant moments of life.

  • “Youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.”

The above quote is from Scott Fitzgerald’s popular short story ‘Tales of the Jazz Age. The quote reflects a fleeting moment of youth. The youth here is seen as a form of intoxicating madness. Moreover, youth is suggested as a dream a state filled with curiosity, innocence, and boundless passion.

4.2 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on Consideration

  • “No grand idea was ever born in a conference, but a lot of foolish ideas have died there.”

The above quote by Fitzgerald is a conference quote. It highlights the significance of the environment in innovation. Here, ‘conference’ is denied as the birthplace of creativity. Moreover, it implies that consensus decision-making foils creativity. On the contrary, solitary can lead to the formation of a ‘grand idea’.

  • “Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your joke.”

Scott disregards the utilization of exclamation points. He offers other writers’ advice on writing style. According to him utilization of exclamation points ‘is like laughing at your joke’. This suggests that the exclamation point diminishes the sincerity of the statement. Whereas it attaches extreme excitement to the sentence. Hence, writers should rely on their vocabulary rather than on punctuation to express themselves.

  • “The victor belongs to the spoils.”

The above quote is taken from the novel titled ‘The Beautiful and Damned’. It suggests two sides of ‘victory’. A winner is obligated to rewards and benefits. But these rewards come with moral obligations. For instance, if a winner is morally corrupted, their win may prove to be disastrous to society. Therefore, Scott Fitzgerald dwells upon the implications of victory in the above quote.

4.3 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on Motivation

  • “Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.”

The above quote is taken from Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘Tender Is the Night’. It emphasizes the viewpoint regarding failures in life. It is suggestive of the misinterpretation of a single defeat as a permanent defeat. Whereas a positive mindset regarding setbacks can be treated as fuel to attain greater achievements in the future.

  • “Action is character.”

The above quote is taken from Scott Fitzgerald’s essay ‘The Crack-Up’. The remarkably real character of a person is revealed through their actions. Instead of relying on hearsay one should observe an individual’s behavior to understand them.

  • “Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope.”

The given quote is from ‘The Great Gatsby’. It is an introspection towards an open mindset. For instance, a liberal and non-judgmental outlook would lead to better outcomes contrary to a mind reserve of judgments. To sum it up, withholding judgments provide possibilities of infinite results. Further, it provides a way for others to explore their potential. In addition, furnish their character as well.

4.4 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Quotes on Wisdom

20 F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes
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  • “Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.”

Likewise, another quote from ‘The Great Gatsby’ below displays the significance of the external display of the ‘successful gestures’. The above quote expresses Scott Fitzgerald’s view regarding personality. Further, it suggests how the personality of an individual is shaped. Here, personality is seen as an element that is composed of a series of successful actions. Hence, one’s character relies on their demeanour.

The following quote is yet again from Scott Fitzgerald’s masterpiece, ‘The Great Gatsby’. Here individuals are divided into four categories. This implies the endless cycle of the human condition. Here, the pursuit is driven by desires.

  • “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired.”

Likewise, the pursued person is those who relentlessly chase after their dreams. However, pursued and pursuing persons are differentiated based on their dedication. While a busy person is seen as someone who is bound by multiple responsibilities. These obligations hinder him or her from reaching their potential. The tired person is someone who seeks solace from these ceaseless pursuits. Thus, just like characters in the novel who are categorized into categories we see mankind submerged into these roles as well.

  • “I shall go on shining as a brilliantly meaningless figure in a meaningless world.”

The above quote is taken from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Beautiful and Damned’. Here, Scott Fitzgerald describes the determination and preservation to flourish in their life even if the world is meaningless. He implies that one should not be demoralized and should be courageous as well as enduring.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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An avid nature lover and reader, filling this exhilarating life with exuberant memories. Darshna finds writing pleasing and hopes to write content that could be useful and informative to others. Pursuing an Economics degree helps her be more realistic towards the current occurrences and how to overcome them which is manifested by her award-winning essays.