31 Inspirational Dalai Lama Quotes To Motivate You

Upasana Murmu
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The current 14th Dalai Lama is the world’s most inspirational person and prominent Buddhist teacher.

1. The Precious Human Life2. The Dalai Lama on Kindness3. The Dalai Lama on Happiness4. The Dalai Lama on Humanity5. Inspirational Dalai Lama Quotes1. “The Goal Is Not to Be Better than The Other Man, but Your Previous Self.”2. “Remember that The Best Relationship Is One in Which Your Love for Each Other Exceeds Your Need for Each Other.”3. “Silence Is Sometimes the Best Answer.”4. “To Remain Indifferent to The Challenges We Face Is Indefensible. If The Goal Is Noble, Whether or Not It Is Realized Within Our Lifetime Is Largely Irrelevant. What We Must Do, Therefore: to Strive and Persevere and Never Give Up.”5. “The Ultimate Source of Happiness Is Not Money and Power, but Warm-Heartedness.”6. “We Can Never Obtain Peace in The Outer World until We Make Peace with Ourselves.”7. “Judge Your Success by What You Gave up To Get It.”8. “Take Into Account that Great Love and Achievements Involve Great Risk.”9. “Share Your Knowledge. It Is a Way to Achieve Immortality.”10. “A Truly Compassionate Attitude Toward Others Does Not Change Even if They Behave Negatively or Hurt You.”11. “Be Kind Whenever Possible. It Is Always Possible.”12. “The Way to Change Others’ Minds Is with Affection and Not Anger.”13. “A Disciplined Mind Leads to Happiness, and An Undisciplined Mind Leads to Suffering.”14. “Happiness Doesn’t Always Come from A Pursuit. Sometimes It Comes When We Least Expect It.”15. “Peace Does Not Mean an Absence of Conflicts; Differences Will Always Be There. Peace Means Solving These Differences Through Peaceful Means; Through Dialogue, Education, Knowledge; and Through Humane Ways.”16. “Anger Is the Ultimate Destroyer of Your Own Peace of Mind.”17. “Someone Else’s Action Should Not Determine Your Response.”18. “Whether One Is Rich or Poor, Educated or Illiterate, Religious or Non-Believing, Man or Woman, Black, White, or Brown, We Are All the Same. Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally, We Are All Equal. We All Share Basic Needs for Food, Shelter, Safety, and Love. We All Aspire to Happiness, and We All Shun Suffering. Each of Us Has Hopes, Worries, Fears, and Dreams. Each of Us Wants the Best for Our Family and Loved Ones. We All Experience Pain when We Suffer Loss and Joy when We Achieve What We Seek. Religion, Ethnicity, Culture, and language make no difference on this fundamental level.”19. “Although You May Not Always Be Able to Avoid Difficult Situations, You Can Modify the Extent to Which You Can Suffer by How You Choose to Respond to The Situation.”20. “As You Breathe In, Cherish Yourself. as You Breathe Out, Cherish All Beings.”21. “Remember that Sometimes Not Getting What You Want Is a Wonderful Stroke of Luck.”22. “Time Passes Unhindered. When We Make Mistakes, We Cannot Turn the Clock Back and Try Again. All We Can Do Is Use the Present Well.”23. “The Roots of All Goodness Lie in The Soil of Appreciation.”24. “Love and Compassion Are Necessities, Not Luxuries. Without Them, Humanity Cannot Survive.”25. “If You Can Cultivate the Right Attitude, Your Enemies Are Your Best Spiritual Teachers Because Their Presence Provides You with The Opportunity to Enhance and Develop Tolerance, Patience, and Understanding.”26. “When You Realize You’ve Made a Mistake, Take Immediate Steps to Correct It.”27. “Happiness Is Not Something Ready Made. It Comes from Your Own Actions.”28. “I Don’t Know Whether the Universe, with Its Countless Galaxies, Stars, and Planets, Has a Deeper Meaning or Not, but At the Very Least, It Is Clear That We Humans Who Live on This Earth Face the Task of Making a Happy Life for Ourselves. Therefore, It Is Important to Discover What Will Bring About the Greatest Degree of Happiness.”29. “Consider Carefully: What Prevents You from Living the Way You Want to Live Your Life?”30. “Sometimes One Creates a Dynamic Impression by Saying Something, and Sometimes One Creates as Significant an Impression by Remaining Silent.”31. “When We Meet Real Tragedy in Life, We Can React in Two Ways–either by Losing Hope and Falling Into Self-Destructive Habits, or By Using the Challenge to Find Our Inner Strength.”6. Why We Must Practice CompassionConclusion

The Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader dedicated to popularizing the message of peace and compassion.

All Dalai Lama quotes inspire us to practice compassion, forgiveness, and nonviolence.

Dalai Lama Quotes, Dalai Lama
Photo By janeb13 / pixabay / Copyright 2016

1. The Precious Human Life

Dalai Lama Quotes, Humanity
Photo By geralt / pixabay / Copyright 2016

The Dalai Lama quotes are inspirational and wonderful sayings that enlighten and urge us to live a positive life.

The words of the Dalai Lama tell us how precious human life is and how important it is to practice compassion, achieve inner peace and happiness.

2. The Dalai Lama on Kindness

Dalai Lama Quotes, Kindness
Photo By sasint / pixabay / Copyright 2016

The Dalai Lama considers kindness to be a human necessity.

Kindness is a meaningful deed. Through kindness, one can make an environment that is supportive for all. Kindness provides everyone strength and helps in restoring faith in all.

3. The Dalai Lama on Happiness

Dalai Lama Quotes, Happiness
Photo By Tofayel120 / pixabay / Copyright 2017

We are all striving for happiness. Happiness can mean different things to different people.

In our lives, we must strive to understand what happiness is for us and to achieve that happiness.

4. The Dalai Lama on Humanity

Dalai Lama Quotes, Humanity
Photo By Mitrey / pixabay / Copyright 2021

According to the Dalai Lama, doing much as an individual is difficult, but humanity is formed up of people, and together we can all make an impact.

We have the power to impact our families, who can influence communities, which in turn can influence nations.

5. Inspirational Dalai Lama Quotes

Here are 31 Dalai Lama quotes that enchants the mind and soul.

1. “The Goal Is Not to Be Better than The Other Man, but Your Previous Self.”

Though there is nothing wrong with watching and learning from others, it should be done to improve oneself rather than to compare oneself to others.

We are so preoccupied with what others think of us that we forget to think of ourselves.

We ought to live our lives focused on only one important point: ourselves. We should make an effort to become better than our previous selves. That is the message we take away from this quote by the Dalai Lama.

2. “Remember that The Best Relationship Is One in Which Your Love for Each Other Exceeds Your Need for Each Other.”

Some people believe that true love is selfless. Because putting others’ needs first, even if it means making sacrifices, is worthwhile.

Unconditional love is the purest form of love. When you love someone, you put your self-centered attitude aside and value them. To do so, one must be happy with themselves. You cannot respect the feelings of others if you do not respect your own.

The Dalai Lama shows us the importance of being content with ourselves to be and making others happy.

3. “Silence Is Sometimes the Best Answer.”

Dalai Lama’s quotes never fail to teach us how one should react to a situation.

Sometimes the greatest effect comes from silence. Words may not offer you the value that silence can.

Although it’s necessary to express your opinions and use your voice, there are instances when it’s preferable to be quiet if your words aren’t being taken seriously.

4. “To Remain Indifferent to The Challenges We Face Is Indefensible. If The Goal Is Noble, Whether or Not It Is Realized Within Our Lifetime Is Largely Irrelevant. What We Must Do, Therefore: to Strive and Persevere and Never Give Up.”

Would existence have any purpose if everyone gave up whenever they faced a challenge and never did anything? What would life be like, if life didn’t have any weren’t any highs and lows?

Nobody lives an ideal life free from issues or challenges. That is just a dream. We can’t just sit back and expect that everything will be fine.

We can learn from this quote from the Dalai Lama that all we can do is keep working to overcome the challenges that life throws at us.

5. “The Ultimate Source of Happiness Is Not Money and Power, but Warm-Heartedness.”

Money has the ability to control life and is undeniably important for life, but does it genuinely bring us true and lasting happiness?

The Dalai Lama shows us that money and power can be cruel to one’s mind and soul.

While money and power might open doors to many chances for all human beings in this world, but they make us solely material creatures. Being warm-hearted is what would help one seek happiness, understand others and live a happy and meaningful life.

6. “We Can Never Obtain Peace in The Outer World until We Make Peace with Ourselves.”

The Dalai Lama quotes emphasize the importance of peace.

Before seeking peace outside, one must first find peace within themselves. Inner peace is important.

When you are content with yourself, you can find peace with the rest of the world.

7. “Judge Your Success by What You Gave up To Get It.”

Here Dalai Lama’s quote tells us clearly that you must give something to gain something.

To achieve results, you must put in effort and dedication to your actions, even if it means giving up on what you desire.

What and how much you gave up to get the results you worked for will reveal the worth of your effort.

8. “Take Into Account that Great Love and Achievements Involve Great Risk.”

Dalai Lama quotes speak of the importance of taking risks. Every chance in life involves some level of risk. Risk is what motivates us to perform our best.

What you achieve as a result of taking the risk is always worthwhile. Every success makes us appreciate our efforts, and every failure teaches us a valuable lesson.

9. “Share Your Knowledge. It Is a Way to Achieve Immortality.”

The amazing human brain is full of knowledge that should be shared. For all human beings, knowledge holds power to open minds and make the world a better place.

When you share knowledge, you share a bit of yourself with others that will live with them forever.

The Dalai Lama shows us that sharing information is like paving the road for others, leading to a better life.

10. “A Truly Compassionate Attitude Toward Others Does Not Change Even if They Behave Negatively or Hurt You.”

Human compassion helps us in our understanding of people. We attempt to understand other people’s sorrow and suffering to help and support them get through it.

The Dalai Lama’s quotes are full of the role of compassion. Compassion naturally creates peace and understanding. When everyone works together to help each other, a little compassion can make a big difference.

11. “Be Kind Whenever Possible. It Is Always Possible.”

Dalai Lama quotes teach us that kindness is a meaningful act that costs nothing. Human affection helps create a safe environment for us and others and achieve enlightenment.

Everyone experiences a difficult time, and a little kindness can brighten their day and give them strength.

12. “The Way to Change Others’ Minds Is with Affection and Not Anger.”

Anger is not always the answer.

From Dalai Lama quotes, we learn that our own anger restricts us and makes us feel hopeless, while affection provides us with hope and makes us feel appreciated.

Affection provides a safe place that allows understanding and changes how others live.

13. “A Disciplined Mind Leads to Happiness, and An Undisciplined Mind Leads to Suffering.”

It’s simple; your acts and their outcomes will be beneficial or negative depending on your state of mind.

The Dalai Lama shows us that a disciplined mindset will result in a positive vision, whereas an undisciplined mindset will provide harmful consequences.

14. “Happiness Doesn’t Always Come from A Pursuit. Sometimes It Comes When We Least Expect It.”

Dalai Lama quotes also preach to us about finding inner happiness. We all spend our whole lives searching for happiness. We fail to realize that happiness is something we create rather than seek.

The Dalai Lama teaches us that, in our search for happiness, we overlook the joy that simple things bring. We can find happiness in the most unexpected places and times if we stop chasing and try to appreciate our company.

15. “Peace Does Not Mean an Absence of Conflicts; Differences Will Always Be There. Peace Means Solving These Differences Through Peaceful Means; Through Dialogue, Education, Knowledge; and Through Humane Ways.”

There will be disagreements when various points of view exist. Such conflicts cannot be eliminated. Since that is not an option, we attempt to achieve peace by focusing on how we resolve these disagreements.

As per Dalai Lama, the best way to settle a problem is by using nonviolent approaches, such as education and understanding, and expressing thoughts through words.

16. “Anger Is the Ultimate Destroyer of Your Own Peace of Mind.”

Dalai Lama quotes are about how to achieve enlightenment and peace of mind.

You destroy your own happiness and peace, when you’re angry. You must let go of anger if you want a peaceful mind and spirit.

17. “Someone Else’s Action Should Not Determine Your Response.”

One should not spend their lives according to the wishes of others, but rather according to their own. It will be difficult for us to walk on the roads seeking fulfillment if we always think about other’s opinions.

What others believe or do should have no influence on your beliefs or dreams.

18. “Whether One Is Rich or Poor, Educated or Illiterate, Religious or Non-Believing, Man or Woman, Black, White, or Brown, We Are All the Same. Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally, We Are All Equal. We All Share Basic Needs for Food, Shelter, Safety, and Love. We All Aspire to Happiness, and We All Shun Suffering. Each of Us Has Hopes, Worries, Fears, and Dreams. Each of Us Wants the Best for Our Family and Loved Ones. We All Experience Pain when We Suffer Loss and Joy when We Achieve What We Seek. Religion, Ethnicity, Culture, and language make no difference on this fundamental level.”

The Dalai Lama speaks of equality here. We are all the same, irrespective of who we are. We all have basic requirements, want to live a happy life, and have our ups and downs. We all work hard to achieve our goals. We are all the same regardless of religion, nationality, or language. Equality is what will help us achieve world peace.

19. “Although You May Not Always Be Able to Avoid Difficult Situations, You Can Modify the Extent to Which You Can Suffer by How You Choose to Respond to The Situation.”

Obsessing an issue will not solve it; instead, facing a problem with a positive attitude will make it simpler to cope with, as we’ll try to think of a solution calmly.

20. “As You Breathe In, Cherish Yourself. as You Breathe Out, Cherish All Beings.”

One must value themselves and others. Appreciate yourself for your efforts to become a better version of yourself every day, as well as others whose compassion and kindness inspire us to become better people.

21. “Remember that Sometimes Not Getting What You Want Is a Wonderful Stroke of Luck.”

Sometimes it is a wonderful stroke of luck when we do not get what we wish.

Life does not offer you what you want but rather what you require. You may not receive what you desire, but you will get what you need the most at that moment.

22. “Time Passes Unhindered. When We Make Mistakes, We Cannot Turn the Clock Back and Try Again. All We Can Do Is Use the Present Well.”

Time always moves forward. Past events cannot be changed; they will stand as they are. It won’t help to hold onto them. Accepting the past will allow one to focus on the present and future.

23. “The Roots of All Goodness Lie in The Soil of Appreciation.”

We all have such a busy life that we often forget to be grateful for the people and things around us.

We are motivated when we are acknowledged. We tend to accomplish more in life when we feel appreciated.

24. “Love and Compassion Are Necessities, Not Luxuries. Without Them, Humanity Cannot Survive.”

Love and compassion are important aspects of all the Dalai Lama quotes.

Love and compassion for others are not a luxury but rather a necessity. Love and compassion are required for human survival. They allow one to comprehend the suffering of others, teach deep caring for others, and help them in every way possible.

25. “If You Can Cultivate the Right Attitude, Your Enemies Are Your Best Spiritual Teachers Because Their Presence Provides You with The Opportunity to Enhance and Develop Tolerance, Patience, and Understanding.”

It is a challenging task to love your foe, someone you harbor ill feelings for. However, as soon as you do, you understand how much they push you to grow. They teach us to be patient and have more compassion toward others.

26. “When You Realize You’ve Made a Mistake, Take Immediate Steps to Correct It.”

Most of the time, it is simple to solve a problem. Recognizing and accepting your faults is the real challenge.

Accepting your mistakes takes a great deal of courage, but once you do, the hardest part is over. All you have to do is correct your mistakes and prevent them from happening again.

27. “Happiness Is Not Something Ready Made. It Comes from Your Own Actions.”

Everyone wishes to be happy. Happiness, on the other hand, does not appear anywhere. We must work for it. To be happy, we must put in the effort.

28. “I Don’t Know Whether the Universe, with Its Countless Galaxies, Stars, and Planets, Has a Deeper Meaning or Not, but At the Very Least, It Is Clear That We Humans Who Live on This Earth Face the Task of Making a Happy Life for Ourselves. Therefore, It Is Important to Discover What Will Bring About the Greatest Degree of Happiness.”

Happiness is something that is emphasized in the Dalai Lama quotes.

Happiness is something we all strive for. Now, the definition of happiness varies from one person to another. We must all try to understand what brings us inner happiness and try to achieve it.

29. “Consider Carefully: What Prevents You from Living the Way You Want to Live Your Life?”

Dalai Lama quotes show us the importance of being content with ourselves.

Nobody except you lives your life for you. Why then should you consider what others think when you’re the one who will face the repercussions of your actions, not them?

You only get one life, so take chances and live it your way, not according to others.

30. “Sometimes One Creates a Dynamic Impression by Saying Something, and Sometimes One Creates as Significant an Impression by Remaining Silent.”

Dalai Lama quotes teach us how words have the power to do both good and evil. When choosing words, one must be careful. A compliment can brighten someone’s day, while a bad statement might hurt another’s feelings.

But there are moments when silence is all that is needed. On some occasions, remaining silent can have a greater impact.

31. “When We Meet Real Tragedy in Life, We Can React in Two Ways–either by Losing Hope and Falling Into Self-Destructive Habits, or By Using the Challenge to Find Our Inner Strength.”

The Dalai Lama speaks about how painful experiences can bring a great deal of change in someone.

Some people give up and lose hope to move forward in life, harming themselves and those around them, whereas others are not discouraged by it. For some, it motivates them to work hard and discover their inner strength and courage. They work to achieve mental stability and inner peace.

6. Why We Must Practice Compassion

Dalai Lama Quotes, Compassion
Photo By jarmoluk / pixabay / 2017

Compassion is what allows us to empathize with others and mend relationships.

It helps us understand the sorrows of others and inspires us to help them and make the world a better place for everyone.


The Dalai Lama is a purely spiritual leader who has devoted his life to giving back to society.

Dalai Lama quotes preaches, love and compassion to all, as a representative of peace and compassion.

When the planet desperately needs people to learn a compassionate attitude, the Dalai Lama quotes enlighten us with words of inspiration and positive motivation.


Last Updated on by ritukhare

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