How Do Books Help Us Grow in An Amazing Way?

Monimoyee Chakrabarty
3 Min Read

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We always hear that reading books is a good habit! But why so?

A study has been conducted to show how The Harry Potter Books have affected young minds. It has been found out that those who have grown up reading the series are less prejudiced and accepting when it comes to marginalized communities- the refugees, LGBT, immigrants, etc. J.K. Rowling has thus succeeded in getting rid of bigotry and prejudice at least among her readers, thus making the world a better place to live in.

Books have that power. They can act as that friend to a child who influences the way they see the world. Books open up a new world to children- full of new possibilities and ideas. Children need to be provided with good books as they grow up. School books are not enough. One needs to encourage their child to start reading for pleasure. All studies have shown that reading can lead to a better life. Someone who doesn’t read will never have an advantage over someone who does read.

Books Help Us Grow
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash/Copyright 2018.

Reading Books Help Us Grow in Some Ways

  • Increase in knowledge- Books tell us so much about the world we live in. We realize that there are so many amazing things around us. Almost everything can be taken away from us. Knowledge is something that we can never lose.
  • Helps in concentrating- Reading a book can make one forget about their surroundings. It teaches one to focus and concentrate on one thing at a time.
  • Makes one think- Books make us question things. It makes us curious. We start analyzing everything. Reading can help improve our reasoning skills.
  • Helps improve memory- While reading, we have to remember a lot of things. Names of characters, their past, their feelings, etc. This can help sharpen our memory.
  • Better vocabulary and writing skills- We learn new words every day when we read. This helps us be more confident and able. Writing and communication skills are important in every sphere of life.

Nowadays, people do not read as much as they did before. We spend time reading and updating Facebook status updates and chatting on WhatsApp. We have lost the ability to concentrate on a single thing at a time.


Last Updated on by Steffy Michael

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