How Much Caffeine in Mountain Dew: 3 Eye-Opening Facts

Anurag Bhandari
10 Min Read

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Ever wondered how much caffeine is present in Mountain Dew? With so much health consciousness around, everyone wants to know about these facts.

These days Mountain Dew is everywhere as an energy drink. This is also known as MTN dew or soft drink or energy drink, or energy beverages. This is a highly caffeinated drink, electric-green colored, and is marketed toward a young crowd looking to live life on the edge.

However, you might not be aware that Mountain Dew has high caffeine content. Read on to know how much caffeine in Mountain Dew.

It is also known as the popular soft drinks, popular beverages, and popular brands; FDA recommends sodas, sports drinks, and highest caffeine content sodas to boost energy. Consuming sugary drinks seems to increase the risk of high blood pressure.

It contains caffeinated water. And it is important to know mt dew caffeine content. So, that you can consume it in limit with low caffeine intake. Caffeine-free mountain dew is also known as decaf mountain dew.

In November 2008, an oil company employee named Ronald Ball called Pepsi and told the company he had found a dead mouse inside a Mountain Dew can. In response, the company met with Ball to fetch the mouse, according to Ball’s lawyer. Later, Ball filed a lawsuit against them for $ 50,000 in damages.

Their marketing campaign seems to work, too as of 2018, Mountain Dew is the fourth most popular soda, with a six to seven percent overall market share. But it wasn’t always that way. According to Appalachian Magazine, Mountain Dew had a rocky start because it has more caffeine than other caffeinated soft drinks.

structural chemical formula of caffeine molecule with roasted coffee beans
By: Danijela Maksimovic/Shutterstock

The unique creators, Barney and ally Hartman, struggled to get Dew to take off, and they even attempted to promote it to Coca-Cola within the early days as a soft drink. They, in the end found a purchaser in Virginia’s Tip agency, who changed the drink to make it flavor more citrus-ahead.

The modifications labored, and the tremendously flavorful, awesome caffeinated beverage have become one of the big hits that Pepsi offered it in 1964.

The rest is history; Pepsi’s national distribution placed Mountain Dew in people’s arms all over the U.S. and paved the manner for Mountain Dew to increase several extra flavors.

You would possibly assume you realize the whole lot there is to recognize approximately this neon drink. However, its rocky records are not the only exciting tidbit approximately MTN dew.

1. Mountain Dew Was Originally Developed as A Whiskey Mixer

Mountain Dew energy drinks was born in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in Knoxville, Tennessee. Long before it became soda, the word “mountain dew” was a nickname for the moonlight.

In the 1930’s or 40’s (sources vary from year to year), brothers Barney and Ally Hartman made a mixer to make whiskey taste better. A Knoxville historian and author Jack Neely, told WBIR that the brothers “initially made their own,” and their version contained no caffeine.

In Fizz: How Soda Shake the Earth, author Tristan Donovan goes on to explain that the brothers’ favorite bourbon blend, a lemon juice called Natural Set-Up, was not available when they moved to Tennessee, so they decided to make their own.

boozy alcoholic american moonshine shots ready to drink
By: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

The brothers joked that they named the Mountain Dew after the nickname, claiming that it tasted like moonshine when mixed with alcohol. The pair expanded distribution outside Knoxville but sales were halted, and the company began to bear the brunt of Barney Hartman’s tragic death from heart disease.

2. The Original Version of Mountain Dew Did Not Taste as Good as It Does Today

The idea of ​​mixing brown alcohol with green soda does not sound very appealing, but fortunately, it was not what the Hartman brothers did.

According to WBIR, the original Mountain Dew was devoid of caffeine, a clear, salty beverage – similar to 7UP or Sprite. The Hartman brothers sold Mountain Dew to Tip Corporation of Marion, Virginia, but the mountain dew needed refining to improve sales.

This is where history becomes a little murky. Some say that Bill Jones of Tip Corporation began formulating a formula, adding a small tang in it.

He reportedly brought cups full of different formulas to drug stores and asked Marion residents to tell him what their favorite was.

Some say that Johnson City, Tennessee, is the real home of Mountain Dew because Tri-City Beverages plant manager Bill Bridgeforth began adding his Tri-City Lemonade to Mountain Dew bottles, and an additional version of citrus-forward began.

Whatever the case, one thing is indisputable: Mountain Dew kickstart became an electric drink, an energy drink with a lot of caffeine, and people loved it.

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3. Mountain Dew Soft Drinks Contains Unusual Ingredients

Yellow 5 is not the only amazing ingredient in Mountain Dew. There are a few common ingredients on the Mountain Dew consume label: carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup (soda industry sweetener), citric acid (a sour taste ingredient that gives its lemon-lime flavor), and most caffeine.

Most of the remaining ingredients are used as a preservative, but two of the ingredients are prominent: orange juice and Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO).

Part of what gives Mountain Dew its delicious flavor is the addition of concentrated orange juice.

According to MEL Magazine, the concentrated OJ has been filtered to remove excess water, resulting in a seven-fold increase in juice.

Not enough users to provide any reasonable vitamin C in your diet, but enough to add wallop flavor.

4. Mountain Dew Energy Drinks Has More Caffeine than Other Soda

While Mountain Dew was re-used to turn whiskey into an independent energy drinks soda, one of the things they added was caffeine.

By Evgeny Karandaev/ Shutterstock

Mostly people think and search on the internet how much caffeine content is in mountain dew, now you will understand how much caffeine. Here you get an idea of caffeine in mt dew or how much caffeine in mt dew present.

According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a 12-ounce bottle of Mountain Dew contains 54 (milligrams) mg of caffeine.

That may not seem so great caffeine compared to Starbucks’ 12-ounce 235 mg of caffeine in brewed coffee (Large Coffee) or instant coffee.

Regular Mountain Dew caffeine contains in cans of approximately (54.8 mg of caffeine / 12 oz calories 170 for energy) compared to –

  • Coca-Cola (serving size 33.9 mg of caffeine / 12 oz
  • Diet Coke (46.3 mg of caffeine/ 12 oz)
  • Pepsi (38.9 mg of caffeine/ 12 oz)
  • Diet Pepsi (serving size 36.7 mg of caffeine / 12 oz)
  • Dr Pepper (42.6 mg of caffeine / 12 oz)
  • Diet Dr Pepper (44.1 mg of caffeine / 12 oz)
  • Diet Mountain Dew (55.2 mg of caffeine / 12 oz)
  • Mountain Dew Amp Original (serving size 142 mg of caffeine/ 16 oz)
  • Mountain Dew Amp Game Fuel (normal and egg) (90 mg of caffeine / 16 oz)
  • Mountain Dew Kickstart Original (90 mg of caffeine / 16 oz)
  • coffee (136mg of caffeine/ 12 oz)
  • Black Tea (63mg/ 12oz)
  • one cup of brewed coffee (8 oz) contains about 70–140 mg amount of caffeine or about 95 mg
  • 250 ml of red bull contains 80 mg of caffeine for energy calories contain 117
  • The manufacturers argued that much mg of caffeine was being used as a flavor enhancer, and the agency agreed to continue allowing it.

All that caffeine strength contained in Mountain Dew not only keeps you alert, either studies have found that high doses of most caffeine can lead to weight loss.

Unfortunately, all that sugar probably contradicts that benefit.

Now everyone will understand how much caffeine content; mountain dew contains 54 mg of caffeine which is significantly higher than other decent amounts.

If you are a coffee lover, you can check out Types of Coffee.

Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma

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