How to Cheer Up Your Boyfriend

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Not knowing how to cheer up your boyfriend after an argument or an issue can be frustrating sometimes. There are however ways you can cheer up your boyfriend with little or no stress.

It’s no news that there are some days in your relationship when your boyfriend is on a low. Having your partner’s interest at heart means that you genuinely care for them and you really want to make them happy.

How to Cheer Up Your Boyfriend 1
Photo by Wavebreakmedia from Unlimphotos

1. How to Cheer Up Your Boyfriend

If your boyfriend is having a bad day, is upset, or doesn’t just feel in a good mood, there are actually ways to make them feel better.

1.1. Talk about His Feelings

Communication is the base of every thriving relationship. It is not out of place to speak to him about his feelings. This would give him the assurance that he is not alone in the relationship.

Since he is your partner, you should know the best way he would like to open up to you. It might be that he loves communicating his feelings in person, through a phone call, or via text.

1.2. Plan a Weekend Gateway

A slight change in his activities during the weekend can help cheer up your boyfriend. You can plan a staycation weekend in a location with a calm and fresh. It doesn’t matter the location of the vacation. The most important thing is that you get to make your boyfriend happy.

1.3. Send Him a Voice Note

Maybe you are in a long-distance relationship and your boyfriend is having a bad day because he misses you. You can try sending him a voice message. It is likely that hearing your voice would make him feel happy.

You should let him know that you long for him and that you are constantly thinking about him. You can also chip in words of encouragement to brighten his mood.

1.4. Shower Him With Love

There are different ways to show your boyfriend that you love him. You can start by sending him cute text messages. Tell him how lucky you are to have him in your life. You can also send encouraging words to help boost his confidence.

Remind him of how amazing he is. This will make him feel seen, respected, and treasured. It will show him you care about him and have his best interest at heart.

1.5. Tease Him

Teasing and flirting with your boyfriend when he is having a terrible day is one way to lighten his mood. You can start by sending slutty texts. This would definitely make him smile and feel wanted. The goal is to cheer him up, right? Flirting with him is a great way to start.

1.6. Prepare His Favorite Meal

How to Cheer Up Your Boyfriend 2
Photo by Wavebreakmedia from Unlimphotos

You can try preparing his favorite dish to cheer him up especially if he is a foodie. It will definitely make him feel better and help clear his head from whatever is bugging him.

If he’s not close by, you can take a picture of his favorite dish and send it to him. It would lighten his mood as he anticipates eating the food.

1.7. Surprise Him With a Visit

You can cheer up your boyfriend by showing up at his house unannounced. It might be that the long distance between you both is what is stressing him out. Showing up at his place can put him in a good mood because he gets to see the love of his life.

1.8. Give Him Space

If you’ve communicated with him and you’re sure he needs time to process his thoughts, give him space. You should respect his feelings and don’t go about being all up in his space.

1.9. Send Him Cute Selfies

A very cute selfie of you making funny faces would definitely make him smile. You can be all goofy and cocky to lift his mood. This would make him feel excited that you are in his life.

1.10. Send Him Cheesy Pickup Lines

You can send your boyfriend weird and funny pickuppx lines to make him laugh. This would make him appreciate the fact that you are in his life and would give him the assurance that you will do anything to put a smile on his face.

1.11. Send Him Memes

You can never go wrong with hilarious memes. There are thousands of funny memes on social media you can send to lighten his mood. You can also try to be creative by creating your own personalized memes just to make him happy.

1.12. Allow Him to Vent

It might be that he is stressed and upset because he is looking for a space to vent. Be there for him as he takes you through his thought process. Although you might not have a solution to his problem, being a great listener will make him feel much better.

1.13. Try a Massage

You can be his personal masseur for the day to help him relax and get his mind off things. You can try lighting scented candles to help calm his nerves and reduce his stress.

1.14. Sing a Song

There’s nothing as amusing as trying so hard to sing like his favorite musician especially when you’re a good singer. You can start with a love song to remind him of your love for him.

1.15. Take Him on a Date

You can try to take him to his favorite spot to help him cool off his mind. A walk in the park with a bit of public display of affection wouldn’t be such a bad idea. It would make him feel pleased with himself and  would definitely brighten his mood.

1.16. Appreciate His Honesty

The fact that he was brave enough to open up to you about how he feels shows that he trusts you. Appreciate his honesty and assure him that you will always be there for him no matter the challenge. 

1.17. Buy Him a Gift

Gifts are one way to show care and affection. It is never out of place to buy your boyfriend a cute gift to make him feel happy. You can also try making handmade gifts like greeting cards or a bracelet. It will make him feel special especially when you crafted the gift by yourself.

1.18. Throw Him a Party

You can cheer up your boyfriend by throwing him a surprise party. There’s nothing as nerve-calming as having his friends around him. They’ll crack jokes that would make him laugh and feel better.

1.19. Try a Video Call

How to cheer up your boyfriend
Photo by Satura86 from Unlimphotos

You can try having a video call with your partner to make him happy. A video call will help ignite the feeling of him being close to you. It is also very important that you get to see his facial expressions and how he’s taking your jokes.

You should know that video calls shouldn’t be limited to just making jokes. You can begin a video chat when you’re making breakfast just for the fun of it.

1.20. Talk About Your Future Plans

Having a conversation about your future plans together can help lift his spirit. You should encourage him about his plan and how you’re willing to support him.

You can also talk about the milestones you both have achieved and would love to achieve in the future as a couple.

2. How to Cheer Up Your Boyfriend Over Text

How to cheer up your boyfriend
Photo by Dolgachov from Unlimphotos

There are times when you both can find yourself apart from each other. But, distance shouldn’t hinder you from cheering your boyfriend up when he is in low spirits.

Here are some of the ways to cheer your boyfriend up over text:

2.1. Send Flirty Compliments

You can start off by sending him flirty messages to get him off his bad mood. Sending him cheesy and flirting compliments can make him really happy especially if he wasn’t expecting it.

You can make silly jokes about how hot he looks even though the last time he visited the gym was in ages.

2.2. Tell Him About Your Day

You can brighten his day by giving him a rundown of your day. You should tell him about all the fun and interesting things that happened to you. You can also talk about a movie you saw or how nosy your co-worker was.

2.3. Send a Good Morning text

It might be that your good morning text is all he needs to begin the day on a good note. You can try to spice things up by sending these texts at intervals just to make him know that you love and care about him.

2.4. Tell Him You Miss Him

Telling him you miss him and that you can’t wait to see him again would make him feel great. He will know that you are so in love with him that you can’t wait to be all up in his face.

When you let him know that you’re thinking about him, he will feel excited and this can help reduce his stress.

2.5. Talk about your Sweet Memories Together

Conversations about the beautiful memories you’ve both shared will make him feel happy. You can talk about the times you both went window shopping or saw a hilarious movie together. He might be having a rough day because he misses you. This will make him smile and nudge him that he’s in your everyday thoughts.

3. How to Cheer Up Your Boyfriend with Words

Your boyfriend might be a words-of-affirmation person and words would really do the magic.

You can cheer up your boyfriend with words like:

1. I love how you make me feel special

2. You are an amazing man and I’m lucky to have you in my life

3. You are super cute and funny!

4. I love your honesty and thoughtfulness

5. I love your smile

6. You should know that you mean the world to me.

7. I’m forever grateful for the gift of you.

8. Thank you for looking out for me

9. Thank you for loving me unconditionally

10. I want you to know that I will always be here for you.

4. In The End

It’s not really difficult to cheer up your boyfriend. You just have to try to a feasible extent to make him happy. Remember that the goal is to make him realize that you love him no matter the circumstances.

Last Updated on by Asoni18

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Yomabasi Fortune is a passionate content writer with a deep love for the written word. With a background in writing, she has been able to deliver captivating and informative content that not only meets the needs of diverse audiences but also exceeds expectations. Her writing journey has taken her through various industries, allowing her to adapt and excel in crafting engaging narratives that resonate with readers. She has successfully authored a book and written articles for digital and print usage. Education MCom Specialization in Content Writing & Certifications/Qualifications MCom in Physical Oceanography BCom in Physical Oceanography Social Media Management Capstone by Coursera