How to Make Chocolate Ice Cream in 16 Easy Steps

By Yashi
20 Min Read

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Let’s learn how to make chocolate ice cream!

Ice cream has had a huge fan following for as long as I can remember. It is creamy, light, and comes in so many delicious ice cream flavors. Ice cream can give you that much-needed reprieve from the sweltering heat when you are suffering the wrath of a hot summer day.

You love to head out to ice cream parlors to buy ourselves some of our favorite ice creams. But do you know? It isn’t challenging to make your homemade ice cream.

Since chocolate ice cream is a cult favorite, this article will teach you an easy, no-fuss chocolate ice cream recipe. Here is how to make chocolate ice cream.

Chocolate ice cream
Photo by Shree Iyer on Unsplash

The history of Ice cream

Ice cream is known to have been around for a long time. Although no specific date of origin or inventor has been documented, people have been enjoying delicacies that were very much like ice cream since as early as the second century B.C.

It is known that King Alexander liked to eat snow drenched in honey and nectar. Roman emperor Nero Claudius Caesar was also fond of dessert made with snow. He would send his men up to the mountains to get snow for him, which would then be flavored with fruits and juices.

England discovered ice cream around the 17th century, like the Italians. English King Charles I had a dessert called ‘Cream Ice’ on his table frequently. France was introduced to this dessert cuisine by queen Catherine De Medici, who brought the Ice cream recipe from Italy.

The first Café in France, called Café Procope, was the first place to introduce Ice cream to the public. They made it with milk, cream, butter, and eggs.

Ways to make chocolate ice cream

Chocolate ice cream can be made with the help of an ice cream maker, and it can also be made without using an ice cream maker. Both ways are easy, giving you creamy, delicious ice creams.

First, let us see how you can make chocolate ice cream without an ice cream machine.

Products you will need

  • 250 ml or one cup of milk
  • 1/4th cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4th cup milk powder.
  • 1 table spoon of cornflour
  • 3 table spoons of cocoa powder
  • A bar of chocolate of your choosing.
  • 1 and a 4th cup whipped cream
  • 1/4th cup condensed milk
  • a cup of chocolate chips

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step1: Milk

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Take a medium bowl and pour one cup or 250 ml of whole milk into it. Milk is the ingredient that provides your ice cream with a creamy texture, and it also contributes to the melting factor.

You can use cow’s whole milk if you consume dairy.

If you are lactose intolerant or just choose to live a dairy-free lifestyle, you can use almond milk, cashew milk or any other nut milk you prefer.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step2: Powdered sugar

The next ingredient that is going to be used is powdered sugar. This provides your ice cream with that sweetness that it is well known for.

You can buy powdered sugar at the market or cake at home. You need to take a quaYou need tod sugar, put it in a grinder jar, and grind it until it is available in powdered form.

Make sure you grind well, we want the powder to be fine and without any crumbs, otherwise it can make the mixture lumpy.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step3: Milk powder

Milk powder is another ingredient that adds creaminess to your ice cream. Take 1/4th cup of milk powder and put it in the mixture too.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step4: Cornflour

Corn flour is a crucial ingredient because it stabilizes all the wet ingredients in the ice cream and prevents ice crystals from forming. Take 1 table spoon worth of corn starch and chuck it in with the rest of the ingredients in the bowl.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step5: Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder
Photo by Samer Daboul on Pexels

Cocoa powder is what gives your chocolate ice cream the chocolate flavor. Your chocolate ice cream will not be so chocolatey without this.

If you like bitter chocolate ice cream, you can use dark cocoa powder. Otherwise, normal cocoa powder is fine too.

Add 3 tablespoons of this product.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 6: Whisk well

You can take a hand whisk or an electric one to whisk or mix all the ingredients. Since dry ingredients like cocoa powder and flour are added, many chunks and lumps would have been formed at the beginning of this process, but you have to whisk until the mixture is smooth and there are no lumps.

Now, your milk mixture is ready to go on the stove.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 7: Cook the mixture

Pour the milk mixture into a medium saucepan and cook it on low heat till the mixture starts to thicken. You must keep stirring the mixture while it is cooking so that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan and start to burn.

After the mixture starts to thicken up and bubbles start to form on the surface, it is time to turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 8: Chocolate

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This is an optional step. You don’t have to do it, but if you like a lovely chocolate ice cream, you could have added chopped chocolate when you were cooking the base mixture, but since the mixture for making chocolate ice cream is already cooked, you can heat your chocolate and keep it aside.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 9: Whipped cream

Take 1 and a quarter cups of cream in a medium bowl and make sure it is cool but not close to frozen. Now, with the help of an electric whisk or just a hand whisk, beat the cream till it doubles up in size and starts to form stiff peaks.

This ingredient gives the chocolate ice cream its texture and makes it nice and fluffy. But, if you want an even creamier chocolate ice cream recipe, try adding heavy cream instead of the former.

Whipped vs. heavy cream

The main difference between whipped and heavy cream is their saturated fat content.

Heavy cream has more saturated fat than its counterpart, and by nature, it is heavier and creamier.

People who like the creamiest, melt-in-your-mouth texture to their chocolate ice cream add heavy cream instead of whipped.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 10: Condensed milk

1/4th cup of condensed milk is added to the cream because condensed milk acts as a sweetener for our chocolate ice cream and makes the ice cream soft so that it can be scooped out with ease.

If you are not vegetarian, you can use egg yolks in your ice cream recipes. Egg yolks perform the same function as condensed milk, so if you are using one, you don’t need to use the other too.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 11: Add the melted chocolate

Add the chocolate you had melted earlier into the cream-condensed milk mixture and with a spatula or a wooden spoon, mix the ingredients.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 12: Add the chocolate base

Now, you will add the cooked chocolate base that we had set aside to let cool into the whipped cream-condensed milk and chocolate mixture we created.

Make sure the chocolate base is not hot or warm before adding it to the other mixture. The base should be cool otherwise, it would heat up too much in the next process.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 13: Combine the mixtures

You will need a large bowl to mix all your batter. A hand beater or an electric one will be used to beat the whole thing into a seamless ice cream mixture.

Making homemade ice cream is not a hard task; you have to mix everything well. Nobody likes a chocolate ice cream full of lumps and crumps.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 14: Flavor extracts

In the ice cream recipe, you can add your preferred flavor extract. People love vanilla extract, almond extract is also a great option if you like the flavor of almonds in your ice cream.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 15: Add your mix ins

This part is entirely customizable. You can add chocolate chips if you like. You can add crumbs of your favorite biscuit or shavings of your favorite chocolate. You are free to add any mix-ins you like to your chocolate ice cream.

How to make chocolate ice cream, Step 16: Ready to set

A scoop of chocolate ice cream
Photo by Alisha Mishra on Pexels

Now your chocolate ice cream is ready to set. Pour the ice cream into an airtight container and cover the top with a plastic wrap so that the ice cream does not get exposed to air, close the lid on the airtight container.

Place the ice cream in your fridge and turn the dial to the coolest temperature setting on the machine. Leave the ice cream to set for a few hours or overnight.

After it has been set, take your homemade ice cream out of the container and your chocolate ice cream is ready to be served. You can sprinkle more mini chocolate chips on the ice cream or swirl some chocolate syrup as decoration.

You can serve this basic recipe with cakes, make ice cream sandwiches, or eat them alone. They are delicious in whichever way you enjoy them.

Making ice cream with an ice cream maker

This next ice cream recipe makes use of an ice cream maker. An ice cream machine is a household appliance that turns the basic liquid base of the ice cream or custard into ice cream by following a process of chilling and churning.

The ice cream maker comes with a bowl that rotates the ice cream, keeping the liquid moving and letting it in the air while scraping down the sides. This practice churns the ice cream and makes it scoop-able. The best chocolate ice cream, and it is homemade!

The ice cream base

Place a saucepan on medium heat and add 2 cups of whole milk, a cup and a half of heavy cream, a teaspoon and a half of either real vanilla or vanilla extract, and half a cup of granulated sugar. You can add a pinch of salt or leave it out, it is up to you.

Whisk this mixture up and bring it to heat slowly, just below the boiling point. We do not want the mixture to start boiling. You can alternate between low and medium heat as you see fit, just prevent the mixture from getting overcooked.

What we are making is the ice cream base here.


Eggs and a whisk
Photo by Estudio Gourmet on Pexels

Next up, we need five egg yolks. Without eggs, we can not make custard-based ice cream. You will need to separate the yolks from the rest of the egg. You can use a separator for that. If you don’t have it, you might have to get your hands dirty.

The egg yolks will be used in making the custard part of this custard-based ice cream.

Give your egg yolks a good beating, and add another half a cup of sugar into the egg mixture. Keep on whisking the two ingredients until they combine smoothly. You can use a hand beater to make the process easier.

Once the mixture is nice and resembles marshmallow fluff, begin combining the chocolate ice cream base you just created into it.

Combining base and egg mixture

Since the base is still pretty hot, you have to be careful while putting it in the eggs. If you put the warm milk mixture into the egg yolks, you’re going to have scrambled eggs on your hands and that is not what we are going for.

Therefore, you have to pour a little bit of milk mixture at a time, and you have to go slow. Keep whisking the eggs with your other hand so that the milk doesn’t overheat the eggs.

After you have made the egg mixture a little used to the heat, you can pour it into the base that also contains heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla extract.

Keep stirring occasionally and let it cook on medium heat until the mixture thickens. You can use a spoon to stir this and if the mixture coats the back of the spoon instead of completely sliding off, your mixture is ready.


Take some semisweet chocolate in a separate bowl and pour the mixture we just cooked on top of it.

The chocolate would melt from the heat of the mixture and when you start whisking, the semisweet chocolate will mix well with the other mixture. This will give your ice cream that ultra-rich chocolate flavor we chocolate lovers crave.

Bring this mixture down to room temperature to go into the refrigerator.

Ice cream maker bowl

One mistake people constantly make while making homemade ice cream with an ice cream maker is not letting the ice cream bowl get cold enough.

For the ice cream maker to freeze the ice cream as it churns, the ice cream maker bowl needs to be ice cold. This is why the bowl, which is also called a freezer bowl, needs to be kept in the refrigerator.

If this crucial part is ignored, your ice cream will not be good, even if you have the world’s best chocolate ice cream recipe.

Churn ice cream

After letting the ice cream mixture chill completely, it is not time to start the ice cream maker.

Take out the chilled bowl from the freezer and put it on the ice cream machine. As it starts to rotate, start pouring the ice cream mixture carefully into the bowl. Follow the manufacturer’s directions when you’re working with any machine because they are all built differently and they have different prep time.

The machine will do the rest of the work in freezing the chocolate ice cream and making it mouthwatering.

The churned ice cream is now ready to be served. You can eat it right away or put it in the freezer for a few hours to get a more hard scooped chocolate ice cream. Put the leftover of your ultra-rich, delicious homemade chocolate ice cream in the fridge to enjoy later.

This amazing recipe is as good as, if not better, than the chocolate ice creams on the market.

Other flavors

Different flavored ice creams
Photo by Jeshoots on Pexels

Apart from the chocolate flavor, the base is the same for any and every ice cream recipe. The flavor part is what is a little different.

So, now you know how to make ch Apart from the chocolate flavor, you can also make vanilla or strawberry ice cream from scratch. I hope you enjoyed these homemade chocolate ice cream recipes. If you want to read about more ice cream recipes, let us know by commenting on our posts. Here are some more articles you might like.

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Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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