Indoor flowering plants are an integral part of the indoor environment. They can be used to bring life and texture to any space. These plants can be used to add height to a plant-heavy indoor garden corner or bring an elegant ambience to your office place. They can be also used as colorful and bright decorations, or to bring positivity and tranquility to your interiors.
The selection of the best indoor flowering plants for your space is dependent on the specific room, the climate, and the needs of the space. Indoor flowering plants are a great way to create a simple and inexpensive garden. Their beauty and versatility make them the perfect addition to your indoor space.
A single indoor flowering plant can add a good vibration and a soothing environment to an otherwise dull indoor gardening area. Illuminating the garden with indoor flowering plants can bring a fresh, clean, and optimistic atmosphere. Indoor flowering plants have the potential to make a garden that feels like a fresh airy space.
Most indoor flowering plants can bloom in small house spaces, and even on a small patio or window sill. Some varieties are small enough to fit in a cup, offering an easy way to add greenery to any space. Others can grow large enough to be placed on a table, serving as an elegant centerpiece.
You can create your own indoor flower garden by taking any good quality potting soil, fertilizers, some pots, and a small indoor space. Then, you can start growing your favorite indoor flowering plants right inside your home from today!
Indoor flowering plants are very high-value ingredients in any indoor garden. This guide provides information on what flowers you can grow indoors, some guidelines for choosing flowering plants that thrive in your indoor growing environment, and information on how to properly care for your indoor flowering plants.
1. Peace Lily
If you’re looking to add a white splash of color to your indoor space, look no further than peace lilies. Peace lilies have a vibrant white color.
Peace lilies are very easy to grow, and they can be found in most city and suburban yards. They are easy to care for as well, which is why they can be a great addition to any room. They are available in many varieties, and some varieties can be more invasive than others.
Peace lilies can be grown in any well-drained, potting soil. They grow quickly under bright direct light or indirect light like any other indoor plant. Peace lilies need very less water to thrive and only need very simple care of checking the soil for water requirements. You can water them once a week and the plant is good to grow!
These are broad-leaved, ever-green flowering plants that are native to the tropics of America and Southeast Asia. Peace lilies can be selected for a variety of indoor growing conditions. They can be grown in tea lights, or on table tops. Peace lilies can also be grown in pots, hanging baskets, or on small windowsills.
2. Hoyas or Wax Plants
Hoya carnosa is an excellent choice for indoor plants because of its beautiful waxy star-shaped cluster of flower buds and bright white or pink colors with a velvety shine. Hoyas are native to Eastern Asia and Australia and are a very popular choice for your house décor.
These tropical, vining flowering plants need a humid environment and a warmer surrounding. The plants need watering once a week during summer and twice a week during the winter season.
Hoyas are quite fast growing and need patience and very little maintenance, especially during the winter seasons when they need some misting due to dry weather patterns and cold temperatures.
3. Orchids
Orchids are beautiful flowering plants with numerous types of species and are commonly used as house plants. They like to be kept in a mildly warm and somewhat moist environment requiring very little water and indirect light.
Orchids are very tolerant and can be grown in a variety of larger containers including pots, hanging baskets, window boxes, or pots of sand. These are very easy to care for and have a long life.
Orchids can grow on a variety of plant types, including trees, shrubs, vines, and bushes. They can be found growing in sloping, rocky areas, but their development is much slower on the flatlands.
Phalaenopsis orchid and Dendrobium orchid hybrids are the favorite picks among orchids as indoor flowering plants. Phalaenopsis or moth orchids are easily recognized by their white flowers and thick-leaved stems. Moth orchids favor tree trunks and branches in tropical environments for their flower blooms.
Dendrobium orchids mostly occur in a variety of species and colors including white, red, pink, orange, yellow, purple, lavender, and even green and brown. Some Dendrobium is scented including Dendrobium anosmum smelling like raspberry, Phalaenopsis Bellina, and Phalaenopsis violacea having a citrus-like smell, and some violaceus that smell like cinnamon.
Orchids grow faster in soils that are quite breathable and contain a very unusual blend of materials such as coconut fibre, lava rocks, dried fern roots, rock wool, peat moss, cork nuggets, and stones, fir bark, or even small pieces of bricks. They prefer moist, rich soil and are less tolerant of cold climates.
4. Geranium
Geraniums are available in many colors and varieties and you can use these beautiful blooms to add a vibrant outlook to your indoors. Pick some Geraniums today for your indoor space and enjoy the beauty of your indoor flower garden.
The most commonly favored varieties are zonal geraniums, scented geraniums, and ivy leaf geraniums. Ivy leaf geraniums make a great landscape plant for any open area.
Geraniums have many other features, including great ornamental foliage and flowers. They grow well in a medium to sunny area and are easy to grow.
They require a well-drained potting mix and a good fertilizer during their growing season.
Trailing Geranium Ivy have a wide variety of flower and foliage colors, can only tolerate a partial shade, and need regular watering. Keep the plants on the sunny side of your indoors where they will receive full sun most of the day.
5. African Violet
African Violets or Saintpaulia are small house plants with a huge range of flower colors. You can place these tiny plants anywhere around your home or your office desk or a tiny apartment to add some contrast and colors.
African Violet is an endangered plant with a small range of distributions in the East African tropical rain forests of Tanzania and Kenya. They usually need very little care and are actually ideal for beginners to start indoor flower gardening.
African violet can thrive in indirect light or direct sunlight. They need a potting mix and good fertilizer to get them started. You can choose from several varieties including cherry princess with its pretty pinks and deep purple variegation, Persian prince with its pansy blue flowers, crimson ice with crimson red colors of flowers, and Lonestar snowstorm with white blooms, and Julia with soft violet flowers.
6. Aeschynanthus or Lipstick Plant
A genus of beautiful indoor flowering plants in the family Gesneriaceae, including several species native to tropical and subtropical regions. Lipstick plants are found in many types of habitats, from the open shade of the forest to the sunny hillside due to their epiphytic nature.
The flowers are shiny and bright and are available in many colors. The buds peek out from the dark-colored flower tubes and hence look like a lipstick tube.
They are a good choice for small indoor gardens and are best suited for small indoor apartments or a small terrace garden. Aeschynanthus have a wide array of flowering plants and they have a great potential for growth in various types of containers and pots, bright sunlight, and moist well-watered soil.
7. Christmas Cactus or Holiday Cactus
Feel the holiday vibes with these holiday cactus or Christmas cactus plants in your indoor garden. These small cactus plants come in multiple colors like red, orange, white, yellow, or purple.
These plants are very popular during festive seasons, especially during the Christmas season when the flowers are fully bloomed. Many florists carry them during Christmas time and you can pick any one of them to decorate your indoors.
If you want an easy-to-care-for indoor flowering plant that blooms almost every year, you can select any one of the three types of Christmas cactus: Schlumbergera truncata, Schumbelgera Bridgesii, and Rhipsalidopsis Gaertnerii.
Schlumbergera truncata or thanksgiving cactus or crab cactus is native to the coastal mountains of south-eastern Brazil and is a perfect indoor plant for your windowsill as they need very light shade. These plants need frequent watering and misting during blooming seasons and a high-potassium fertilizer every two weeks.
8. Begonia
Begonia is a hardy, perennial flowering houseplant with some visually appealing bright colorful flowers and deep green leaves. Begonias are easy to grow and handle in indoors and pretty easy for any beginner plant enthusiast. These plants need moist, well-drained, and mildly acidic soil and grow well in either shade or direct sun.
The Begonia plant is almost treated as an annual and is available in the three most common types tuberous, fibrous, and rhizomatous. Fibrous and rhizomatous begonias are the perfect choice as house plants since tuberous begonias need more direct sunlight and high humidity and are difficult to handle indoors.
The blooming season starts from late summer till fall and features many colors from white to deep red including bicolor varieties. The Begonia plant is a good choice when growing indoor plants as it is available in a wide range of colors. You can bring the begonias to a more shady deck or porch in a planter to protect it from the direct sunlight of summer.
The ideal places to cultivate wax or fibrous begonias are in annual flowerbeds that receive at least some afternoon shade. Comparatively, newer types, including “Whopper,” are more sun resistant. But cooler air temperatures are ideal for the growth of both varieties.
The upright and trailing varieties of tuberous begonias feature leaves that are either green or burgundy. Their pink, yellow, orange, red, or white flowers can be solitary, double, or ruffled.
In pots, window boxes, and hanging baskets, trailing and mounding types of begonias look beautiful. For a container centerpiece, use upright cultivars with distinctive foliage. Combine begonia plants with contrasting leaf colors, shapes, and textures to create a one-of-a-kind container arrangement.
9. Hydrangeas
The hydrangeas are a shrub-type of plants that bloom in the spring and summer seasons. If these shrubs are potted properly, they can also enliven a small corner in your home. They do nicely in full light and moist soil.
Hydrangeas have huge bloom heads and exude an old-fashioned elegance. Buddhists have used the Hydrangeas leaves to make sweet tea for “cleaning rituals” and to treat autoimmune diseases, malaria, kidney stones, and other conditions.
Clear blue, vivid pink, snowy white, lavender, and rose blossoms all occasionally bloom on the same plant, enticing us with their colors!
Those stunning petals aren’t even petals, they are sepals. They start green and only develop the colors as they age.
The majority of hydrangeas like fertile, moisture-rich soils that drain well. To improve weak soil, add compost. They should receive full sun in the morning and then some afternoon shade to avoid the intense midday sunlight and the heat.
With an average annual growth of two feet or more, hydrangeas are quick-growing plants. The majority of hydrangeas can adapt to a variety of environments. These adaptable shrubs do well practically anywhere, from shady forest areas to sandy coastal soils.
Depending on the hydrangea species and the time of year they set buds, different hydrangeas have different pruning times. The Mophead and Lacecap varieties of hydrangea are the most popular ones. These are the types that many of us recall from our youth and have the big, globular flowers. Late summer is typically when these are pruned.
Another variant that is frequently cultivated is the Oakleaf hydrangea. This species typically offers year-round interest thanks to its distinctive fall color and oakleaf-shaped foliage. It can endure dryer conditions as well. Early April is the ideal time to prune oakleaf. In the summer, Panicle, often known as Pee Gee, displays white flowers that eventually become pink.
10. Gloxinia
Any home or home garden can benefit greatly from the addition of gloxinia plants. Gloxinia is a flowering plant native to Brazil’s tropical region. The small height of the gloxinia plant allows for easy portability, whether you want to keep them indoors or move them around your yard or garden.
Their plants are generally very easy to maintain, and their blossoms are vibrant. In the late winter and early spring, gloxinias are frequently sold at florist shops and greenhouses.
Gloxinias are low-maintenance plants that provide you with a pleasant bloom regularly. Gloxinias of today are hybrids bred to produce a large number of blossoms pretty quickly.
These gloxinias put on a spectacular show for about two months, but once the flowers fade, the plant rarely returns because it devotes all of its energy to flowers rather than strong roots.
Gloxinia bears 3-inch-wide, bell-shaped blooms in rich colors, often marked with contrasting bands or speckles of white, and blooms in late winter or early spring. The flowers are available in a variety of colors, including blue, red, pink, and purple.
They sometimes have white spots or fringes as well. You can get them as single or double flowers, and they make great houseplants as table centerpieces or elegant windowsill plants.
Plants should be placed in a more bright area of your home. Gloxinias thrive in temperatures ranging from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to keep the potting soil evenly moist. Plants can bloom for several weeks if properly cared for.
11. Shrimp Plants
The shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana) is a beautiful tropical perennial that is essential for an indoor garden. This easy-to-grow plant can grow to be two to six feet tall and is easily identified by its colorful, drooping, shrimp-like bracts.
The shrimp plant is a prolific bloomer, with flower spikes appearing all year. The majority of varieties have pink bract spikes with white tubular flowers. Others produce yellow or chartreuse bracts that last for a long time.
This plant is relatively simple to care for. Water, fertilizer, warmth, and light should be abundant in well-grown plants. These conditions closely resemble their natural habitat, which is the subtropical or transitional zones.
12. Silver Vase Plant
The silver vase or the Aechmea plants (pronounced EEK-me-uh) is from southeastern Brazil, where it grows as an epiphyte in the trees, as do most bromeliads. These monocarpic bromeliads reach maturity in four years. The mother plant blooms, then withers, leaving one or more offsets behind.
The plant has leathery tough arched leaves that are blotched silver and sea green and overlap into a rosette to form a watertight “vase” or “urn,” hence the common name. It’s easy to keep a silver vase plant alive for a few months after you buy it. Simply keep it moderately moist, watering the soil as needed.
Indoor flowering plants add a layer of joy and delight to your décor, bringing color and possibly even scent. While they may appear to be fancy, some can survive with only basic care. Try these indoor flowering plants that will thrive with little care to brighten up your home and surroundings today.
Last Updated on by ritukhare