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What is Organic Farming?
Indian agriculture has been adopting various farming techniques from primitive times till the modern era. The ancient method involves a natural and organic way of cultivating crops. In contrast, the recently developed scientific techniques imbue inorganic methods that greatly impact soil fertility and the natural environment. So as an outcome, the people have been facing hazardous disasters which demand a changeover. The result is the revival of farming solely based on the natural way of farming known as Organic farming.

This is the method used from the primitive times, which involves organic wastes instead of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to ensure soil fertility, useful microbes [bio fertilizers] which add nutrient content to the soil. The distinct quality of using this method lies in protecting the natural cycle of the ecosystem and creating pollution-free surroundings. With the rising level of economic degradation, there is a sheer necessity to evoking the process that could help maintain balance in the eco system. Moreover it ensures sustainable development by employing methods such as crop rotation, biological nutrient utilization, etc..
Why no to Organic farming?
Although this process has tremendous significance in environmental stance, the main reason for its fall in the modern era is the low productivity. The yield is insufficient to counterbalance the increase in population and their needs. It failed in raising the productivity level in pace with upshot of the number of people. This led to the decline in demand for organic farming and increasing value for inorganic farming.

Moreover, this method draws in complicated steps that take long duration for production. Due to the elapse in duration, farmers hesitate to engage in organic farming. Unlike the conventional methods this type involves series of steps like creating composts, crop rotation, and preparing bio fertilizers.
It is a labor intensive job which requires regular supervision and maintenance. In case of improper knowledge of proper alternatives to the fertilizers, the entire process proves to be futile.
In retrospect – Why there is a need for organic farming?
The entirety of the technique is complicated, time-consuming, labor-intensive, yet it has gained momentum in recent times. Due to the ill effects of the burgeoning technological developments upon the environment and livelihood, people have realized the importance of more eco-friendly methods in almost all spheres. Agriculture is the main source of living for many developing countries including India. Nearly all other sectors depend on this primary sector. This aspect necessitated the emergence of revolution in the conventional methods of farming.

It resulted in strengthening the grounds of organic farming in the global arena. In this fast moving world, why do we need organic farming?
The first primary reason is the eco-friendly aspect. Since this method does not involve any artificial boost for production like harmful chemical fertilizers, the fertility of the soil is ensured. In addition to this, it enhances the fertility through the bio fertilizers/ microbial agents that spread nutrients to the soil.
“Chemicals have killed the biggest civilization in agriculture – earthworms, which produce the best soil for growth.”
Secondly, it promotes bio-diversity. Since the manures used are not harmful to animals, the threat to biodiversity is vanquished. It does not restrict cattle’s growth and its feeding on plants.
Thirdly, unlike the earlier times, the demand for organic products has significantly increased due to increasing awareness. So, organic products go for high prices compared to other products.
Most importantly, it is healthier compared to the food produced out of other kinds of farming. Since it is naturally produced, it helps in better nourishment.

In recent times, there is an increasing awareness of the benefits of organic farming, and its implications are being realized worldwide.
“Organic farming is the fastest growing multi-product sector in the world,” says Andre Leu, President of IFOAM.
According to the IFOAM report, more than 75% of the total farmers have been shifting to this farming method across the world. So, the scientists and farmers have come forward to make the world green. Not just developing countries, but the developed countries are also showing a keen concern towards this change. This has fascinated many other cognitive professionals and entrepreneurs and led them to leave off their jobs and take this up as a career.
Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma