Proposal of the New Education Policy

Anjali Nair
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The education wing of RSS has submitted a proposal to the HRD ministry after the government invited suggestions for the new education policy.

hours of school

 The proposal says: “Schools should run at least for eight hours which is the minimum time that an employee spends in an office, and in Metropolitan cities, where usually both the parents work, schools should run from 7:30 a.m to 7:30 p.m.

Learning a new language during the early years of life is easier than learning it as an adult.

Vidya Bharati, the education wing of the RSS, said that this new policy would help develop students’ linguistic skills.

This will help in Indianisation of  Education” as the kids will be well accustomed to their mother tongue, Sanskrit, and other regional languages and foreign languages.

Proposal of the New Education Policy 2

But it is impossible to accommodate language training classes in the present school timings. Hence, this new proposal, so that children can have more time to learn more languages.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of this proposal in case it is implemented.


  1. More Time to Learn:

    Extending the school timing will provide the schools with more time to teach students. The proposal mentioned that extending school hours would give students ample time to pursue sports, drawing, music, and dance.Proposal of the New Education Policy 3
  2. No Homework:Extending school hours will tie the homework within the school timings, and kids will not have to worry about homework once they are let out for the day. No homework anymore!
    Children can now chill and not worry about the homework due on the first period the next morning.
  3. Better Child Supervision:If the kids are let out of school at the same time their working parents come home, it will assure their children’s safety.Proposal of the New Education Policy 4This will reduce any chances of them getting into any trouble by being left on their own.
  4. Less pressure on parents:
    The parents will not have to worry about arranging tuition classes for their children, and working parents do not have to go through the trouble to find things for their children to do until they come home.
    Proposal of the New Education Policy 5

5. Multi-Lingual Child:
Extra hours for language training will ensure that the kids of the metropolitan cities are multi-lingual.

Proposal of the New Education Policy 6

The proposal also mentions that if students learn Sanskrit, their “pronunciation and spelling” skills will improve. (Source:


  1. Co-education will not be possible:
    A 12- hours class can not have both boys and girls studying together.“, said the proposal. We all know that co-ed schools help to develop a healthy competition between girls and boys.
  2. Lack of Innovation:
    Being bound within the confines of a school might hinder the innovative development of school children.
Proposal of the New Education Policy 7

No time to play and enjoy:

No one remembers the time they spent in the classroom studying. The fondest memories are always those which are made outside the four walls.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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