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TV has become a favorite pastime of almost everyone regardless of the age of the person. It has begun to rule our lives and dictate our daily routines. We have become much sensitive towards the imaginary characters as compared to the people around us.
It is not an exaggeration to say that we have forgotten to live our lives (Sitting on a couch while watching TV is definitely not a life lived well!).
Research has proven time and again that watching TV for long hours affects us and our minds negatively.
1. Watching TV Hampers creativity
Watching television hampers creativity. Although TV is the most popular source of entertainment, it leaves nothing to our imagination. Our brains become captives of the idiot box, and thus it is prevented from thinking anything beyond the shows on TV.
2. Watching TV is a Catalyst for unhealthy lives

Television shows increase the risks of insomnia as we are compelled to stick to the TV screen until the show(s) is over. It also gives rise to obesity as we continue to sit in a place for long hours and do nothing.
3. Watching TV Incubates laziness

Too much television turns us into couch potatoes. The precious time spent indulging in your hobbies or doing something productive such as reading a book, going for a walk, meeting a friend, writing a blog, drawing, etc., is wasted on watching useless stuff.
4. TV schedule rules our lives
When we become addicted to television, our lives begin to revolve around the TV schedules. We stop all our work for a particular time for a certain show(s). Don’t you think it should be the other way round? We should watch shows when we have free time and not be dictated by the timings of a show.
5. Watching TV Leads To Pointless discussions

The harmful effects of TV are limited to the time we spend sitting in front of the goggle box. The thoughts about what happened to a certain someone or what story would the next episode unfold keeps striking our minds like a hammer, and we discuss the same things with our friends who watch the same shows. The time that can be spent discussing ideas or the important events of a real-world is wasted in talking about problems of hypothetical people living in a hypothetical world.
6. Unsatisfactory life
We are so enthralled by the happening and cool lives of the television characters that we begin to expect the same from our lives without even realizing it. The difference between the real and the unreal becomes blurred. When our expectations are not met, we are unsatisfied and disappointed, which affects our relationships with REAL people who find it hard to compete with the “ideal” characters of our favorite shows.
7. Real-life goes astray
While we want our lives to be as eventful and happening as those shown in the TV shows, we refuse to do anything about it. Nothing good will come our way if we continue to sit like an idiot watching television rather than meeting new people and exploring life. Television is not a substitute for a boring life. So, give your couch and that idiot box some rest and make life happen to you.
8. TV commercials

It’s impossible to get rid of TV commercials popping now and then between the shows. They not only make us feel irritated, but they also give us a sense of inadequacy in our lives. They make us buy stuff we don’t even need and thus make us spend unnecessarily.
9. Tick-tock, tick-tock

TV makes us lose track of not only the reality but also time. We often watch TV for more than the intended duration of time and hence mess up our priorities. It is high time that we switch off our television sets and do some “time check” along with a “reality check.”
10. Think about it!
If you watch 6 hours of television every day, then you’re spending 2,190 hours in a year doing nothing. If you spend that time doing something productive, just imagine how you’re life would turn out to be! Therefore, if we assume the life expectancy to be 70 years, 153,300 hours, i.e., around 6,388 days or 11 years of your life, are wasted watching television.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat