10 Kinds Of People You Meet in Your College Classroom!

Brunda Rajesh
7 Min Read

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“Who wouldn’t love college, a sanctum of freedom and fun, the youthfulness and the cheerful years, and it is here that you find the people from all walks of life, as in literally all walks of LIFE. College classrooms are truly phenomenal.”

Re-introducing the 10 Kinds of People you have already met in your college classroom, take an imaginary ride down the lane.

1. Teacher’s pet, is that you?

Sitting on one of the very first benches, you find this person glued to the lecturer’s eyes with their nerdy glasses defining their IQ.

The teachers are in love with them, and it’s like having their clerk in their classrooms. The registrations, the marks, for heaven’s sake, even the red ink corrections are done by these pet’s precious 100 on 100 hands.

Young student raising her hand in the classroom
By Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock


The teacher often compares you with this almighty student, and all you want to do is stab this teacher’s pet or come up with acts of kidnapping them and make them complete your tricky assignments.

2.Struck by the Mass Bunk Bug

This person is one lazy, sleepy person who resided within the four walls of the classrooms. Take him out of the classroom, and he is the party animal. The only thing restricting them from their party mood is their attendance shortage, and hence they come up with the brilliant idea of excessive mass bunks.


3.The Flirt

The flirts are not restricted to boys alone. One with a complete playboy smile and a charming speak-with-all attitude, and the other kind is capable of killing you with just their smiles and are usually seen talking with just the eyes.

Students flirting in college
By stockfour/ Shutterstock


They are mostly found around the most attractive people of college, hoping for at least one success story. They grimace at the word commitment and would rather live their life as happy-go-lucky charmers.

4.The Hulk

These people need someone to console them 24/7. They have a temper that is probably capable of turning them into the big bad green hulk; even the smallest change in the arrangement can make them lose their cool.


They are the ones who are somehow always engaged in fights, arguments, and disruptive areas, fighting like a lone warrior. All they need is the right person at the right time to calm them down.

5.The Cry-Baby

Mostly found amongst the x-chromosomes in the class, sensitive like a touch-me-not. Tell them they are wrong; lo and behold, the dams are open, the water is flowing, and you feel really guilty and embarrassed and end up consoling them. If you find them around you, keep a kerchief handy in case you are going to break the news of the death of a street dog in some other distant city.

Young woman crying
By file404/ Shutterstock

6.The Doubt-Master

This person comes prepared for the toughest answers, but it backfires with the most illogical questions ever. Teacher: The crow found a pot of water when it was thirsty.

Doubt-master: Why is the water kept in a pot?

Teacher: …

DM: Why is there a crow in the story and not a cow?


DM: Why have they kept it in the syllabus?

Teacher: KILL ME!

7.The Model

If there is an early morning class starting at around half past six, you’ll barely be able to open your eyes and listen to the lessons. Then enters the run-away model, completely flawless, with make-up, eye-shadow, the nail polish matching her denim ripped jeans, finely plucked eyebrows, and perfect lipstick. How do they even do that?

Young beautiful woman posing
By Sofia Zhuravetc/ Shutterstock

After looking at her, you never want to stand in front of a mirror with your floaters, tied hair, and baggy unmatched dress.

8.The Tech-Whizz

This person is the non-nerdy kind, with a cool accent who has way too much information about the advances in technology. Their mind finds peace among gadgets, and they generally look down upon technology illiterates. They hate the rich kids who have gadgets with incredible inventions but only use Facebook and WhatsApp.


They are generally found with broken gadgets, the hung-up computer, or can be seen helping the technology illiterates to get their work done.

9.The Once in a Full Moon

These are the kind of people who are popular for their consecutive absentee status. Once in a full moon, if and when they come to class, they become the lodestone of the class with eyes glued to them, sizing them up in every manner possible.


10.The Devdas

These are the over-sensitive kind of people, and they almost always need a smack to give that sullen face a lift, that bear-bearded face a shave, and a bath to get rid of the reeking alcohol.

Young woman with a sullen face
By Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock


They are generally found alone, by themselves on the campus, ogling at the other pairs and often found narrating their epic love story to the passer-by.

They need help in the form of a new girl-friend;)

I really hope this list reminded you of your collegemates. If it did, grab that phone and reach out to them because I know I will be doing that now. Truly, there is nothing more fun and genuine than college life.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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Brunda Rajesh is an avid blogger and a prolific writer who believes in following her dreams . She works as a freelance content writer, a poetess and weaves a few stories too. Catch her work on her blog space. www.brundaoperan.wordpress.com