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A specially curated list of Digital Era’s Coolest, most Badass Captions to help you stay on top of your Insta Game in 2022!
With the boom of digitalisation and everything going online nowadays, people have made a new virtual reality the most prominent part of their lives!
It’s like the digital version of everyone’s real life with loads and loads of memes, book and movie references, fashion, food, and whatnot! All of which are available with just the tap of a hand on Instagram.
So to help you be on point with your insta game, I am here to lend you a hand while looking through these Baddie Instagram Captions for Instagram and choosing the one that suits your personality the best!
With so much content available to consume online, one of the most sought after topics by today’s youth, or any person of any age group, is how to stay relevant and how to express ourselves.
With the huge increase daily in virtual friendships and the increasing trend of followers and following, the need to put forward a good representation of our personality is extremely important.

Sometimes we have limited space to demonstrate our personality or stand out from the crowd!
Although with the Internet came a different kind of freedom, the freedom to represent ourselves globally in a more refined way.
However, we might only get a few small changes at representing who we are online, as apps like Instagram with their feeds and Facebook with their status updates focus more on just a few one-dimensional characteristics of our personalities!
Another way we humans express ourselves in this virtual era is through pictures and images!
The captions for these images are one of the biggest ways people communicate their feelings and show how they feel!
It’s no secret that all of us get one of those urges when we want to show everybody how good we’ve been. To show a certain someone how much better we’ve gotten and how well we’ve moved on from certain bad times in our life.
If you want to make sure everybody knows that you know your worth and not mess with you anymore, you’re at the correct article.
Even a simple image of you living your life to the fullest combined with some cool baddie Instagram captions can send a huge message!
So here I’m curating for you some amazing Baddie Instagram captions to help you be more expressive on your Instagram Feed.
Baddie Captions for Instagram

1. Baddie Selfie Captions for Instagram
We all have those very rare good hair days or just a new makeup look that we’ve tried, and we want to upload it with a cool badass caption.
To cater to those days, this Baddie Selfie captions list provides you with options to choose from cool Instagram captions based on your mood or however you’re feeling!
-You do you, and I’ll do it better.
-Daydreaming about myself, hbu?
-Love this wavelength.
-I do a thing called “what I want.”
-Too good to be true?
-In my world.
-Turn your savage up and lose your feelings.
-Messy Bun And Having Fun.
-It’s Just A vibe.
-Always be your own Queen Bee.
-Gemini Can either be your biggest blessing or your worst nightmare.
-Everyone was thinking about it. I just said it!
-Life is short. Make each and every hair flip count!
-Sometimes, you have to keep your growth to yourself; not everybody is on your side.
-Trouble Never Looked So God damn Fine!
2. Short Baddie Instagram Captions: Kinda Savage!
If you ever want to make an Instagram post with short baddie Instagram captions, you’d want it to be catchy and attention-grabbing.
As a result, we bring you these savage one-liners for those days when you want to channel all of your Badass Girl, Own Boss Vibe into a happy Instagram post that resounds with your energy, your ambience, and however you’re feeling.
-Hope Karma slaps you before I do!
-Start Unknown, Finish Unforgettable!
-It’s Too Peopley Outside!
-Until the sun is high and the water runs dry!
-Forests, skies, and her are all proof that wild things are born to be beautiful!
-Preserve your energy. Not everybody is good for you!
-The Same Ol’ Me, just a lil’ bit more fabulous.
-If you follow all the rules, you will miss the fun!
-I am a very nice person until you piss me off!
-Let me file that under I don’t care.
-Felt pretty, but it’s a daily thing at this point!
-Down to earth, but still above you!
-You are a flamingo in the pigeon family.
-A little backwoods and a lighter to spark.
-Lips popping, skin luminous, assessed fat, good grades, or bad attitudes.
-I am the woman of your dreams.
-During this time, the queen doesn’t have competition for the hoots.
-How can we achieve this level? So get out of the house.
-It does not require kings for queens.
-Dime piece.
-I’ll take it.
-No problem, ever looked good.
-You should never believe it.
-I have patiently waited until now, and I am screaming.
-My lips are a little ringy!
-It’s simple yet sassy.
-Okay, I saw something that reminded me of you today, and I didn’t bother to flush it.
-I’m a little confused by the competitors.
-A pretty smart girl who flies and talks so nicely.
-Keep throwing shade, y’all. I’m still going to shine!
-Girl next door.
-Living in your head rent-free.
-unmatched vibe.
-Don’t let my sparkle burn your eyes yet. You still need to see me soar.
-The human version of sunshine!
3. Clever Attitude Baddie Captions for Instagram and Snap!
(cool attitude baddie Instagram captions and Short baddie Captions for Instagram )

For your uncertain days and cool badass pictures, we’ve made a list of clever baddie Instagram captions to help you choose from witty yet fun-loving baddie captions!
-Shout out to my legs for always supporting me, my spine for always having my back, my arms for always being by my sides, and my fingers because I can always count on them!
-My closet must-have h(A)nger issues because it’s throwing fits!
-No, Harry, All styles: 🙁
-Adorable human with an unhealthy obsession with serial killer documentaries!
-Kinda wanna Do epic shit, Kinda wanna sleep!
-She’s evolving, you’re gonna have to know her again!
-I may not have COVID, but I’m still pretty sick!
-The tension between you and liking this picture!
-I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong.
-Queen Bee Energy is eternal!
-So fake; even China failed in front of you.
-Stuff can get a lil ugly when you know your worth!
-I can only please one person a day; today’s not your day!
-Just updating my “This Her” picture.
-The bags under my eyes are Chanel.
-If I was a bird, I know who I’d shit on!
-I live my life in fast forward, but the haters wanna rewind me.
-I’m a vibe that no one else can replace, and not everyone can have this sensation!
-After me, they broke the mould.
-Find me where the wild things are.
-I wouldn’t chase you because I’m the catch.
-Zombies eat brains. So, you are safe.
-They told me I couldn’t, so I did.
-Me? Weird? Hell Ohh Honey, Please! I am a Limited Edition.
-Be you. The world will adjust.
-Thug Girl who flies and talks so nicely.
-I am mine before anyone else.
-Just quieenin’ Moments later, you turn into dust.
-Blood type: matte black with a hint of gold.
-It’s OK if you don’t like me, because not everyone has good taste!
-Not everyone likes me, but not everyone matters.
-Bro, you have an entire life to be stupid. Take a day off.
-You inspire my inner serial killer!
4. Baddie Birthday Captions!
(Coolest Baddie Captions for Instagram)

We know how important milestones are in everybody’s life!
From a baby’s birth to sweet 16, coming of age 21, or your grandparent’s birthday to your best friend’s birthday,
We’ve curated a special list for you to choose from the coolest and best baddie captions for your Instagram posts or any other social media statuses to celebrate these birthdays in style!
-Today is my 17th birthday. I plan to be as childish and irresponsible as possible before I become a legal adult. Watch out, world!
-I didn’t choose this birthday; this birthday chose me.
-Can’t keep calm; I’m 20!
-Cake is my happy place.
-Surround yourself with people who are more excited about your birthday than you are.
-Thank you, Mom, for giving birth to this beautiful child.
-Birthdays are incomplete without the ones who love and care for you.
-Life was meant for good friends and great adventures. Let’s make your birthday one of them.
-I know we are friends forever, and we share everything, so let us share this special day with you and celebrate it in the best possible way. Happy Birthday
-Making my years count instead of counting the years.
-I hope the birthday cake is as sweet as I am.
-Hold on to your inner child as you grow older.
-Another year older, but not any wiser.
Best wishes and happy birthday!-They say it’s the thought that counts. So I thought I’d save my money instead of buying you a gift.
-It’s my party, and I’ll wine if I want to.
-Act my age? Maybe next year.
-Wishing on candles and chasing my dreams.
-Don’t grow up… It’s a trap!
-Birthdays are nature’s way of telling you to eat more cake. “Jo Brand”
-I Play Life Like a Pro, Adding one year each by the count!
-Calories don’t count today because it’s my birthday!
-Lovin’ my birthday glow.
-Don’t tell me to act my age because I haven’t been this age before.
-The one where I turned another year older.
-Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins, and that is me.
-If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go. A big happy birthday to my weirdo, who’s another year older but not wiser.
-Sending you birthday wishes wrapped in love.
-Go Shawty, it’s your birthday. We gonna party like it’s your birthday.
-Please don’t retouch my wrinkles. It took me so long to earn them. “Anna Magnani”
-You have no excuse for acting stupid. You’re not a teenager anymore, and you’re now old enough to drink. Happy 20th Birthday
-Today, I’m looking back at 40 years of memories, friends, family, and happiness. I like what I see.
-I don’t get older; I level up.
-I’m not old; I’m vintage.
5. Baddie Captions with Best Friends

There will be days when you are out with your bff’s (best friends forever) and you have tones of pictures to post because you all are wearing nice, looking nice, but the tough nut here to crack is think of the perfect badass caption right?
To solve this problem, we’ve specially curated a list of Baddie Captions for Instagram to choose from based on the picture’s vibe and your particular mood at the time!
These Baddie Captions might come in handy when you really can’t think of something extraordinary or witty on your own!
-Best friends believe you when you do not believe in yourself.
-We are best friends as we are both weird.
-Strangers know the innocent side of my personality, My best friends know the dirty, insane side of my personality!
-My best friend is like a cute egg… I love him, although he/she is a little cracked!
-Hope to be your friend until we die, then become best ghosts after death.
-True friend is the one who overlooks the broken fence and admires the flowers in the garden.
-Friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest. It’s about who came and never left your side.
-Having those weird conversations with your friend and thinking, “If anyone heard us, we’d be in a mental hospital.”
-Real friends don’t get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive.
-Best friend: one million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets, one picture reused for the 100th time!
-Life was meant for best friends and good adventures!
-Our group picture resembles a different crazy animal in a single zoo.
-Real ones are at the back of your celebrations, but at the front of your rock bottom.
-We are best friends. Always remember that when you fall, I’ll pick you up after I finish laughing.
-You are my best friend because I wouldn’t dare be this weird with anyone else.
-Friendship Rule: If you date my friend, that means you are dating me!
-Friendship is finding that special someone you can enjoy being a dumbass with.
6. Coolest Baddie Instagram Captions!
(Baddie Petty Captions, Baddie Instagram Captions, Best Baddie Instagram Captions, Attitude Baddie Instagram Captions)

When it comes to baddie captions for Instagram, we’ve given you a long list of cool baddie captions to choose from, including all categories such as baddie selfie captions, and best baddie Instagram captions, witty captions, savage captions, birthday captions, and even best friend captions!
Before finishing off the article, I’d like to add a few more badass, cool captions to this category of baddie captions for Instagram!
-I didn’t create the Thug Girl Life, I Diagnosed It!
-You can’t afford my swag, Bitch!
-Please don’t talk shit when I am around.
-Blame it on my cold heart; I’m indeed your worst nightmare!
-Find me where the wild things are.
-Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s perfectly okay because your worth is not based on their opinion.
-I am a nice person. Just do not push the b*tch button.
-Hope karma does its job and I don’t have to!
-Part sweet, part savage. And I Play life like a Damn Sage!
-Does my sparkle burn your eyes?
Okay, let’s talk shit for real!I’ll just use it to fuel my dreams!
-Know all the rules wee, so you can break them effectively!
-Turn ya savage up and Loose ya feelings.
-So I heard zombies eat brains. Congrats! You’re safe.
-Lose ya feelings and then we’ll ice-cream and chill babe!
-be happy that not everyone likes you, because that is proof that you’re living true to yourself!
-She was beautiful in a way that only wild things can be beautiful!
-Feeling like a rare species of flower in this multicoloured tunic dress.
-You were the song stuck in my head.
-Who is the most dangerous woman? That does not rely on your sword; instead, she carries her own.
-Let our tunes rock the world.
-The reason for my love I can never explain to anyone, but I understand that every time you go, a piece of me goes with you. Every time you enter the room, I become alive. It is a magical being with you.
-I surprise myself sometimes when I think how much I long to be with you. Even after so many years, I never get bored of you.
-You dream. You plan. You reach There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, belief, confidence, and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits. “Michael Phelps”
Conclusion – Use trendy captions, but with a hint of personal touch and truth in them!

So I’d end today’s article on this note. Hopefully, you enjoyed all of these cool aesthetic Instagram captions and might even use some of them in your feeds for your Baddie Pictures!
All these captions are specifically curated for your very own baddie pictures online. Be a trendsetter while writing your captions, but also be true to yourself!
In this era of social media, there’s a very small scope of people getting to know a multifaceted view of your personality!
But even if you’re showing only one dimension, then do that in your style! Such self-chosen captions give a personal essence to your Instagram feed.
Last Updated on by ritukhare