10 Incidents of Teachers Having Affairs With Their Pupils.

John Ihejieto
8 Min Read

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No smoke, they say without fire. The issue of teachers having an affair with their pupils is gradually becoming a normal thing. An anonymous quote said, “When abomination lasts long, it becomes a law.” This kind of atrocity is a pain to the era before, but now it’s an avenue to make teachers famous in society. Teachers are known as guides, not just to guide the pupils academically but also to play a parents’ role in their lives.

Teachers having an affair with their pupils is not something that you only see in porn -it happens in real life too! Here are the 10 most disastrous incidents of teachers having an affair with their pupils:

1) A report on October 2, 2014, shows the case of two female teachers from Louisiana, namely Shelley Dufresne (32) and Rachel Respess (24). Both teach in Destrehan High School. It was a disastrous incident because the former is a married woman with three children. She has been teaching in that school for 10 good years. A quote once said, “Old is Gold,” but to her, “Old is Bold” She was bold enough to degrade her teaching career, societal height, marital status for temporal pleasure. On the other hand, Rachel Respess was an alumnus of that school, she was privileged enough to teach there for two years, but she misused her opportunity.


2) Another incident happened in the middle of this year. A Florida teacher had sex with three of her students; tragically, she got pregnant. 30 years Jennifer Fichter was a victim of a sexual affair with students of age 17. It was disastrous because she got pregnant in the course and was sentenced to jail for 22 years. While reflecting on her attitude towards her students, she said, “I hate so much what my selfishness has done…” It is natural for people to regret wrongdoing after it has been done. Thus she said, “I wish I could go back and think about them (the victims) before me. But I can’t, I can’t.”


3) “Big-name” is not measured in how well you exploit people’s ignorance but how well you affect their ignorance hence creating awareness. 26 years Emily Fox, a PE teacher at Royal Masonic School For Girls in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, was imprisoned for 15 months for indulging in misappropriate conduct. She neglected her teaching duty and cleaved into sexual activity with a girl in her school. They left her with no other option than to feel remorse for her wrongdoings.


4) The Times of India reported the case of a 45 years old computer teacher sexually assaulting a class 3 student in one of the private schools in Arumbakkum, Chennai. They reported that the young girl sustained bruises in her crotch. How wicked can the heart of men be? In this kind of situation, are our children safe? Do we still need to enroll them in school or teach them at home? In William Cowper’s “House Of Prayer,” he writes, “Bid the unruly throng depart, And leave the consecrated door devoted as it is to thee.”

5) Not too long after the Chennai incident, The New Indian Express in Madurai City reported the case of a 38 years Kumar, a physical Education teacher of Government High School, Thiruppalai, for sexually assaulting a Class IX boy. The rate at which these incidents are re-repeating themselves, we leave parents with the very option of Home Education.

6) One Mrs. Erica Lynne Mesa, age 28, a mathematics teacher at Colonial Forge High School Virginia, USA, was sentenced to 22 years in prison for having a sexual affair with four of her students. Someone may ask, how can this be possible? But it is because teachers of this dispensation have changed their names to Mr/Mrs. Possible.


7) Another case of a teacher having an affair with a girl was reported by the Rajampet Rural Police. A 45 years old man in an affair with a class IX girl. The question is, is this the way forward? Is there no balm in the country? When will a case like this end up just arresting the man? What will be the lesson for prospective victims?

8) Jeremy Forrest was jailed for having an affair with one of his pupils. This affair led to an elopement, and he was later caught in France.


9) The issue of teachers having an affair with students has raised a sense of insecurity. Even when parents trust teachers to take good care of their children, they go back and do the opposite. Here are Artur Sopel and Michael Sumulikoski, co-employee at Bengen County High School, both accused of having an affair with students during a school trip.


10) It may not be news to the world because the word “news” connotes something new. 35 years Bernadette Smith having an affair with a 16 years old boy is not a new thing to the world. Someone of that age should be a little matured, if not fully. All in the name of teaching, she reached her desire thus expressed her feelings to a 16 years old boy.


The majority of the teachers in question are between the age bracket of 25 and above, and the prey to their predatory desire are between the age of 6 to 18. The answer to why they do such things lies between the doers, but the solution to prevent it lies between us. No one will want to send their child to hell. Many of these teachers have ended up in prison, the court detaining their teaching certificate, etc.

Do to others the way you want them to do to you, and you can’t eat your cake and have it.

No one is an angel. A girl once asked the mother, “Mom can you give your whole money to the maid to hold for you?” The mother replied, “No,” the girl asked, “but why?” The mother said, “because I don’t trust maids.” Then the girl asked the mother again, “why do you always leave me with the maid?”

Carefulness is a matter of choice; speak when necessary, not when the damage has been done.

Don't Be Afraid To Say NO Message written on recycled paper note pinned on cork board. Motivational concept Image
Don’t Be Afraid To Say NO Message written on a recycled paper note pinned on the corkboard. Motivational concept Image

Last Updated on by ritukhare

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He is a Post Graduate Student of The American College.He is interested in writing especially poetry.