Everyone tells you that college life is exciting and that you should live it to the fullest, but no one tells you what college life is in the real sense of it. Here are 10 things no one tells you about college life:
1.College life isn’t what you see in movies.
College is not about 24×7 fun and no studying. It is not always about bunking classes, watching movies, drinking, partying and falling in love. While in school, you desperately waited for college to begin; you now wish to go back to when you were in school. Sometimes(actually, most of the time), you loathe getting up from bed to go to college, but your attendance which seems to be in sync with the gravitational pull, forces you to attend classes. The daily dilemma of deciding what to wear makes you miss and crave your school uniform.
2.The workload may sometimes be intense.
There may be times when you are overloaded with work. Projects, assignments and exams may consume the major part of your day, and, of course, the nights are often restless. It may sound like a not-so-cool idea, but it is better to finish your work much before than when it’s due.
3.It’s okay to fall in love five times a day. With beautiful and hot guys and girls around, you are likely to change your crush several times a day. Falling in love may become your priority, and you may also learn that your infatuations will not end up becoming your life partner.
4.Managing your finances is difficult.
Your pocket money always seems less when you think of the money spent on partying, travelling, in the canteen, on birthdays, on buying random things, online shopping, etc. You got to control yourself and save money for photocopying the notes a day before your exam.
5.You will drink more coffee than water. When you have assignments or exam due the next day, not even your best friend but coffee will help you transform you from a human into an owl. You will have more cups of coffee than you realize, and on some days, especially in winters, they become a necessity between lectures. However, be careful about your coffee intake and remember too much caffeine is bad for your health.
6.Peer pressure can ruin you.
You may be driven by your friends to do things you don’t want to. You may regret it later. Don’t drink or smoke just because it seems like a cool thing to do in college. Don’t lose yourself in trying to be someone else. Be yourself and do what you feel is right.
7.You buy more stuff than you need.
Everything that your college mates own seems fascinating, and you end up buying a lot of similar things. Visiting markets become a regular chore. Nothing seems more satisfying than online shopping. But it is all a waste when after a few days you realize you won’t be using most of the things you bought.
8.Friends aren’t formed overnight.
It is not an easy task to make friends in college. When you are surrounded by many new faces around you, you don’t really know who you can share your joys and worries with and who you can trust. It takes time to know and find out who is like you, and eventually, you will find your BFF.
9.College trips are unforgettable.
You may be planning to save money by staying at home and not joining the college trips, but it may be the worst idea ever. College tours give you the most beautiful moments of your life. Don’t miss out on the opportunity; instead, spend some crazy time with your pals and explore the beautiful destinations.
10.Everyone wants to succeed.
It may seem that everyone is busy partying and checking out the newest restaurant in town or busy dating people and enjoying life to the fullest, but it is not so. Everyone wants to succeed and end up with a good job at the end of college. So, my advice to you would be to study and intern and try to increase the content of your résumés and work hard for good placements. Don’t be fooled by the easy-going college life, and you got to work too.
But no matter what college means to you, you must cherish every day of your college life to the fullest!
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian