Contrary to popular belief, not all fat in our bodies is undesirable. In addition to the “bad” kind of fat known as white fat1, which has been linked to obesity and other health problems, there is also a type of fat known as brown fat.
These good fats, also known as brown adipose tissue2 (BAT), enhance fat burning of more calories than normal fat tissue and helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and body weight.
Learn more about the health advantages of brown fat, how it may be a hidden weapon for weight reduction, and how to naturally convert white fat to brown fat using diet, vitamins, spices, and lifestyle changes in this blog.
1. What Exactly Is Brown Fat?
Brown fat is healthy because it includes more iron-rich mitochondria, which give the tissue its copper-brown hue. Brown fat’s energy-producing mitochondria function as little engines that generate heat from energy, a process known as brown fat thermogenesis.
Researchers used to believe that only newborns have brown fat because they can’t regulate their body temperature via shivering, so they rely on their heat-producing brown fat engines to remain warm.
Adults, too, store this beneficial fat, but in reduced levels, especially in situations of advanced age, poor health, or obesity. Brown fat pockets can be found in both neonates and adults, particularly around the neck and shoulders.
People with more brown fat have healthier body weights because thermogenesis accounts for roughly 20% of total energy expenditure (the number of calories your body burns).
2. What Is The Function Of Brown Fat?
Brown fat’s major function is to break down glucose and fat molecules to generate heat and regulate body temperature, especially in non-shivering newborns.
However, as we age, thermogenesis helps to burn calories, decrease inflammation, and promote metabolic health.
The thermogenic properties of brown fat are mediated by a mitochondrial protein known as uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), which was initially known as thermogenin due to its thermogenesis function.
UCP1 3allows the mitochondria to “uncouple” the respiratory chain from ATP generation, causing it to create heat rather than ATP.
3. White Fat Versus Brown Fat
To put it simply, brown fat burns calories as energy, whereas white fat stores calories as energy. However, both kinds are required in our bodies because white fat, also known as white adipose tissue (WAT), modifies thermogenic processes.
White fat cell disintegration, such as when you lose weight, is required for brown fat cells to activate and operate correctly because it releases free fatty acids, which brown fat cells need to generate heat.
White fat cells also store calories for later use and release the hormones adiponectin and leptin, which control blood sugar metabolism, energy balance, and satiety.
Although brown fat is more advantageous than white fat, research shows that both types of fat have a role in thermogenic control.
A third, more recently found form of fat is known as beige fat. This form of fat originates when white-fat cells develop the thermogenic characteristics of brown fat cells. Adipocytes are also referred to as “brown-like,” “induced brown fat,” or “bite.”
This “browning” of white-fat cells is extremely helpful since it enhances mitochondrial activity and can target cardiometabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
4. Foods that Increase Brown Fat
Even if you don’t have a lot of brown fat, there are various strategies to convert white-fat cells to brown-fat cells, including diets, spices, supplements, exercise, and cold exposure.
What foods increase Brown Fat4? Certain meals and spices activate molecular and metabolic processes that cause fat cells to be brown, thereby building brown fat. Additionally, a perfect diet every day would do miracles in the body.
4.1. Turmeric:
Curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity properties, which may be linked to its propensity to enhance brown fat production. Curcumin stimulates the production of thermogenic genes as well as mitochondrial UCP1.
The ingredient that gives turmeric its yellow hue is curcumin. This polyphenol is known to be an anti-obesity agent.
According to a 2016 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, curcumin has a vital function in the development of brown fat cells, which aids in the control of obesity.
The maximum quantity of curcumin is found in pure turmeric powder. So start incorporating turmeric into your soups, stews, salads, and grains.
4.2. Green Tea:
Green Tea contains the polyphenol EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which has been shown in animal studies to stimulate adipocyte browning. Green tea drinking has been linked to weight reduction and improved metabolic indicators in humans.
The major component in these Metabolic Fusion pills is green tea extract. Green tea is popular as a slimming beverage. Many trainers advocate drinking two cups of green tea every day to help you lose weight faster.
According to a study, green tea can help you enhance your metabolism, resulting in faster weight reduction. Another study published in Food and Nutrition Research discovered that Green Tea Extract can aid in the fight against obesity by inducing browning in white fat cells.
Begin drinking green tea because all evidence points to its weight loss benefits.
4.3. Chili Peppers:
Chilli Peppers contain capsaicin, which promotes energy expenditure and fat oxidation, increasing beige adipocyte formation.
According to research published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, capsinoids stimulate the transient receptor potential, which channels brown fat synthesis.
Some examples of Chili peppers high in capsaicin and capsinoids include Jalapenos, Habaneros, Cayenne, and Poblano peppers.
4.4. Fish Oil:
Fish oil is anti-inflammatory and promotes mitochondrial and thermogenic activity in beige fat cells because it is high in polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.
According to a 2018 study, fish oil is a possible promoter of brown fat. The omega-3 fatty acid is abundant in fish oil. GRP-120 is an omega-3 receptor that can activate brown fat.
Furthermore, fish oil boosts AMPK activation, an enzyme that stimulates brown fat activity. So go ahead and load up on high-quality fish oil pills immediately.
4.5. Resveratrol:
While not a food, resveratrol is a chemical found largely in red grapes and wine that may promote fat cell browning by stimulating UCP1 activity. Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol that is often used in obesity studies to enhance both brown fat activity and beige fat induction.
According to a 2020 study published in the International Journal Of Obesity, RSV aids blood glucose control by speeding the conversion of white fat cells into brown fat cells.
Resveratrol is well-known for its anti-inflammatory qualities, which may aid in preventing heart disease. It can also help prevent diabetes and limit cancer progression by eliminating malignant cells.
Some foods high in Resveratrol include Peanuts, Pistachios, Grapes, White Wine, Red Wine, Cranberries, Blueberries, and Dark Chocolates.
4.6. Ursolic Acid:
Ursolic acid promotes the growth of skeletal muscles and brown fat. According to this study, ursolic acid reduces the insulating properties of white cells while increasing sympathetic activity, which increases brown fat.
Obesity and obesity-related disorders are reduced by ursolic acid. It can help you avoid fatty liver disease.
Don’t worry; you won’t need to take another medication to get some ursolic acid into your system; consume the following tasty items to get the advantages.
Dark fruits such as cranberries, blueberries, plums, and prunes. Herbs include oregano, thyme, lavender, holy basil, peppermint, periwinkle, and hawthorn. These items contain ursolic acid.
Bitter melon is another herb that may be therapeutic.
4.7. Coffee:
Coffee has long been recommended to increase brown fat resulting in weight loss.
The researchers evaluated the relationship between coffee and brown fat cells in 9 healthy people in a 2019 study published in Scientific Report. Caffeinated beverages or water was provided to the participants. The heat radiated from their upper body was measured after 30 minutes.
The researchers determined that consuming coffee raises the temperature between the chest and neck area, which contains brown fat. As a result, a modest cup of coffee can aid in forming brown fat in the body.
4.8. Foods That Are Rich In MCT:
Foods rich in MCT have gained popularity as a weight reduction supplement in recent years. MCTs are simple fats composed of 6-12 chemicals.
Because MCTs have short chain lengths, they may be mobilized quickly and are less likely to be stored as fat.
This study discovered that MCTs could activate brown fat, aid in weight loss, and are a potential anti-obesity substance.
MCTs are found naturally in coconut oil, goat milk, and palm kernel oil. Consult your doctor before including MCT in your diet. Because these items are high in saturated fats, it is best to consume them in moderation.
4.9. Iron-Rich Foods:
The iron in brown fat gives it its name. Brown fat cells are brown because of their iron-rich mitochondria.
According to this study, the iron concentration of brown fat cells is significantly higher than white fat cells.
According to this study, iron shortage (Anemia) might increase the risk of visceral obesity due to the faulty browning of fat cells.
So it’s evident that you need to eat many iron-rich foods to stimulate fat browning. Here are some tasty, iron-rich meals for you: Seafood, Beans, Dark green leafy vegetables, Chicken Breast, Tofu, Brocolli, and Turkey.
4.10. Garlic:
Garlic is a potent spice that is used all over the world. This spice does more than improve the flavor of your cuisine.
Raw garlic contains allicin, a sulfur molecule that has been shown to reduce obesity by triggering the browning of white fat cells. It raises your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn calories effectively.
Another study discovered that garlic could aid in weight loss and fat loss. It can also help you lose weight by reducing your waist circumference.
So, cook some scrumptious Spaghetti Aglio e olio tonight for a full and nutritious meal.
4.11. Apples:
Apple peels contain ursolic acid, which may enhance brown fat storage. Eat unpeeled apples many times each week, especially before or after working out, to reduce the fructose impact of the apple.
5. The Advantages of Brown Fat:
Research published in the Diabetes and Metabolic Journal in 2016 suggested that brown fat might be used to treat obesity. In addition to that, it might be used to treat other metabolic illnesses.
According to several types of research, brown fat burns calories and can help regulate blood sugar to enhance insulin levels, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Brown fat is present in smaller amounts and is inversely proportional to BMI. The less brown fat you have, the more obese you are.
To have more brown fat cells, you must decrease weight. To shed weight quickly, you must have more brown fat cells. It’s a classic Catch-22 situation.
6. Brown Fat and Health Conditions – Research
6.1. Diabetes and Brown Fat
Brown fat, because of its metabolic activity, is suggested to assist persons with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
Brown fat’s ability allows it to absorb more glucose than other tissues, helping it to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
According to research, those with less brown fat are more likely to have insulin resistance, a major risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.
The brown fat activity was raised, and glucose absorption was improved by 20% in research that exposed healthy persons to cold temperatures.
According to this study, cold exposure may be extremely advantageous for persons with type 2 diabetes.
6.2. Obesity and Brown Fat
Brown fat’s energy-burning properties are also beneficial to persons who are obese or overweight. Obesity is often caused by inflammation, and brown adipose tissue is considerably less prone to inflammation than white adipose tissue.
White fat can change into beige or brown adipose tissue, and brown fat can change into white fat, a process known as “brown fat whitening” that contributes to obesity.
Furthermore, many obesity-related comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, are linked to low-grade, chronic inflammation of white fat.
Using full-body scans, researchers discovered that those with lower BMIs, particularly older adults, have higher levels of active brown fat. Although we know that brown fat activity boosts energy expenditure, the exact number of calories burnt varies by individual.
According to one study, completely activated brown adipose tissue might result in more than 100 calories of energy spent daily. While it may not seem like much, it might build up over time to help support or maintain a healthier weight.
7. What Are The Potential Health Benefits Of Brown Fat?
Brown fat research is still in its early stages, and much of it has included animals or small groups of humans (fewer than 50). Thus, more research is needed. Here is what we now know about brown fat and the disorders listed below:
7.1. Metabolism And Weight Loss
When brown fat is activated (when its mitochondria are instructed to burn calories and create heat), it is thought to receive and utilize substances known as branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).
Previous research in rats and humans has linked high amounts of BCAAs to obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes, implying that lower levels might alleviate these illnesses.
Although additional research is needed to identify the association between brown fat activation by cold exposure and BCAA levels in people, a short study published in Nature in 2019 looked into the effects of cold exposure for 33 men and discovered that two hours of cold exposure resulted in lower BCAA levels in those who already had high active brown fat activity.
Another research published the same year in Autophagy discovered that thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) stimulated active brown fat and thermogenesis in mice without cold exposure.
7.2. Diabetes
Brown fat, as opposed to white fat, is metabolically active tissue that burns glucose for fuel. There is also preliminary evidence that brown fat may substantially impact metabolic health.
A modest research published in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine in April 2022 recruited 34 students and activated their brown fat by decreasing their core body temperature. A link has been discovered between brown fat and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
7.3. Cardiovascular Disease
A study published in Nature Medicine in 2021 discovered a link between the prevalence of brown fat in the body and the risk of cardiometabolic illness. It discovered that those with more identifiable brown fat (as determined by PET scans) had a decreased risk of abnormal cholesterol, coronary artery disease, hypertension, and congestive heart failure.
8. How To Make Brown Fat Activated
Humans have the greatest brown fat as babies, and we lose a lot of it as we mature. But, if brown fat has health advantages, is there a method to boost our intake?
While brown fat cannot be generated, there is evidence that the brown fat we already have can be activated and that white fat can be oxidized.
Again, the research is in its early stages, but some circumstances appear to activate brown fat by telling its mitochondria to burn fat and create heat. Here’s what we know so far about how the following factors influence brown fat activation:
8.1. Diet
A 2019 review of papers published in Frontiers in Physiology looked at the impact of different meals on thermogenesis, the warming process that activates brown fat.
The study primarily comprised rat trials. However, it was discovered that turmeric and curcumin spices, meals high in resveratrol (such as wine), green tea, and spicy foods high in capsaicin might promote thermogenesis and/or cause good fat oxidation or browning of white fat.
More study is needed to confirm the usefulness of those chemicals on BAT in people, particularly because the doses necessary for some (e.g., resveratrol) to produce benefits may be excessively large.
Furthermore, research published in Frontiers in Neuroscience in 2021 discovered that coffee stimulates BAT thermogenesis in mice but has little effect on human BAT thermogenesis.
A licensed dietitian, Smith is hesitant to propose dietary modifications as a strategy to activate brown fat. She says that it would be wonderful if we could. However, more research is required before they can provide advice.
8.2. Supplements
Various rat studies have discovered some herbal supplements, including kudzu flower oil, ginseng, quercetin (a plant flavonoid present in many fruits and vegetables), propolis, and oleuropein (a component found in green olives), either increase thermogenesis or oxidize white fat.
However, the findings do not immediately apply to people, and additional study is needed. Furthermore, the US Food and Drug Administration does not regulate supplements containing these herbs. So, if you’re trying one, talk to your doctor first.
8.3. Exercise
Increased exercise will produce extra brown fat out of nowhere, but it may oxidize existing white fat into what researchers term beige fat.
You can enhance your overall fat distribution by working toward healthy weight goals and managing your overall body fat. Maeng explains that there is a link between your degree of physical activity and a healthier general distribution of body fat, particularly the amount of brown fat.
Recent studies show that exercise causes the body to transition from storing white fat to storing beige fat. However, she adds that it is unclear whether the beige fat is directly physiologically helpful or an adaptive reaction.
8.4. Cryotherapy
According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Obesity, thermogenesis can be activated by methods such as ice baths or cryogenic chambers.
However, Maeng believes that taking a brisk stroll in the cold may be just as effective. She says it may help to adjust your body to chilly temperatures by going for a stroll outside or taking an occasional cold shower.
8.5. Medications
In a tiny research published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2020, 14 healthy women were given mirabegron, a medication generally recommended for bladder management, to test if it would activate brown fat.
The medicine attaches to a protein on the surface of cells that is supposed to increase BAT, so researchers felt it was a potential.
After four weeks of therapy, the women’s resting metabolism was over 6% higher, despite no change in weight or total body composition (the ratio of fat to muscle).
PET scans revealed that brown fat activity increased during the research. The most dramatic alterations were observed in women who had low brown fat activity to begin with.
Given the research’s limited sample size, the findings are inconclusive, and another study found the same medicine ineffective.
Furthermore, the synthetic thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine triggered brown fat and thermogenesis in mice. Human trials, once again, are required to assess any advantage.
8.6. Cold Exposition
Acute exposure to low or cold temperatures can boost brown fat activity or induce white fat browning.
This is due to the thermogenic effects of brown fat, which occur when cold temperatures stimulate the adipose tissue to burn energy—this is how brown fat keeps newborns warm.
Brown fat creates a unique protein in response to cold exposure that transports amino acids into the mitochondria, where the amino acids are utilized to generate heat.
Taking cold showers is the most frequent approach to employ cold therapy, with the temperature range most commonly examined being 64-66 degrees Fahrenheit.
Although two hours of cold exposure per day provides the most benefit, even lesser doses, such as ten minutes in the shower, can be useful.
8.7. Maintaining A Low Thermostat:
If you have an air conditioner, keep it to the mid-60s F or below (approximately 18.5°C). Living in this atmosphere at home or work may be sufficient to promote your body’s brown fat.
Allow for temperature fluctuations in your home so that you are not always living at a nice 72°. Keep your air conditioning on in the summer and your heat low in the winter.
8.8. Sleep For At Least 8 Hours Per Night:
Melatonin is a hormone released in your brain more in the dark, which is why it is associated with sleep. Make a sleep regimen for yourself and stick to it so you receive 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
Sleep deprivation has been connected to weight increase, while obtaining enough sleep may boost brown fat activity.
Melatonin supplements may be purchased in pharmacies and pharmacy shops. Before beginning to utilize melatonin supplements, consult with your doctor.
Rest at a fair hour. If you are a night owl, get to bed by 2:00 a.m. at the latest. Stop using screens at least one hour before night to limit blue light exposure.
Every day, spend at least 20 minutes in the sun. Melatonin synthesis is increased by exposure to natural light.
8.9. Experiment With Intermittent Fasting:
A lot of people get this wrong. Intermittent fasting means limiting your eating window to around eight or ten hours and fasting the remaining hours. Intermittent fasting has also been demonstrated to aid in the accumulation of brown fat. To fast intermittently, eat for five days, and then fast for two.
Here are a few pointers to help you with intermittent fasting.
Aim for a 12-hour fast every day. It is the simplest kind of intermittent fasting.
After a week, progressively expand your fasting window to 14 hours. Make sure to finish your meal by 9 p.m. at the latest.
A 16-hour fast is challenging. To avoid hungry sensations, aim to eat dinner by 7 p.m. and go to bed as early as possible.
8.10. Apply Cold Packs To The Upper Body:
Apply cold packs daily to your upper back and chest for roughly 30 minutes. Because most brown fat is found in the neck and collarbone area, stimulating this area with cold may be useful.
Before putting the ice pack on your skin, wrap it in a towel.
It is currently being studied if chilling one portion of your body is useful in increasing brown fat.
9. Important Takeaways
Brown adipose tissue is a form of human fat that burns more calories than white fat and promotes healthy metabolism and weight.
People who have higher brown fat activity are less likely to be obese, have type 2 diabetes, or have heart disease, according to several types of research.
Turmeric, green tea, chili peppers, fish oil, resveratrol, berberine, and cinnamon are some brown fat foods and compounds that increase brown fat or induce the browning of white fat.
Cold exposure and moderate exercise are the two other ways to activate brown fat. Brown fat is an essential component of weight reduction. The faster you lose weight, the more brown fat you have.
While harnessing the potential of brown fat in people for weight loss and other health advantages is tantalizing, scientists haven’t worked it out yet.
Most studies have been conducted on animals, and more study is needed to determine how to activate brown fat in humans effectively.
10. Let’s Fight Obesity And Diabetes!
Nobody wants to be overweight. We all want to live a healthy life to prevent dying at a young age. In 2021, the weight loss business was valued at $254.9 billion. You’re wasting money on miraculous tea packed with laxatives to reduce weight.
The most crucial weapon you’ll need to win this fight is knowledge. Weight reduction is possible with scientifically backed safe approaches and increasing brown fat.
In this blog, I’ve discussed numerous healthy foods and methods to raise your brown fat, making this fight a bit simpler.
Add those to your diet and follow the methods I’ve mentioned to get healthy and lose weight faster. Convert white fat to brown fat and start fighting obesity and diabetes now!
Also check out, Interesting Facts About the Nervous System
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- Cannon, Barbara, and J. A. N. Nedergaard. “Brown adipose tissue: function and physiological significance.” Physiological reviews (2004). ↩︎
- Nedergaard, Jan, et al. “UCP1: the only protein able to mediate adaptive non-shivering thermogenesis and metabolic inefficiency.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1504.1 (2001): 82-106. ↩︎
- Saito, Masayuki. “Capsaicin and related food ingredients reducing body fat through the activation of TRP and brown fat thermogenesis.” Advances in Food and Nutrition Research 76 (2015): 1-28. ↩︎
Last Updated on by Sathi