What To Do When Your Parents Are Fighting

Sneha Babaria
16 Min Read

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There are times when couples disagree on certain topics and then arguments happen, the ego gets hurt, and the conversation keeps on going and going, and the blame game starts, without thinking about the consequences. Parents forget that there are children who are the most affected by the fights. The innocent little kids and even teenagers are always left behind, and the parents just want to win the argument at any cost. Do not get disheartened. Find out what to do when your parents are fighting in this post.

We should always understand that conflicts do happen no one is perfect and everyone’s life is full of ups and downs but the main thing is how we tackle the situation in difficult times. Parents fighting is the most crucial topic in everyone’s house but the thing is we are ashamed of sharing it with our friends and collogues due to constant judgmental behavior and other societal pressures.

Parents fighting constantly is no doubt the saddest incident children can face in their growing years. It not only affects everyone’s mental health but also leaves a dark deep wound inside a child’s heart. Parents’ arguments make one feel guilty about themselves, one feels upset, gets angry, and gets cranky over little things. Parents should realize it before it is too late for the betterment of the family.

I’m sure this post will ensure to provide you with everything you are looking forward to. So do not pressurize yourself and follow these tips so that you can try to resolve conflicts between your parents. Hold on and read more about it.

1. What to Do When Your Parents Are Fighting?

1.1. Call Someone You Trust

what to do when your parents are fighting
Image Source DCStudio/ Unlimphotos

When we see our parents fighting we usually get panic and are always worried about what to do next. Sometimes things go out of control and you do not know the next step. In those times call someone you trust like family members, trusted friends, or neighbors, and also you can talk to your school counselor as well. This can work well.

When someone is around while they are fighting it will generate a sense of embarrassment between them they will feel ashamed and those people will be able to pacify their anger to some extent. Parents may stop fighting for some time in their presence and you can have a sigh of relief.

1.2. Do Not Favor Anyone

Even though you know who is right and wrong in the current fighting scenario never show your favoritism to any one of your parents. This will make your parents argue more and worsen the case. We understand it will make you feel upset, curious, and sad but let them resolve their fight and do not side with any one of them.

Your verdict can make the parents upset. Parental conflict should be often resolved by themselves. It advised to show neutrality and not support any one parent. After all, it is not your job to take all the responsibility on your head. You can just try to lighten up the situation but do not stress out so much that it can affect your mental health.

1.3. Play Some Devotional Music

Playing some devotional music
Image Source yellowj/ Unlimphotos

Hands down the best thing to try out is when you see your parents arguing. When your parents fight constantly it is essential to keep them calm and compose. Playing some devotional music will work like magic.

The spiritual aura of the music will generate a blissful and positive environment that can immediately put a stop to your parents’ arguments. Nothing can compare to the mystical character and vibe of the supernatural entity. It should be played every day to create a pragmatic ambiance. This a must-try remedy to create a healthy way of living among the family members.

1.4. Consulting a Therapist

Sometimes things are out of control and we can feel sad and helpless at times. The angry words and verbally abusive nature is the worst thing one can ever dream of and make one lose control of several things in life. At this point consulting a therapist is the only option left to save the sinking relation. Research suggests that fighting affects one’s relationships and gives escalation to various health problems as well.

Perform some research and find to locate a therapist who is an expert in couples counseling. There are chances parents disagree at first to visit a therapist but your love and encouraging words will make them understand the need for it. As a part of a family member, you must do all the positive things to stop the parents’ conflict. Family therapy is mandatory in such a case or it may elevate mental health concerns.

1.5. Use Words of Affirmation

saying positive words at the right time
Image Source Elwynn/ Unlimphotos

Sometimes kind and encouraging words work wonders in any heated-up moment. When parents argue your cute encouraging words are a kind of savior sometimes. It helps to eradicate the negativity which is built up that leads to parents’ fights.

The constant change in parents’ behavior can make a kid stubborn and create a hindrance to raising children. If the other parent is kind and polite and one is fighting kids should understand that the silent parents too need affection and kind words. They work as an additional encouragement in those times.

1.6. Plan a Surprise Date for Them

Surprise gift ideas for couples
Image Source YuriArcurs/ Unlimphotos

If you are a grown-up kid and able to manage and take responsibility on your own this idea will be the most effective one. Do not worry if you cannot manage to do it on your own you can take the help of your friend, relative, or sibling if you have any.

Execute a surprise date plan for your parent in such a way that they do not get any single hint about it. You can simply make a setup at your home and arrange for them to watch their favorite movie. This will ignite the lost romance between them and can lighten their heavy heart for a while. Other ideas can be arranging a family get-to-gather, a romantic candlelight dinner date, or tickets to an amusement park.

The more alone time they will spend together the more feelings they will tend to develop for each other. Let them realize each other’s significance and your parents’ conflicts will ultimately get resolved.

1.7. Talk about the Good Old Days

Taking a look at the old photographs
Image Source YuriArcurs/ Unlimphotos

At the beginning of any relationship, everything seems so lovey-dovey. We feel like we are flying above the sky. Even we fall for their flaws. Every relationship goes through this phase and it is a human tendency to get bored at some point in their life due to repetitive monotonous activities. But the main question arises how do to keep that spark ignited in our relationship?

When your parents argue simply grab the old photograph album and show them their old photos together, how they use to be passionate about each other no matter what. Ask them to share an incredible story behind that particular picture. The nostalgic feeling will sure shot give them those butterflies when they fall in love for the first time in their life.

1.8. Leave the House for Sometimes

Children leaving their house with relatives
Image Source YuriArcurs/ Unlimphotos

If nothing works in your favor and your parents are fighting continuously the only option you are left with is to go somewhere else. Parents may not realize what you are going through in that situation because they are unable to hear the talk during their fighting.

A child’s safety should be the top priority for any parent. They should understand that if they are not able to resolve the conflicts and fight continuously they should decide to keep their children at their family members’ place for the time being. Teenagers can also opt to stay for some time with their school friends. Staying alone is a requirement for the parents as well as the child.

1.9. Mental Health

Depressed women lying on the bed
Image Source YuriArcurs/ Unlimphotos

Parents argue and the children have to face the consequences. As grown-up adults, parents should hear out their children as well. Parents might forget about the mental health of their kids and hurt the feelings and sentiments of them.

Kids are very sophisticated and need constant love, care, support, and healthy talk. Parents should ask them about the bad day and listen to them patiently. Arguing will lead us nowhere but only to a way toward self-destruction. Do not give them a silent treatment as it will hamper their mental health as well as yours.

1.10. Accept the Fact

Boy fed up of his parents fighting
Image Source Kzenon/ Unlimphotos

When nothing works acceptance is the only solution you are left with. Learn to embrace the current scenario and mold yourself with the situation. Even if positive talk or therapy is not enough to stop the argument. Deal with it with dignity and avoid letting it affect you in any way.

What is bound to be will either take place by hook or by crook. If arguing parents do not listen to anyone the fighting cannot be stopped. So do not worry and go with the flow and enjoy your day by spending time with other family members and friends. Someday your parents will realize their mistake and will try to change themselves. Hope for the best outcome in the future and always stay optimistic.

Final Note

Stop being judgmental and sad about your situation. Each family encounters some highs and lows in their entire life you are not alone. Unpredictability is a part of life and we never know what happens next. Always be ready to face any outcome and prepare your mind to be strong and stable when your parents fight. Worry less and cheerfully live each moment.

Parents might settle their conflicts but your childhood will never come back so make the optimum use of it and fill it with lots of happy memories to cherish forever. Sometimes parents argue for silly reasons so just let go of the negativity and deal with it with a smile on your face. If our parents are behaving like a kid switch the position and behave like mature adults.

Remember good times are on their way toward you. Do not give up on hope and do not make it your fault. Make them understand that there should be no room for anger at any cost and that it is the responsibility of a parent to enhance their children’s future. Keep that is mind that sometimes there is no way out of it and you just need to adjust for some time.

Parents fighting will hamper the environment of the family. Divorce rates are continuously rising and without any conclusion, couples are on the verge of separation at any cost. They fail to understand the after-effects of it. It can lead to serious trauma for the children which can stagnant their emotional growth in the future.

If you have any siblings try to do fun activities with them on weekends to divert your mind for a while. I hope the above-mentioned solutions will prove to be of great help next time your parents fight. If things escalate think about calling the emergency numbers. Stay mindful and do not let the small things create a hindrance in your life.


1. Should I call the police if my parents are fighting?

Ans- It depends on the fight. If it is going beyond your control and there is violence involved during the fight it is advisable to call the police. Other than that if verbal arguments happen try to avoid involving cops in your family matter.

2. I am the only child and my parents are constantly fighting. How should I deal with it?

Ans- Being an only child can sometimes be very lonely as you do not have anyone to share your thoughts with. If your parents are fighting try to join some hobby classes like dancing, swimming, or participate in some extra curriculum activities to keep your mind occupied from the stress.

3. I am suffering from bad mental health due to the recurring arguments and fights of my parents and I am unable to concentrate on my studies. What should I do?

Ans- It is advisable to visit a therapist or a school counselor. Speaking to someone you love will ensure that your emotions are addressed. Do not let anything affect your inner peace and let your worries and problem out. You can also call the child helpline number.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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Hello tribe. I am Sneha experienced in HR and Admin field but that urge and placid to write my thoughts bought me here. Writing gives me an immense amount of happiness without it I feel my life would be just meaningless. I love to write about fashion and beauty, lifestyle, poems, food, and, health-related blogs. Sharing the notions through my writings.