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If you want to grow the herb valerian, you must be curious to know where does Valerian grow best? The word valerian is derived from the word ‘valere ‘ a Latin verb meaning “to be strong and healthy” or “all heal“.
Valerian is scientifically known as Valeriana officinalis. It is most commonly grown in moist soil. Most people used Valerian as a herb.
1. What is Valerian?

Valerian is a plant that mainly grows in Europe and Asian countries. It is a flowering plant that has plenty of medicinal usages.
1.1. Other Names
The Valerian plant is from the Valerianaceae family also the Caprifoliaceae family. It has other common names such as Garden valerian, Garden heliotrope, St. Georges’s herbs, Cat’s valerian, All heal, Cut finger, and Set well. The Valerian plant is a relative of haskap and honeysuckle.
It has plenty of medicinal usage for insomnia, sedative, stomach cramps, etc. Most people use it to make essential oils as personal care products, soups, and broths. It is also famous for ornamental plants.
1.2. What are the Features of Valerian Plants?
Valerian plants can grow approximately six feet and has thick and hollow stems. It has a maximum of ten leaflet pairs and opposite compound long leaves. It has small white or pinkish flowers with a sweet smell that bloom around June – August. The fruit is lance-shaped, and it contains powdery seeds in small inches.
The valerian root is fibrous, small, and has an unpleasant smell.

2. Where Does Valerian Grow Best?
Valerian is a perpetual herb mainly planted in Asia and Europe and can grow in an informal or wild garden. The adaptable soil type for growing valerin plants has to be moist, but it can also grow in different soil types.
The site of the sun or partial shade is mandatory for increasing Valerian.
2.1. Best Season for the Growth of the Valerian Plant
Early spring is the best season for growing valerian plants. It also grows well in the summer season but needs excess watering. The flowering in Valeriana officinalis will happen in the summer. To avoid the self-seed in it, shorten the faded flower stems. The plants die in winter and appear again in spring.
3. How to Plant Valeriana Officinalis?
To plant valerian, the location must have sun shades. Choose a ground place for planting. After working the soil for about the 12-inch you can mix organic matter for better growth of the plant.
Always choose moisture soil or water the soil if it is dry soil.
3.1. What are the Different Ways of Planting Valerian?
There are two ways to plant the Valeriana officinalis either seeds or from rooted plants. For planting through seeds, prepare the soil to sprinkle the seeds in that soil, then cover the seeds with soil. If you are plating using established plants or rooted plants, make a hole in the ground, place the root in it, and cover the root ball with the soil till the top.
You can also do greenhouse seeding and propagation in March. The month of May is suitable for field seeding and also for field transplanting. Germinating the seed takes approximately three weeks.
3.2. How to Care?
After planting the seed or establishing the plant, Valerian requires little care.
- Water the plants regularly. Watering makes the soil keep the moisture, and it will help healthy growth.
- Preventing the seeds from drying is important because it will affect the establishment of the roots of plants.

3.3. What are the Temperature and Fertilizer Needed?
The soil temperature must be between 20-21 degrees while planting. To conserve the moisture around the roots, add some organic matter. You can use nitrogen-rich fertilizers for their effective growth.
3.4. How to Harvest Valerian Plant?
The best time for harvesting the Valerian plant is between July-October months. The plant can grow around five to six feet tall. Roots are harvested when it is in full bloom. At that time, they have all the compound active elements that were useful for medicinal purposes and others.
You can make a single harvest schedule. You can use Machines for harvesting. To avoid dryness, it is good to harvest in cold months.
3.4.1. How to Keep the Harvested Roots?
The roots have an unpleasant smell. In late autumn, get them by digging from the plant and washing it until it is clean. You can dry them in an open place in the sunlight. Once dried, store the roots in a container away from the sunlight. You can keep the dry roots for around two-three years.

To keep up the ecosystem, you can harvest only small portions of the plants. Until the autumn of the upcoming year, you must wait to start again.
3.5. When Do Valerian Plants Die?
Valerian Plants live for several years. The lifespan of Valeriana officinalis depends upon several factors, including the moisture of the soil, enough water, organic content in the soil, and sunlight. The plants will live for more than five years if given enough care.
4. What are the Advantages of Valerian?
Valerian plant has plenty of advantages. It is used as a herb for different health issues. Planting and caring for Valerian is simple and eco-friendly. From the root to the leave, each part of valerian is useful.
4.1. Its Medicinal Uses
Valerian is a herb. It can be used for making capsules for many diseases. The root of the plant can mix with other things to cure diseases. It can use to make Oils and Ointments.

4.1.1. Impacts on Medical Applications
For most people facing insomnia, valerian is a perfect cure to it. It gives you good relaxation or sleep. It can reduce anxiety and depression.
It can be used to reduce stomach cramps and muscle pain. The leaves of the Valerian are used to cure bruises.
4.2. Some Personal Care Products Using Valerian
Many personal care products are prepared from Valerian, such as facial cleansers for reducing wrinkles, tackles, and infections. There are Inflammation and skin care products. It is used in hair care products and personal care capsules for better sleep.
4.2.2. Other Uses of Valerian
It can be used to make a tea that gives better relaxation and can consider a medical aid. It will be effective for migraine, menstrual cramps, night sweats, and mood swings.
5. Is Valerian Useful for Animals?

For the anxiety and behavioral problems of cats, you can use Valerian. However, it should be used with some caution after consulting veterinary surgeons.
6. What are the Disadvantages of Valerian?
However, it is a natural herb but can also have some side effects. It can cause dizziness. Not applicable during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Due to the lack of research and side effects, you can’t use it for kids. It can also cause health issues and may have a few negative side effects.
Photo by WikimediaImages from Pixabay / Copyright 2015
Bottom Line
Valerian is most commonly seen in Europe and Asia. It has years of lifespan and has plenty of advantages, such as medicinal and personal care products. To plant it, you must know where does valerian grow best?
It is used for both humans and animals. There are also some side effects. Instead of using valerian directly, use it only under the doctor’s prescription.
Valerian needs more research to find the other purpose. Overall, Valerian is considered a trouble-free plant with lots of uses.
I hope that the article must help solve your queries.
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian