Why You Should Use Betting Apps Instead of Websites

Icy Tales Team
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The Technological Leviathans: An introduction

As time goes on it seems that, like the hair on our heads and the composition of our bodies, technology continues to grow exponentially, reaching highs that our forefathers wouldn’t even be able to fathom. Would Nikola Tesla believe that we can now carry boxes of electricity, with which we can charge devices on a whim at any time we’d like? Would Charles Chaplin, or Orson Welles believe that we could now watch motion pictures, right on a device that fits into our pocket? Or would Bethooven believe that with a few taps, we could access his entire musical catalog? 


This is the beauty of technology and how it evolves seamlessly throughout the decades, and one of the biggest technological phenomena of this generation is that of apps, applications on one’s phone which serve all sorts of functions, such as both formal and informal communication, entertainment, all serving to make our life easier. Apps have quickly become one of the most captivating technological aspects, with Americans spending 88% of their time online, on apps.


We can also see this in the world of sports betting and gambling. Mobile apps are slowly but surely encompassing the world of online sports betting, and are being proven to be the more convenient option when it comes to sports betting. However, what sets these apart from websites, and why are they being regarded as the better option, compared to websites?


Helping Mediate the Digital Footprint

Also known as a digital shadow, a digital footprint is when you create a trail of data from browsing websites online, which can be used to identify you and your online activity. Digital footprints are those identifiable online behaviors that are particular to each internet user and are traceable. As well as being traceable, these can leave one open to their data being used via cookies to create advertising which would cater to them.


Using an app for sports betting serves to mediate this and while not eliminating it completely, still serves to minimize one’s digital footprint. 


Convenience: Betting Anywhere, at Any Given Time

One of the biggest benefits which arise from mobile sports betting is the fact that, unlike a website, it can be done anywhere and at any time. Sure, you can lug around a bulky laptop and struggle with wifi connections and then start betting, but with apps, it’s so much easier as all you need is a phone and a wifi connection. The latter not even being as useful due to the fact that most people use mobile data plans. 



The majority of the time, websites can be slow to load and have issues. However, there is extremely little chance that an app will have bugs, with many factors in speed mostly being due to internet connection, rather than the app’s design itself. Because of this, you can quickly and simply place bets while on the road without worrying that the app won’t function when it matters most. This is particularly crucial, as you will be betting in real-time. When time is money, you can’t afford to lose over a site freezing. Most people find that an app will end up working much faster than a website, contributing to the heavy usage growth of apps worldwide.



When entering the gambling world, a bettor’s best friend is researched as it helps them choose good sports books and apps to bet on. The reason one should do research is to make sure they enter the world of betting and gambling prepared. When it comes to apps, the most research one needs to do is to choose the app itself and to be aware of the laws surrounding gambling and betting within their country. Otherwise, when choosing the apps, many risks are already mitigated.


Bonuses and Exclusivity

Sports betting apps typically provide a variety of bonuses to entice new users. These may include welcome bonuses, cashback, free bets, and many other options. You can also have access to special offers and rewards if you actively use a bookmaker’s services. Certain bonuses and offers are offered exclusively for app users, giving more and more of an incentive for one to use apps, rather than sites.


Concluding Statements

When it comes to betting online, apps were once the new kid on the block, but have cemented their place as the go-to way for one to conveniently place bets on sports, in a convenient fashion. Between the user interface, mobility, lack of risks, and speed, as well as with app-exclusive bonuses, it literally is more profitable to use apps rather than websites. While websites do have their benefits and have carried online sports betting since its conception, apps have flexed their technological muscles and are now the norm for online betting.

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Last Updated on by Laveleena Sharma

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