7 Best Fun Drinking Games to Turn Up Your Party

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It’s not always the music and the lights that bring a charm to the party, nor the expensive booze, but sometimes, some of the party drinking games add to the charm of the gathering.

There are many fun drinking games that one can enjoy at parties, and today in this article, let’s go through the best of them.

Let’s check them out, shall we now?

Fun Drinking Games To Play

1. Kingcups

How to Play the Drinking Game King

All we need is drinks and a set of cards for this game. This is one of the best fun drinking games.

Kings Cup is best delighted in with a huge number of individuals. Each time you choose a card, you’ve got to do what the list underneath says. The drunker you are, the way better! It’s a fun drinking game.

King’s Cup (aka Ring of Fire, Circle of Death, Waterfall) is by distant one of the foremost well-known drinking recreations, but with numerous such varieties, it can be challenging to know which rules are leading to play with.

It doesn’t require too much drinking, but until the person playing drinks all their allotted sips without making any mistake, they get to be the winner of that game round.

This fun game consists of team selection and question era, which will help decide different rule statements to be followed throughout the game.

Time and effort both have to be adjusted for this game; otherwise, it might get disappointing for some team members and even might not enjoy playing this adult version of the game due to its intensity with other cups.

This fun-filled game takes place between two teams, team A against team B, consisting of at least 2 members.

If a group decides to play it all together, it’s a great game. It’s more fun with more people and not just 3-4 individuals. The game depends upon the card drawn and has a particular set of rules like:

As this game is based on the card drawn out, its rules are based on the card drawn.

This round is depended on the first person who picks the card. If the ace card is drawn, it stands for the waterfall. In this case, the first player starts playing by drinking, and all the other players drink simultaneously. No one can stop drinking until the player sitting before them stops drinking.

If a card of two is drawn, it indicates that the person who draws the card can choose anyone to take two drinks.

If a card of three is drawn, then it indicates whoever has drawn the card has to have two drinks.

If a card of four is drawn, the ladies present in the games must drink.

If a card of five is drawn, the one who draws the card has to create a dance move, and everyone has to try that move, and the one who screws up the move has to drink.

If a six-card is drawn, all the guys at the table must take a drink. In this party drinking game, nothing is predictable.

If a card of seven is drawn, then the person who draws the card raises his hand in the air, and every other player does it too. One of the players yells, and the one who was the last to raise the hands drinks a cup.

If a card of eight is drawn, then the player who drew the card has to choose a mate, and according to the rule, every time the player drinks, the mate will have to drink with him.

If a card of nine is drawn, that stands for a kind of rhyming game that continues until someone cannot find a rhyming word, and then that person has to take a drink.

The game starts with the person who drew the card, so the word’s choice also depends on him.

If a card of ten is drawn, that stands for a category that is to be picked by the player, and everyone starts playing based on choosing something relevant to the choice of category that the player who drew the card chose.

The person who is unable to find something relevant to that category is the one who is supposed to drink.

If a jack is drawn out, everyone plays “Never have I ever.” This game,never have I ever,” is also one of the fun drinking games which will be explained properly in another section of this article.

If a queen is drawn, ask questions; whoever answers will take a drink.

This proceeds until somebody messes up or falls flat to inquire a question. That individual drinks.

If a king is drawn, the player picks who draws the card must set a rule for the game which everyone else will follow. It can be anything like standing on your hands.

2. Never Have I Ever

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions – Interactive Party Game

The verbal amusement begins with all players shaping a circle. The primary player starts by saying a basic articulation, almost something they have never done in their life, beginning with “Never have I ever.”

Anybody who has done that activity that the primary player says must drink at any point in their life. At that point, the diversion proceeds around the circle, and the following individual makes a statement.

An extra run of the show demonstrates that the player is permitted to alter the question after drinking all players’ glasses on the off chance that there’s no one taking a drink, at that point, the one who said the specific “Never have I ever…” explanation must take a drink.

This run the show frequently strengthens the players to strategize more and makes less expendable or inconsequential suggestions.

An assist variety holds that at whatever point where one is drinking, that individual must deliver a nitty-gritty account of why they are drinking. Another assortment of this diversion includes putting up five or ten fingers, putting one down at whatever point something specified has been done.

There is almost no limit to the number of additional rules and specifics that can be added, though a strong list in favour of keeping them is to keep it simple.

There is also a game version where one constant theme per round has been established. An example could be someone who says, “Never Have I Ever Been In A Fight,” and if a person drinks to that, they have to tell a story while everyone else must judge if they believe the story was true or not and give points accordingly. Points earn you more drinks.

If a person doesn’t drink, they have to explain why they were never in a fight. (Note any question or statement can replace this rule).

This game requires constant supervision because anyone who loses control of how much alcohol they’ve consumed becomes too drunk to play, so games should be played in moderation. If anyone attempts to get too drunk too fast, remove them from the playing group for their safety.

This will encourage drinking responsibly as only those who are conscious enough to remain sober enough to judge can earn any points.

“Never Have I Ever” is a fun game to spill secrets. If you know someone’s secret and you want them to spill it out, you can use it against them in this game.

It’s entertaining between a group of 6-8 friends.

3. Drunk Jenga

Fun drinking games
By: Rido on Shutterstock

Drunk Jenga is like ordinary Jenga but a fun drinking game with fun and insane challenges composed on the 54 Jenga pieces.

This version of the game adds a boozy twist to the classic Jenga. And this is why it is also known as a “tipsy tower.” Well, if you are tipsy, the tower will surely fall.

The trap is to choose up to one square from the set heap of squares with one hand and put it on the top of the pile. If the stack falls, you chug your drink, choose up to two squares and take up the challenges.

To begin, take your Jenga pieces and write out distinctive rules, games, challenges on each block.

After all the pieces have something written on them, put down 3 squares side-by-side. Then, stack 3 more squares in an opposite fashion on top of that row. Proceed with this design until you’ve utilized all your Jenga squares and made a tall Jenga tower.

The best part is you can make your own rules. Hence you have unlimited options, and even if you don’t have ideas, here are some mentioned below:

Truth or lie: In this case, a person says two truths and a lie, and the other players will have to guess wrong or right.

Strip: The one who draws it will have to remove one piece of clothing of their own choice and play the whole game with it removed. He will have to take the entire party drinking game shots.

4 eyes: All the players who wear glasses will have to drink ( responsibly, of course).

Old person: The oldest person will have to take a drink from a shot glass.

Shot: All the other players in the group will make a shot for you. Now, this can be a good shot or a twisted one. (Good luck)

Three: A player will have to take three drinks simultaneously in one minute.

Tall tale: The one who is the tallest will have to drink.

Beer game: The person will have to finish a particular number of beer cans in a specific amount of time, and it differs if it’s from the first player.

4. Bite the bag:

Planning party games is a bit difficult, but the fun lies within it. “Bite the bag” is another funny drinking game that can change the whole environment of the game.

It is indifferent rounds where the next round is always harder than the previous one. All you need is a paper bag for this game.

Put an empty brown paper bag on the floor. Standing on one foot, each player must take a turn to recover the pack utilizing as it were their mouth. Once the bag is effectively recovered, that player tears off the piece of the sack that their mouth touched.

In this way, the sack gradually gets lower and lower to the ground. Once a player’s raised foot touches the ground or one of their hands touches the ground, they are killed from the game. The final individual remaining within the game is the champ.

This is not a drinking party game, but it can be made one with the same rules and more interesting by adding drinking one cup after each round.

5. Straight face: 


For this game, gather your group, make them sit in a circle on the floor or near a circular table, and choose someone randomly to begin the game.

This first person who has been chosen to start the game turns to the individual on his right or left and says that person’s name in a funny voice or funny way. (and may utilize hand motions or facial expressions).

If that individual whose name has been said out loud giggles, they must quit the game. The purpose of this game is twofold: whoever is saying the name must make the other person laugh out loud, and second: whose name is being said must control their laughter.

Well, it’s more fun when you are drunk because it’s hard to control your laughter when you are feeling tipsy. Keeping up a straight face while being drunk is hard, and that’s what makes this game more interesting.

Players yell at each other also to make them laugh. It can also be played in more than one pair of teams. The game continues until the last person remains, the one with a straight face (and, of course, the slightest sense of humour, hahaha).

6. Beer pong

7 Best Fun Drinking Games to Turn Up Your Party 2
By: Wavebreakmedia on Shutterstock

Beer pong (not so commonly known as Beirut) is one of the most popular drinking games.

It is like the “night in shining armour” for house parties, college get-togethers, and stuff. For this game, all you need are ping pong balls, cups (and, of course, beer).

For the setup, arrange 10 cups on each side of a table (preferably a beer-pong table) in a pyramid-like formation. Next, fill each cup with your desired amount of beer (the more, the better).

This game is usually played in teams of two, and each team takes one side of the table. One player from each team comes ahead simultaneously and tries to throw a ping-pong ball right into one of the opposite teams’ cups.

If team A gets the shot, then one player from the opponent team has to drink the beer in the cup. However, if both the teams make the shot, the balls are rolled back, and that round stands void.

Whichever team manages to hit more of the opponents’ cups wins the game. And the other team, of course, wins a lot of beers down their throats.

Beer Pong has a lot of variations and house rules that keep on changing from person to person, so you can always set your own rules.

7. Paranoia

This is one hell of an exciting game. This is one of those games which makes you do things, even when you know you don’t have to.

The game begins like players in the game, and each gets a turn to whisper a question into the ears of the person sitting right next to them. The person who was asked the question must now say the answer aloud.

Now, this makes all the other players curious about the question. The fun lies in the question and how the person answers it, making the other players scratch their heads, wondering what could have been the question.

And if one of the players can’t take the suspense anymore, they can give in. They can ask for the information, for the question. But they have to earn it. How, you ask?

This game is all about seeing who cracks the most. Simple, they have to drink to know. You would be surprised by the results.

One fun twist or variation to this game is “Person Paranoia,” where the question’s answer has to be the name of any of the players present in the room. Now, this will make everyone wonder, wouldn’t it?

Another Must Try – Spades

Spades is a classic card game that can easily be turned into a thrilling drinking game with friends. To play Spades, participants draw cards and follow specific rules corresponding to the card drawn. This game adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to your drinking session, making it a great choice for gatherings and parties.

Spades can be played as a drinking game by assigning drinking rules to specific cards. Here’s how you could play it:

  • Setup: Gather a deck of cards and your favorite beverages. Make sure everyone has a drink of their choice ready.
  • Assign Rules: Assign drinking rules to each card rank (e.g., Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, etc.). For example:
    • Ace: Everyone takes a sip.
    • King: The person who drew the King chooses someone to take a shot or drink a designated amount.
    • Queen: The person who drew the Queen asks a question, and anyone who answers must take a drink.
  • Gameplay: Players take turns drawing cards from the deck and perform the corresponding drinking action based on the card’s rank.
  • Winning: The game can continue for a set number of rounds or until everyone decides to stop. There may not be a clear winner in this drinking game; it’s more about having fun and enjoying each other’s company while sipping your favorite beverages. For those who don’t have a physical deck of cards, try the game for free at Spades.co!

So, there you have it, the best drinking games of all time. Next time your friends are coming, or you have a house party, don’t worry about the fun, play any of the games, or probably all and get your party started the wild way.

Have fun!!

Word of Advice: Always drink responsibly. Do not drink more than you can handle. Do not drink and drive.

Last Updated on by Icy Tales Team

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