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Ankita Agnihotri is a certified Nutritionist and Fitness Enthusiast passionate about health and lifestyle. The nutritionist’s work focuses on raising awareness of Fitness and Nutrition along with talking about invisible topics like pain-free periods and balancing hormones.
In her conversation with Icy Tales, Ankita Agnihotri spoke about her journey in pursuing this field, along with some tips for nutrition in children and adults.
Q) Tell us something about your journey in pursuing fitness and nutrition
Ankita Agnihotri – This goes back to my childhood because I put on a lot of weight when I hit my teenager. It happens to many girls when we start putting on hormonal weight as we are just munching around mindlessly. So these things happened, and I started gaining more weight over the years.
Apart from this, my periods were also messed up, and everything was all over the place. Finally, one day I decided to work on myself or things would worsen. When I started to work on myself, I was doing it without anyone’s guidance. So then I started doing a lot of studies and a strict diet, and eventually, I lost a lot of weight.
Once I started working, I started reading many books on nutrition, health, and how your body functions internally. But it didn’t last long because there was no right approach, and I had no guidance. This bugged me because I knew that there was something that I was doing wrong. Gradually I started my journey again, and this time I promised myself I would do it sustainably.
First, I started working on my food, and I think it went right for me in lockdown because I started eating at home. Good food, nutrition balance, weight balance, and sleep cycle helped me manage stress.
After this, I started helping others; I now do online consultations. I help them to lose weight, meet their goals, and get their health and body back. And that’s how it is working. It does take, you know, a bad side, and then you can be a good side.
Q) What is the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
Ankita Agnihotri – It is very important because if you want to do good in any aspect of life, you need good health. If you are healthy, you can do anything. I’m sure we all have many goals and things on our bucket lists, but it all goes in vain if your health is not with you.
I see people compromising their health because of studies and everything but trust me, long-term health should be the real priority. To achieve anything in life, you must first be healthy.
Q) Your Instagram Bio says that you have helped more than 400 people to lose inches. What keeps you motivated to achieve these milestones?
Ankita Agnihotri – When I started losing weight, I became confident, which changed my life. When I started helping other people, I saw them doing so well in life. Two months ago, they were so demotivated, frustrated, and had no relationship with food, and now I am seeing them grow.
This is one of the reasons I want to work because it makes me feel so good, even if I can make a positive change in a single person’s life. It is so good to see the people who need a little guidance and will do great in their lives.
When I see people getting the results they want after just showing them some direction, it motivates me to keep going further and help as many people as I want.
Q) Tell us something about pain-free periods and balancing your hormones
Ankita Agnihotri – When I see other fitness pages on Instagram, everyone talks about calories, weight loss, and everything. But when it comes to women’s health, for me, before weight loss, I want to know how your periods are because that is extremely important in a woman’s life; it is every month’s certificate that shows how your last 30 days have been.
If someone is following my plan and has been following it for 30 days, maybe they are not doing very well on the weight loss, but their periods are on track, especially since the pain has completely gone. It is a huge green flag because having a painful period means something is off in your body.
When you’re losing weight, your periods should improve because your body is on the right path as you lose weight. I know a lot of women who will agree that many women face so much extreme pain that they can’t even go to work when they have their periods. That is not normal just because it is common, right? That is why we have to fix it, and food can help. I can vouch for that because I saw it happening in myself.
Q) What do you have to say about nutrition for children?
Ankita Agnihotri – Nutrition for children is very important because if I connect it with my personal experience, I think I would have never gained so much weight if someone had helped me take care of my nutrition and diet.
Childhood and teenager are when your body undergoes many changes as we study and do multiple things simultaneously; girls get their periods, and boys attain puberty. This is when your growth and reproductive hormones need proper nourishment.
Sometimes our parents don’t care about us, so we are always munching outside and eating junk food, eventually worsening the situation. Our hormones are all over the place, which is why kids are becoming obese. That is why I think it is hugely important that you start taking care of your child at a young age itself.
Parents should give their children proper food and time to work nicely without overloading them with studies. It’s not about the studies; good nutrition will help them get acquainted with all other aspects. It shouldn’t be like, once they become an adult, we will see; don’t do that.
Q) What advice do you have for people to help them stay fit and maintain good nutrition levels?
Ankita Agnihotri – The first step is to start making your food at home; one should know how to cook. Start looking for healthier alternatives apart from just pizzas and burgers. There is a huge difference in the choices, quality, and quantity. There is also a huge difference between a person who had a pizza at home and someone who ate at a restaurant.
Whatever you get outside is total rubbish! Eating at home always gives you a good and healthier option if you are eager to eat fancy food. The second tip is that start moving your body. You have to move around thirty minutes a day, no matter what. Please don’t do it out of punishment, do it because you are a human and you can move nicely, so do it.
It’s not important that you have to go to a gym; you can do Zumba, walk and jog as well. Another important thing is to prioritize your sleep. Don’t spend too much time partying and hanging out in the clubs, which will not help in the long term.
Ankita Agnihotri is working towards educating people on the importance of maintaining good fitness and nutrition levels. She aims to help more people to get healthy in life.
Check out the whole conversation with Ankita Agnihotri on our YouTube Channel.
Last Updated on by ritukhare