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Eveyone loves bedtime stories and we all have heard these stories when we were young about the prince charming approaching us on a white horse but growing up we all loose these small joys of life.
A good story is liked by everyone but romatic stories always have a soft spot in everyones heart especially when you are with your partner but such short stories could be enjoyed over a phone when a couple is in a long distance.
You might be in a steady relationship or just started seeing someone you like but have you ever desired to wish your girlfriend goodnight with a passionate message? Or if you are thinking to do so try some bedtime stories for your girlfriend to convey your love for your girlfriend.
Bedtime story isn’t for the children or kids anymore a short and intersting bedtime story for your girlfriend isn’t childish anymore it’s one of the ways to make your bond more strong. Bedtime story is one of the way to keep up the heat of love and intimacy and it will not be a moral oriented strory to make things boring.
At first it may sound cliched but after hearing romanticc bedtime story even for the first time you will get hooked. It works better than a dozens of flowers you brought for her or any other gift. A romatic story listening from her partner before sleeping will surely make a girl fall in love with his partner again.
You will love hearing your partners voice and its just not about long distance people you can read these short romantic bedtime stories together and then sleep ahead dreaming about their prince charming or knight in shinning armour.
A good bedtime story will make things captivating and interesting and it will help you alot because romantic bedtime stories help you to stay connected to your partner in a better way. Cute bedtime story will help you to make your alliance stronger and it’s way better than bringing her a dozen of flowers and telling these romantic bedtime story is not big deal.
It could be a funny bedtime story where a boy promised something to his girlfriend or a story about a simple sweet and silent girl. These stories should have a happy ending and some essence of your love so she can feel the warmth of your love and dream about such happy endings.
Some of you think these bedtime stories are a very childish way of expressing your love for your partner but what about those dozen of flowers that you have brought for her don’t they get useless and broing after some time.
These bedtime stories for girlfriend will give her the assurance of you being with her everytime when she hears these romantic bedtime story in your voice and it’s not that diffcult to read these romantic bedtime stories with love in your voice and it will make her fall asleep with a sleep on her face.
These fairy tale romance are better than bring fresh flowers for her and these fairy tale roamce never goes out of style and you can write silly stories romantic ones for your girlfriend by reading our short romantic bedtime stories.
At the end of day all grils have grown up learning about fairy tales and hearing romantic stories from our mothers and we all wished to be a part of some romantic story.
These short bedtime stories will help you to create a strong relationship and emotional bond with your girlfriend. It’s a very romantic way to express their love to their partners. There’s nothing better for a woman than listening to their man’s voice lulling her to sleep and when you can’t tuck her in or kiss her these bedtime stories will fill the void of your absence.
Young or old bedtimesories have always been a never changing bond for humans and especially during long distance relationships where you can’t snuggle with your partner and miss sleeping with them which can cause restlessness to mind these short bedtime stories will let your girlfriend sleep peacefully and even if you are in a different city you’ll feel the warmth of your love.
In these hectic schedules of everyone especially the working couples night time is very important for them whether they live apart or live in the night time when they get to spend some quality time to spend with each other.
During this time when you want to show affection towards your girlfriend you can use these “romantic bedtime stories for girlfriend” to have a heart to heart conversation with your partner. Short bedtime stories for girlfiend can be a cool and interesting activity that you can explore together and have fun with.
1. Love could be exhausting sometimes
This story is about Gerald and elaine. Elaine had dementia and they had been married for 40 years. Elaine was a fair complexion girl and Gerald was handsome when they got married they used to live together in a small home with their maid one day gear and noticed Elaine is wearing the sweater in and out he used to make sure these things don’t happen. In the meantime Maria the maid came with tea and cookies and she asked Elaine how’s she was today and she flenched at this question. Maria understood the situation and left. Gerald hand over tea to elaine when Elaine asked him ‘when we are going to get married?’ ‘soon my love’ Gerald replied and then elaine smiled at him and said ‘ I love you know. You must talk to my father soon. ‘ I love you too ‘ her husaband smiled and then they walked in the garden holding hands.
2. Love at first sight
Love at first sight – Joseph didn’t believe in love, at first sight, he sued to believe that you have to know a person before you fell in love with them and all these physical attributions that made you attracted towards them won’t last long but he didn’t realise his world I going to change soon. On one fine day, it was raining cats and dogs that day and joseph had been drenched to the skin on the short walk from the taxi to the entrances of his office block. There he collided with a girl named Anna who was in a similar condition. As she ran to get out of the train they collided in the doorway her bag fell to the floor and its contents spilt out Joseph immediately apologise and was about to give her things her eyes fell on anna. She has golden hair with blue eyes and for Joseph, with a sweet smile she said thankyou.She was the most beautiful girl he saw. At that time, he didn’t know her name but he was sure that she was the one for him.
3. Most worthy relationship
One day a husband returned home with a bouquet of beautiful lilies just the way her wife liked. The wife was pleasantly surprised after seeing them and was about to ask him their daughter the young girl asked his daddy “What are they for daddy?” Her father replied ” all my colleagues were complaining about their marriage life and it made me feel so lucky to have your mummy in my life she is the most understanding and beautiful woman in the entire world. Her wife beamed with joy and they all gather for a sweet hug.
3. A Dozen flowers
A husband bought her wife a dozen flowers but she was confused that 11 flowers were fresh and real flowers while one of them was an artificial flower. She was curious after seeing them she gave a lot of thought about it but in the end, she give up and asked his husband “why you have given me one artificial flower and the other 11 flowers are fresh?” The husband smiled and said “I will love you till this artificial flower dies” after listening to this her wife blushed and gave his husband a sweet hug while her eyes were wet with tears.
4. A simple love story
A girl asked his boyfriend “is she pretty or not?” the boy answers no “No”, and then her girlfriend asked her another question ” Do you want to be with me forever or not?” The boy answered with a “No” after hearing this she was disappointed and asked one more question ” Would be sad if I leave you?”
4. Ultimate Love
Charlotte von Slevin was a 19-year-old girl from a Swedish royal family. In 1975 she travelled to India to get a portrait made by a talented artist called Pradyumma Kumar Mahanandia. He was born to become an artist but he belonged to a poor Indian family but besides the fact he was poor, he gained large popularity. She met him and gave him a proper explanation of what she wanted and with time the portrait was ready but their relationship also grew with time and they fall in love and Charlotte decided to live in India for a couple of days but when these days turned into weeks to months she didn’t realise and then they got married but Charlotte had to leave to complete her higher studies and though the newlywed we’re separated right after the wedding.
Their love never changed but grew more for each other, they communicate through letters and Pradyumna wanted to meet her so after completing the studies he sold all his properties to buy a ticket of an aeroplane but he couldn’t afford it so he bought a cheap and used bicycle he packed all his paintings and brushes to get financial support and he started his journey from India to the Western world on his cheap bicycle and after 4 months he reached Charlottes college London and they live there happily ever after.
5. Handsome college boy
One day a boyfriend and girlfriend were laying on the bed, the girl was busy reading books and the boy was scrolling on his phone when he decided to click a selfie with his girlfriend. He clicked a picture and then the girl asked “why did you click the picture when I’m not wearing the make-up and you are going to post on social media you might be a handsome college boy but I’m not that pretty people might make fun of you”, the boyfriend smiled and said ” I will show this picture to my children and tell their future mom is the prettiest lady in the world even when she is not wearing any makeup”, his girlfriend eyes filled with tears and she hugged him tightly.
6. Heart to Heart connection
A girl and boy met on some social networking sites and they instantly hit off. They started talking for long hours and they grew close to each other and felt a connection between them. Both of them didn’t use their pictures on site but still, they spent hours chatting with each other, soon after this they shared their number and now most of the time they spent talking on the phone and now they have realised that they like each other. One fine day a boy asked the girl to meet him, she was happy at first but then became sceptical of this meeting as the girl was of short height and overweight, whereas he was a sweet looking boy but she didn’t know about this but at last, they met in a cafe the guy greeted her warmly with a smile on his face and the girl was trying to figure out whether he likes her or not but after some time the guy proposed her, the girl had tears in her eyes she said I thought you didn’t like me because of my weight and the boy smiled and said I fell in love with you even when we haven’t met her and in my eyes, you’ll always the prettiest girl in this whole world.
7. Love Story
A girl and boy were riding a motorbike while they were in the middle of the road moving forward at high speed the guy asked the girl “Do you love me?” the girl was puzzled by such strange asking but she still replied and said, “Yes, I love you!” and then she hugged him. The boy removed his helmet as he was feeling uncomfortable, his girlfriend wore his helmet. The next day there was an article on the news that a motorcycle met with an accident because of the brake failure, the boy died while the girl suffered some injuries the guy knew the brakes are failed so he gave his helmet to her and hugged her for the last time.
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Last Updated on by Sathi