Best April Fool Pranks: 16 Stories to Read

Mariya Mukhtar
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You must be excited to play a prank on someone on 1st April, but have you ever wondered about the background, history, and importance of this tradition before the beginning of our thread for best April fool pranks stories, let me tell you some amazing facts and incidents from history.

The origin of April fools day remains a mystery because there is not one authentic theory to rely upon but it is purely a western convention celebrated on 1st April and with time and influence reached the eastern side of the globe as well. So basically, it’s a tradition of playing pranks on someone like friends, family members, or strangers on 1st April for a good laugh and fun.

There is one theory about April fool’s day. According to that, April fool was an established tradition to mock the people who celebrate new year’s eve on other dates instead of 1st January because the celebration of new year’s eve on 1st January became common in western countries only after 16th of century.

It is such a popular tradition in Britain, so much so that once the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1957 purposely broadcasted the harvesting of spaghetti from a spaghetti tree at that time spaghetti used to be an alien thing to UK people so many residents contacted the news channel to learn the propagation method of spaghetti tree.

And the other incident of similar nature was when British Broadcasting Corporation in 1980 announced that the Big Ben Clock in London was going to be digital and who touches it first could win the clock hands. I chose to include these incidents just to show the importance of this traditional occasion of pranking day in the West. So, these were some of the best April fool pranks from history to know about.

You must have learned about April fool’s day from your elders who don’t know much about it other than that it’s a pranking day like me but now you know that due to Western influence we Asians also started celebrating this day, also because it is fun, it is popular in Asia so much that there is one Bollywood movie named “April Fool” in which the iconic singer Mohammad Rafi has sung the song “April fool banaya” which is an all-time classic song famous in 21st century as well played by maximum people on April fools day.

1. Best April Fool Pranks to Play on Loved Ones

It’s so much fun to play pranks on family members, kids, and friends; there are endless ways to turn the surprise into shock to make people laugh, but while so, take care not to hurt someone physically or emotionally because only then the purpose is achieved. So, I am going to share some of the best April fool pranks from my life.

1.) When I use to be a kid, my uncle played this prank on me, he took out a round box traditionally made of jute and asked me to open it and find something surprising I did so, and saw a snake head pop up quickly, shouted, and threw the box away, and then everybody laughed, he shouted, “April fool“. I inspected the box after that closely, it was a fake plastic snake inside, and then I laughed too; on that day, I got to know about the tradition of pranking on 1st April.

funny faces
Photo by Kiana Bosman on Unsplash
Copyright 2018

2.) Once my senior asked me to take my hand out and I did and shrieked in horror because it was a rubber-made lizard and it wasn’t a pranking day but he did that purposely for fun because popularly boys believe that most of the girls fear lizards or reptiles.

3.) Later came mobile phones, once my cousin was pranking people by making a call from a new number, unknown to them, and then he chose to prank one of the distant cousins who were a jerk, and my cousin knew the name of the girl he likes and use to stalk her during family functions but never heard his voice so when she called him, she kept pointing things in a way that he assumed her to be that girl and started talking and after that, he is a jerk is revealed.

Once my other cousin try doing the same with our distant uncle but after four calls he threatened to put the number into his social media handle and then she will be in great trouble so because we were not so informed about social media at that time she revealed her identity immediately because she was too timid to continue.

4.) Once my cousin pranked me using a similar trick and the reason I became the prank victim was due to false assumptions, I was in class 10th and some days before a boy made a call probably my classmate because he was a jerk and it disturbed me a lot, and some days after I started receiving suspecting text messages and after many attempts, the sender wasn’t revealing his name so I tried calling and a romantic Bollywood tune was a ringtone, my assumption was getting stronger and it was really bothering me.

I so wanted to know the person behind, after so many attempts I threatened to handover the news to my father and after that, he will look into the matter, believe me, I was about to do that but then my cousin called me back and reveal her identity, it was the same timid cousin that’s why the trick worked and it didn’t felt funny at that time but I was relieved of the stress. And believe me it is one of the best April fool pranks to pull on loved ones.

5.) Then came smartphones, chatting apps, and social media from where concepts like online dating and long-distance relationships were born.

When I was in the first year of graduation enjoying my first Samsung Galaxy smartphone a message from some stranger came on my WhatsApp when I checked I could see the profile picture of which a girl photo was showing so, I decided to fool her just for fun, I didn’t save her number otherwise my identity would have been revealed.

I started chatting in a way that she feels like talking to a boy and she looked interested and was continuing the conversation but after when she asked me to sent a photo because she wanted to befriend me, I decided to not take this any further and revealed my gender and purpose but she wasn’t ready to believe and wanted to continue the conversation, so I choose to block her because I wasn’t interested.

After then I learned that using a fake picture and the new number is such a trick to fool people who are new to these things.

6.) There is a tradition of playing a prank on the bridegroom by the sister-in-law in India and my friend did it very well at her sister’s wedding, she had prepared a keypad mobile phone from clay, painted it well, and used real packaging for the model she copied and wrapped it in a gift paper and urged the bridegroom to uncover the gift in front of the public after people were amazed amusing it an expensive gift and then laugh out loud after the reality was relieved.

7.) And she pranked her brother-in-law once more by cutting a boneless piece of mutton like a heart, putting it inside a box, and handing it over, he mistook it as some decoration object and placed it on the dressing table. Sometimes later the heart started shrinking releasing water from it.

8.) A straight face can be so useful because your unsuspecting victim will follow the orders till you burst out laughing, I once tried telling a joke in the same way and it worked perfectly on my college friend. She was packing to go for a trip and was listing important things, I started tricking her that she has not packed one essential thing, and without it, the trip will be a failure and made her dive down into her messy wardrobe, after sometimes, at last, I told her that it’s her “mind” which might be chapped under the cloths and everyone burst out laughing.

9.) Once my two cousins and I decided to play a real-life prank on our relatives, so we arranged three Abaya for each of us; Abaya is a traditional dress worn by women as coverage over real dress, leaving space for eyes, hands, and legs, mostly in black color.

And visited our senior aunt who was slightly blind, and talked to her in a local language; asked her to recognize and lied that we are in hurry so don’t ask us to uncover the Abaya; everything was going well but because one of my cousins burst into laughter in the middle, the joke got finished after that, but we did it so well to give everybody a belly laugh for a day.

Once I tried fooling my maternal grandmother the way, but our identity got disclosed soon, and the joke was spoiled. The whole exercise was so fun that it became an all-time funny memory for her.

2. Best April Fool Pranks to Play on Kids

10.) To pass on the tradition, I chose to scare the kids the same way as I was pranked when I was thirteen, there use to be videos on the internet to scare away people in which something suspecting kept happening, and I was told to focus on the screen because any time the magic can be revealed and the volume was at it’s fullest and suddenly came to a scary face running towards the screen in no time with a horrifying sound and out of shock I brought my hands towards my face to cover and jumped from the chair, but remember to use it on bigger kids.

Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay Copyright 2014

11.) To scare away my younger cousins there was not much effort required, some of the best April fool pranks I use to pull on kids were like, putting on a black charcoal mask could scare them in the morning, blasting the balloon made them cry, bringing the grasshopper closer to them will make them shriek out, covering yourself in a full white sheet and running towards them will a loud sound can freak them out.

And using an automated toy with red light and a weird voice could make them run to their mothers during the night. It’s so much fun to watch their reactions, sometimes it was funny enough to give good laugh to a bunch of people watching.

3. Best April Fool Pranks to Play on Elders

Traditional people especially our elders believe in black magic and have so many superstitions about various things.

12.) Attach a lemon with a bunch of chilies with the help of a thread, put a pinch of red color, and place it on the stairs or entrance area, they will immediately start calling their relatives and the one among them will tell them to call a priest to look into the matter because it’s serious.

13.) Take a plastic doll, pull one of her eyes out, make her clothes look dirty, damage one of her arms or leg, and throw the doll from a window into a house of your neighbor who believes in supernatural things, and then the whole family will start looking into the matter, other neighbors will be involved too, and someone from them will suggest calling a priest for the house purification chanting because there must be some bad energy residing in the house.

14.) A similar type of trick can be played with strangers as well by using a clay pot, tying around it a piece of red color cloth, putting a lighted candle inside, and placing the clay pot in the middle of the road, you will see every passerby looking at it suspiciously, some will choose not to cross and go by some other way.

And for the paranormal effect just put a bunch of your fallen hair on a small glass bottle, tie around a small red piece of cloth, pack it and put it near someone’s house entrance and catch a similar kind of reaction as with the doll one.

4. Best April Fool Pranks at Destiny’s Hand

15.) My second master’s had just started and everyone went to do a meet-up with my new aunt’s parents to fix a suitable date for marriage, I suggested they look for dates in the middle of March because till then my mid-semester exams would be over and the weather would be nice to throw a party.

After many discussions, the aunt’s parents agreed to do the marriage on 1st April; some people told them that it was an April fools day but dismissed the point, saying, “It’s not our tradition to celebrate or believe in such things”.

My mother called me to inform me about the date and told me that they were being so forceful about it that we couldn’t say no because it was their youngest daughter’s wedding. But I was still suspicious about it and I got to know that so many other relatives raised the same point but nobody took it seriously.

The preparation for the wedding has begun, I started my shopping from the hostel itself but by the time I will reach I won’t have time for these things, whitewash was going on in the house and besides that invitation cards were getting circulated, as the wedding day was approaching nearer sudden holiday was announced for a week but I didn’t hurry to leave for home because I was preparing for my dissertation but the news came that holidays will get extended further till the government notice.

So I decided to leave for home and it was nine days earlier than the selected date; on the 19th of March at night I reached home and there was news about coronavirus cases hype in India and rumors about the lockdown.

As per the suspicion, the lockdown was announced by the government of India just a few days before 1st April 2020, and the marriage got canceled for real.

Now, everyone is super careful about not choosing April fool’s day for any grand occasion.

Image by Juda from Pixabay Copyright 2015

16.) The other story is about my distant cousin who was in love with a guy and wanted to get married but her parents being conservative wasn’t agreeing, she tried eloping and got caught after that everybody in her home had an eye on her activities which made her feel suffocated, she was going crazy and then became silent because after so many efforts her parents weren’t agreeing and wanted her to give up on that guy due to she quarreled with her father.

So his father asked my father to come home in the evening and try talking to her about changing her decisions because the boy wasn’t from a very well-off family so if they went further it could ruin their reputation. My father came home and exclaimed, “she agreed to my words and with time all this nonsense of love will go away from her mind because it’s all filmy drama and life is different in real.”

And the next day she successfully eloped with her lover with a bag full of cash, jewelry, and all her expensive clothes. And it made me laugh louder at my father, though I didn’t share this funny feeling with anyone other than my cousin of the same age because we felt happy for her. These two were the best April fool pranks at destiny’s hand.

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Last Updated on by Sathi

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