The Optimistic Homeopath Dr. Anum Zaheer

Hiba Mariam
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Dr. Anum Zaheer is an M.D. (Hom) PGDEMS currently practicing in Pune. Her clinic, Homoeopathy Heals, which is also the name of her Instagram and Facebook Page has been a lot of popularity for her honest and pure videos on lifestyle and wellness. Apart from just focusing on wellness, she also posts a lot of empowering content.

In her conversation with Icy Tales, Dr. Anum Zaheer spoke about her journey toward pursuing Homeopathy, her opinion on lifestyle and health along with her insights on chronic disorders.

Q) What is homeopathy and how effective is it?

Dr. Anum Zaheer: If you go by Google, Homeopathy is the second largest used medical science across the world. It is a very natural science because we make medicines out of plants, animals, and also genes. It is based upon seven cardinal and scientific principles and that’s why it is so effective.

It is also very good as there is barely any drug involved in this. So it has very minimal or no side effects, unless and until it is prescribed by any registered practitioner. It was founded by Master Samuel Hahnemann about 200 years ago. He began with 50 remedies and now we have 5000 homeopathic remedies in literature and in our pharmacies as well.

Dr. Anum Zaheer

Just like other medical sciences, it’s progressing. And I should not say this, but I’m very glad that we had a great epidemic and we got a lot of chances to save people, treat them, give them a better life, give them hospitalization and save them from steroids and injections or hospitalization. I can say that I am a proud Homeopath.

Q) A lot of people get confused between Homeopathy and Ayurveda. Being a specialist, how would you differentiate between the two?

Dr. Anum Zaheer: Modern medical sciences say that Homeopathy is German and Ayurveda is Indian.  In Ayurveda, we have all the medicines prepared from plants and they use the good form of the drug to treat enough. In Ayurveda, sometimes there is a very heavy amount of reaction or action of toxicity.

Medical science is a scope and a limitation, unlike homeopathy. Since it has a German origin and the power and potency to use it beyond the algorithm is great, there is no such bad effect or side effect. Now we are also progressing faster and we are taking medicines that were not written in the earlier literature.

Q) How do you think lifestyle changes influence health?

Dr. Anum Zaheer: If you have seen the pyramid, there’s a tip and a base. People have messed up so much with their diet, and sleep patterns and due to long working hours and unlimited usage of mobile, their lifestyle has completely changed influencing health as well.

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People are running toward medicine and by that, they are misusing it. I’m one of those doctors who just use medicine as just the tip of the pyramid. Even if I give the best of the medicines for diabetes mellitus or hypertension, unless and until I’m not stopping their sugar intake or salt intake respectively, I won’t be able to get the desired results, although I am just making a business out of it.

In today’s world, problems like PCOD, irregular periods, and no workout sessions is a bad lifestyle change.  Any branch of medicine can help you with this but unless and until you’re not fixing your lifestyle, you won’t be getting much benefit out of medicine. If you need to get the best out of medicine, you need to check your lifestyle first.

Q) Can chronic diseases be reversed through homeopathy? 

Dr. Anum Zaheer: That’s a very tricky question. I must say there is a wide range of chronic disorders like BP, hypertension, autoimmune disorders, psoriasis, skin complaints, eczema, and even at times, constipation becomes a chronic problem.

I have seen so many patients who are kids, who come to me and complain that they are not able to pass urine properly. If someone is claiming that I’m curing diabetes mellitus during hypertension, it is not completely true.

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If I’m having a 68-year-old patient who is suffering from hypertension and it is digging up some hypertensive drugs for some 40 years, then what do you expect me to do? Any black magic? Homeopathy is very efficient and excellent when it comes to chronic disorders but these parameters should not be neglected.

Q) In your Instagram, you conduct Instagram lives and interact with different personalities. What have been your major learnings doing this?

Dr. Anum Zaheer: The Instagram Live sessions in COVID-19 because everything was shut. Students were not able to practice because they’d been forced to do duties because all the doctors and nurses were falling sick and getting infected by COVID-19.

So I first started by discussing medical issues, like how a doctor can protect himself. Then I moved on to lifestyle resources. I’m so glad that we have come up to 70 episodes of Instagram live in these two years and so many eminent personalities in homeopathy like Dr. Mukesh Batra who is very iconic in homeopathy.

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We have not just covered homeopathy, we have covered lifestyle and mental health. These sessions have made me come up and speak out about what I want to know. Coming up on a platform with around 15,000 followers, which is not too much, but coming up and leaving everything behind is what makes it nice for me.

I am trying to crash and burn each and every taboo. I have spoken about sexual health and I have changed lives and perceptions. I have inspired people to change their idea of using sanitary napkins and go for a menstrual cup. Earlier I used to have campaigned for screening for diabetes or menstrual health, but just because of COVID, I was not able to do that. But Instagram has given me this lovely platform to showcase myself.

I have learned not to give up and I have started to love myself even more. Even if you fall a hundred times, get up on 101. Among 90 million sperms, you were the one who won, so you are not allowed to quit. After three years of a pandemic, you were saved, so your life has a purpose.

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Dr. Anum Zaheer aims to motivate people to love themselves and never give up at any time. She also urges people to adapt to a healthy lifestyle and make the best out of themselves in the future. As a homeopathic doctor, Dr. Anum Zaheer has worked for the welfare of people, a great example being during the Covid-19 pandemic. The doctor is trying her best to spread the benefits and uses of homeopathy and how can people rely on it to treat themselves effectively.

Check out the whole conversation with Dr. Anum Zaheer on our YouTube Channel.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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