Insights from Vidhi Adhikari’s Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Change

Faizal khan
10 Min Read

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The world is developing, but in this development, we are ignoring many important dangers to our planet. Landfills are popping up everywhere, many animal species are extinctions due to the rise in population and deforestation. 

Thankfully, people like Vidhi Adhikari are spreading awareness about earth-friendly living and trying to make a positive change in this world. Not only is she on a personal journey towards a low-waste lifestyle but also a French teacher who imports knowledge to her students. 

Her commitment goes beyond reducing waste as she also delves into the realm of veganism, sharing mouth-watering recipes and insightful content on her Instagram to promote a more sustainable and compassionate way of life. 

Vidhi AdhikarI

IcyTales is in a conversation with Vidhi Adhikari to explore her unique perspective and glean inspiration from her efforts to make a positive impact on our planet.

“Drops makes an Ocean, Nothing Happens Overnight” – Vidhi Adhikari 

We see some people who just suddenly change their way of living or become successful. In our point of view, we think they become like this overnight but that isn’t true. Small things contribute over time and things change accordingly. The same happened with Vidhi Adhikari and there wasn’t any specific time when she started doing this.

“There wasn’t any one specific moment when I started with this. There was a time when I came across a page that talked about menstrual cups and before that, I hadn’t heard of it. It’s kind of funny but I thought I wanna buy menstrual cups because they look cute. Eventually, after a couple of years, I bought one and then I realized people use this to save the environment and lower the amount of trash they are generating.”

Insights from Vidhi Adhikari's Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Change 2

There’s a thing that we have to agree on is that there are a lot of people on Instagram who share very valuable content on various topics but don’t get as enough attention as they should. Vidhi Adhikari came across many such profiles and was influenced by the valuable content they used to share.

“There were a couple of Indian Instagram pages which are not very popular right now. But there was someone by the name of ‘theconciousdesi’ and she used to share content about sustainable menstruation and how to reduce our trash. She also showed me her Bamboo toothbrush and all the things she carries when she goes out. After that, I learned a lot about sustainable living and that’s how all it started.”

“Challenges will be there, You just Need to Learn how to Deal with them” – Vidhi Adhikari

We all face criticism and challenges when we start doing something that is not ordinary. Living a sustainable life is a challenge in itself but it brings more challenges with it. Vidhi shared some of the things people said about her which I can’t even write but still nothing stopped her from doing what she wanted to do.

“Trying to convince your family that what you are doing isn’t something that jobless people do. My mother also gets worried when I’m doing clean-up projects and all. Last year I contracted Hepatitis because of this. Apart from that people call you kudhe waali (garbage collector) and pass comments on you without even knowing what you are actually doing.”

Insights from Vidhi Adhikari's Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Change 3

Till now we have understood that what Vidhi Adhikari is doing, is not something that everyone can do. Risking your health isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. However, it’s not like she didn’t consider these health issues and did nothing about it.

There have been several times when Vidhi has taken up a task without worrying about the ill effects it can show on her health. But aims to spread the message about how one can contribute to keeping your surroundings clean while taking care of your health.

“When it comes to reneging in the trash and being afraid of germs and falling sick, I have started being more hygienic and aware of that. I never go out composting and do my clean-up projects without gloves. Even though I have gloves I try to use a couple of trunks to pick up extremely dirty trash because you never know sometimes germs can pass through your gloves. I also keep my mask on because sometimes germs can land in your nose as well. Hygiene is a big thing for me now. Gloves, masks, and my glasses are my protectors.”

“Adapting Changes and Working According to the Current Situation is Essential” – Vidhi Adhikari”

Not just in content creation but in every field, we face changes in things. Adapting those changes is essential otherwise you might not be able to walk further into that field. If you don’t know how to adapt to change in your life or work, learn it from Vidhi Adhikari.

“A couple of months ago, I only had 1500-1600 followers. Those followers were the people who were already composting, recycling, and everything related to that. So, I sort of changed my way of creating content. “

Insights from Vidhi Adhikari's Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Change 4

Once you know that it is time to change things in your life or things you do, it becomes essential for you to search for what will work other than that. Vidhi Adhikari brainstormed about this and finally came to a conclusion that has helped her through her journey.

“I started to create content around issues that people following this lifestyle are facing. My followers know recycling is a must but many people don’t know where exactly these recycling organizations are. Also, there are many things in our house that are not recycled by curbside recyclers, for example, textiles, chips packets, and even milk packets. That’s when I started digging for information about organizations so it can help people lower their trash because we can’t recycle on our own.”

“The Goal is To Be Sustainable, Not Buy Sustainable” – Vidhi Adhikari

There are misconceptions about everything in this world. If you belong to a particular field and know misconceptions about this, make sure you have encounters with them just like Vidhi Adhikari. Vidhi tells about the various issues or myths that people encounter while trying to move towards sustainable living.

“The first one is that sustainable living is expensive, which is partially true. Many eco-friendly products are expensive. My counterargument to that is you don’t have to buy anything to live sustainably. The goal is to be sustainable not buy sustainable. Try to use things that you already have in your house and then worry about buying expensive eco-friendly products.”

Insights from Vidhi Adhikari's Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Change 5

Vidhi Adhikari has been doing this for a long time and has encountered almost any miscommunication one can ask her. During our conversation, she asked if we needed any recommendations about some brands that sell eco-friendly products much cheaper. We said, why not?

“There is one brand that I’m collaborating with right now called Javi Official. They create cleaner products like glass cleaner, floor cleaner, detergent, etc. They have almost every type of cleaner product. The starting price of their products is 90 INR per package which is much cheaper than other brands I’ve seen. There’s also Arani Eco which used to be expensive but now they have reduced their prices. There are many other brands you can find online or even in local markets of your city.”

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Vidhi Adhikari’s commitment to a low-waste lifestyle and dedication to vegan food, makes us realize that our planet needs more people like her. She also shed light on pressing issues like electronic waste and practical solutions for dealing with everyday items such as chips and medicine packets. As Vidhi continues to influence and educate others, she stands as a beacon for those aspiring to make a positive impact on our planet.

Last Updated on by NamitaSoren

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Faizal Khan is a talented content writer with expertise in crafting captivating blogs and articles in both Hindi and English. With a passion for writing, Faizal delivers clear, concise, and engaging content that resonates with readers. His ability to seamlessly switch between languages allows him to cater to a diverse audience and create impactful pieces across various platforms. Faizal delves into diverse fields of topics, capturing readers' attention with his captivating content.