Christ University Organizes Kikimazu- Connecting Christie’s

Megha Purkayastha
4 Min Read

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KikimazuIn this fast-paced world, we often forget to interact and socialize; we tend to be so involved in our busy lives or work that we forget to connect with the people around us.

Kikimazu – Connecting Christie’s

We live in a world where technology has become an essential part of our life. So why not use the advancement of technology and take it to a whole new level?

Kikimazu is an app exclusively made for Christ University students; if you’re an old student or a new student, you can connect with other Christies with just a click of a button and get a live news feed happening at Christ University.

Kikimazu is where you can get a live news feed and be a part of the conversations by posting a ‘’kiki’’. You can share photos with other Christies or even drop one or two lines and talk about what’s trending. What’s even more fun is that you get points each time you post and get an upvote. Well, you know what they say, healthy competition or games are always fun.

1. How Is It Different from Facebook and WhatsApp?

1.1. Differentiation from Facebook

If we search for a Christ University group on Facebook, we will notice that there are already 7-10 groups with people scattered around.

On top of that, anyone can join the Facebook group by faking a profile.

On Kikimazu, all students are verified through email Id and geo-fencing technology.

The official Facebook page of Christ University is a monologue; you cannot discuss it.

Kikimazu enables students to discuss/debate. There is no restriction until and unless everything goes by our policy.

1.2. Differentiation from Whatsapp

Whatsapp is for friends, a very close group. On top of that, the group limit is 100, and you must have everyone’s phone number to connect with them.

On Kikimazu, students do not need phone numbers. They have to select their college and verify that they are from that college and done. Kikimazu automatically brings all students together.

Performing arts students
By Monkey Business Images/ Shutterstock

3. What’s the Aim or Vision?

The aim of Kikimazu is ‘Connect Christies‘ and to make this the largest community of college students.

4. Why Is It Exclusively for Christie’s?

  • It has a massive number of students. Kikimazu is made to address issues of such a big university.
  • Unlike engineering college, where all students have the same mindset, Christ University has diverse courses which offer excellent opportunities to know how students of different mindsets work together.
  • Christ University has a large diversity and many students.

5. How Do I Get Kikimazu?

Simple, by clicking on this link:

So, join Kikimazu and see what’s trending at Christ University because we are waiting to see your latest kiki.

Last Updated on by kalidaspandian

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