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In a world where eating healthy isn’t that easy, we need the right guidance from professionals in this field. Divija Shah is doing her job and breaking myths and telling facts to her audience through social media. She is a passionate lifestyle nutritionist whose expertise extends far beyond the confines of traditional dietary advice.
Armed with academics in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics, Divija has seamlessly merged her academic background with the digital era, carving a niche for herself as a social media influencer.
IcyTales is in a conversation with Divija Shah where she broke myths and misconceptions that people have nowadays and how she promotes a balanced and vibrant lifestyle.
“Nutrition and Dieting is not About Starving Yourself” – Divija Shah
When the term “Dieting” comes to our mind, we think it’s only about just shutting the door whenever the food comes our way. But that’s the most illogical thing people do when they go on a diet. Even in my house, things were like this until I had a conversation with Divija Shah.
We asked to debunk a common myth that people have about dieting and that’s what she said. “The most common myth that most people have is the fact that nutrition and dieting is all about starving yourself and not eating too much food and that’s how they think they lose weight. Which is not true at all.”
Yes, just like that, I was also shocked. Maybe many people know about this but I stand to the other side of the world. Then we asked what dieting and nutrition is all about. “Nutrition and Dieting is all about perfectly supplementing your food with all the essential nutrient that helps you prevent diseases in the future.”
“I believe in only endorsing brands I would use myself ” – Divija Shah
You see on the internet, many influencers doing brand collaboration without knowing a single thing about that brand. Forget about influencers, you may find many biggest superstars in the industry who have millions of followers, advertising the products they haven’t used in their lives. They all are doing it for money.
Thankfully, people like Divija Shah still exist, giving us hope that there are people who care about their audience. “I only go for brand collaboration when I believe in the company or when I see the product and see if the product helps my audience. Because at the end of the day, it’s affecting someone’s health .”
The surprising and thankful part about Divija doing brand collaboration is that she studies the brands that approach her. She understands the nutritional value of the brand before promoting it.
“I just want to make sure that the product is adding some nutritional value to my audience. Let me give you a recent example. Most of the oat milk and almond milk available in the market right now are filled with preservatives. It’s not natural oat milk and almond milk. Lately, I collaborated with a brand that endorsed plant-based food and beverages read about it, and spoke to the people who worked for it. Only when I verified it was natural and organic did I promote that brand.”
“You are What Type of Food You Consume” – Divija Shah
So many people are trying to lose weight but the problem is they are not taking the right advice. During our discussion with Divija Shah, she explained what common mistakes people make while trying to lose weight.
“There’s a difference between losing fat and losing muscles. Most people tend to starve themselves to lose weight as we discussed earlier. That not only reduces fat in your body but also reduces your lean body mass. That is not necessary. Weight loss is trying to reduce your fat while also ensuring your muscles stay intact. I tell my clients when they are trying to lose weight, they don’t have to eat less food instead just eat the right kind of food.”
Now, many of us think that if we want to gain weight we have to eat a lot of junk food and all. But that’s not true. When we asked about weight gain, Divija said a surprisingly shocking thing that we didn’t expect.“Fat does not make you fat, it’s the type of fat you are having that can increase triglycerides and fatty yet. So, even if someone goes for weight gain, we supplement them with the right type of fat. Avocado and nuts are the great source of the right fat you need to increase your weight instead of promoting a dirty bulk that can cause several health issues in the future.”
“Don’t believe everything you hear on the internet without understanding it deeply first ” – Divija Shah
Divija Shah explains how many people just believe what others have said to them without knowing that they are saying it according to their condition. The most common mistake people make is not trying to know if it’s true or not. Many of us think walking after eating is essential. But it’s not.
“A lot of people think that right after you eat, you should walk. It’s become a very common myth that you have to walk right after you eat. If you have diabetes, you should walk after eating because it will reduce your blood glucose levels. They need lower blood glucose levels. But if you don’t have diabetes you require all the energy and nutrients. And walking after eating utilizes all that energy that your body requires you which is not good.”
Even in the 21st century, people are not aware that they should understand the whole situation better than just believing what the other person has said as nutritional advice varies from person to person.
“If you don’t have diabetes, you should sit in one place. You can also sit in a Vajrasan position where your blood flow goes to your stomach which helps in more efficient digestion. This just goes to show that you shouldn’t believe anything off the internet without understanding the entire situation first”
Our health should be something that we look after with the right guidance. Not just believe whatever the other person is saying but do your research on that too. We need more people like Divija Shah whose priority is their audience’s wellness.
So, from now on, there’s no need to starve yourself to lose weight, eat junk food to gain weight, and believe any myth on the internet. Just consult a professional like Divija who can guide you according to your lifestyle. To book a consultation, you can contact her via her email: or contact her on +91 9821043535
Last Updated on by Mehar Jolly