6 Fascinating Questions with Rizwan Ramzan

Hiba Mariam
15 Min Read

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Rizwan Ramzan is a Content Creator who focuses on creating empowering content for his audience. Hailing from Kerala, he has been able to motivate people on a large scale about different approaches and aspects of life.

Rizwan Ramzan also has his podcast, The Mallu Show, the #1 Self-Improvement Podcast Show in Malayalam. With more than 50 episodes at present, he interacts with different people and talks about diverse topics. Rizwan Ramzan’s goal is to help those around him live a better life.

In his conversation with Icy Tales, Rizwan Ramzan spoke about his past, the importance of self-growth, and the positive changes he has come across in his life.

Q) Talk to us about how you started your page and what exactly pushed you to start what you’re doing?

Rizwan Ramzan –  I was brought up as a very independent individual. And throughout my life, I was taught to be very strong and manly. Around seven years ago, when I was studying in school, I lost my best friend in an accident. At that time, everyone was so vulnerable, so I was trying to be very strong among them, trying to be there for everyone. I didn’t even cry because I was trying to protect everyone and be very confident to show that I could do this. And that hit me on a level that I could never imagine.

When I  joined for my graduation, it started to affect me badly for three or four years. I didn’t know what I was going through or what issues I was feeling. It was very different as I had mood swings and many issues while interacting with people. I used to become very rude sometimes. So, I started researching slowly and concluded that I was going through depression.

Rizwan Ramzan

Then I started to treat myself and be self-reliant. And after graduation, I just got an opportunity for a job. Then things started to change. But again, this abnormality or uncertainty started to hit, and I was again going back to where I was. So, one fine day, when I was sitting in a park, I met a gentleman, and we started having a conversation, and he started asking me a lot of questions.

We became close friends out of the blue, and he somehow turned out to be a therapist. Then we started to have conversations weekly and almost like three or four times a week. When I started opening up about my issues with him and after around six months of therapy, I realized that I didn’t have depression; what I was going through was anxiety and grief issues.

So back then, it was challenging for me to digest the fact that I was going for counseling and that I was not mentally okay. I’ve seen a lot of people, including my family and friends, who were struggling with the same thing. I wanted to be consistent, but back then, I couldn’t because of so many issues, including this.

I was going for therapy intensely for a year. Then, I decided that I wanted to look for something to help me be consistent, and I finally thought of doing this. So, in 2020, I took a break from social media for around six months, and I started to work on myself.

Once, I was sitting in a café, and two children came to me and asked me whether I was a YouTuber. So, that was a sign for me to think of something like that. That hit me, and I decided to start something and I started creating videos, and that’s how it started.

Q) What do you think is the importance of self-growth in today’s world?

Rizwan Ramzan –  I think what we are trying to do daily is improve ourselves to live a better life. We try to work, find jobs that pay more than yesterday, switch jobs, go for more education, and do business to make more money, and we’re trying to uplift ourselves to improve the quality of life and living.

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We are all trying to get better than yesterday, and when it comes to self-development, I think we are doing it knowingly or unknowingly every day. Let’s say eating food is also part of self-development. Everything right from cutting your nails, pedicure, manicure, and just washing your face is developing yourself. But when we consciously try to be more aware, we focus on many different things.

But apparently, it is something that we can’t live without because I think that is why we are all here. Our purpose mainly is to leave this place better than it was before. We are on this journey of improving, and I think not only humans; every organism and animal is on the same path. It is a part of life, and it is imperative and a vital aspect to be conscious of it.

Q) You post content daily; how exactly do you get new ideas every day?

Rizwan Ramzan – I think ideas are there everywhere. There are a lot of aspirations and dreams that we all want to pursue. And if you take one simple concept about it, we can get hundreds of questions that pop up.

The thing about ideas is that it just comes and it goes. But what I do is I try to focus on it; when it comes, I try to keep it with me. I’m a very old school person, so I carry books and pens most of the time. I write down many things, even in the notes I use. So, most of the time, I capture the ideas and thoughts, and later on, I develop them.

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Everything has a lot of inputs that you can give, so we have to be more conscious that we have to slow down and observe how we live, right? Apart from that, I like connections and conversations. So, whenever I talk with people, there is a connection happening, and whenever I observe something, I sit and write down the takeaways from those conversations.

We miss out on so many things when we are constantly running in this hectic kind of sprint of life. So, it’s just that you need to slow down, and when you meet people, take input from them and reflect on it.

Q) What is the story behind your show, The Mallu Show?

Rizwan Ramzan – My show is a podcast. The number one self-improvement, a podcast in Malayalam. So how it started was that I’ve been a huge podcast junkie since college time, I used to listen to many podcasts, and I was very proud to do that. I also preferred listening to podcasts rather than listening to songs during workouts.

It used to give me a sense of belonging in the words. When I started content creation, I had this goal of starting an English podcast, maybe two years down the line, if I would be consistent because I was not so sure if I’ll be consistent or not. One fine day when I went for a shoot as a guest presenter at a place, I met this one fantastic friend of mine.

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So, this guy told me to have a podcast in Malayalam. That was the first time the reality hit me that there were podcasts in Malayalam because that was something that I would love to do. It happened last year, and I was just taking things and picking them up because I think people realize what a podcast is.

The next day when I decided I would start a podcast, I went on Instagram and just announced that I was going to start a podcast. That created accountability, and I decided to record an episode. Although it was very vague, I just posted it, and it’s one year since then, and precisely this week, it’s going to be the 50th episode coming up.

Q) Teenagers these days get upset about small things and get demotivated very quickly. So, what advice do you have for them?

Rizwan Ramzan – I don’t know if I’m too old to say this but what I have observed is that in the last two years, I used to have a lot of resolutions and plans that I wanted to accomplish. I used to think that the time was minimal. But once COVID hit the year, I started to go without a plan and kept no deadline for things that I wanted to accomplish. So, one thing is that it has to be your time to do whatever you want. It’s just that there is no limitation.

Most of the time, we compare and have this massive tendency that we are all running behind a lot of steps and a lot of positions, and it is something that I think I have. Three or four years ago, I was just someone who was running behind all this. COVID 19 gave some serious reflection points we had to think of, and something I realized when I started living without resolutions, my life started giving me more opportunities.

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I did engineering, but I quit. Then I became a biology teacher, and then I chose to be a trainer and further went on to operations. So, I still don’t know where I want to land, and I’m still trying to figure it out because that joy in finding and doing new things and eventually finding out what is best suited for me is excellent.

So, take your time and don’t rush it out. Don’t think that you are running behind something. You’re running your race every day, and everything is different, so take it slow. It’s okay to be running slow because only if you enjoy the race of where are you going or what you’re doing can you run along, right? If you’re trying to run a 100-meter race, you’re just going to run 100 meters. But if you love running, you can run forever and ever, even if it’s slow. And that’s what matters.

Q) Has empowering people brought about a change in your life?

Rizwan Ramzan – Absolutely a lot of change! I’m a completely different person right now, and I’m a lot happier and fuller than I ever was. Let’s say you are consistent at working out, that consistency will come into whatever you do, and you become more disciplined in general.

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It has made me more aware of myself, and I know what my imperfection, flaws, and things I’m not good at. I get to meet and interact with many people and make new connections, which I crave, which opens up to understanding how humans think and operate. I’m also in a perfect mental state right now, which I never felt two or three years ago.

Last year was good, and this year is turning out to be even better than that, and I’m just trying to make this year by year a clear progression of being a better version of myself. And that ultimately wouldn’t have been possible if it was not for creating content.

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Rizwan Ramzan is also a Team Lead at BYJU’S. His sole aim is to help others live a life without any regrets. Rizwan Ramzan wants to bridge the gap between people’s problems and wishes to stay consistent with making content.

Check out the whole interview with Rizwan Ramzan on our YouTube Channel.

Last Updated on by Himani Rawat

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