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From 29th September to 1st October, students of Loreto College, Kolkata, organized their annual cultural event. These three-day events consisted of various events organized by various societies of Loreto college like quiz competition, skip-a-beat, film-making competition, basketball, fashion show and loads of other actives. All the top colleges of town were invited to this cultural event, including St. Xavier’s College, Scottish Church, Jadavpur University, IIHM, Shri Shiksayatan, Lady Brabourne, Asutosh College, and other colleges.
The first day of the event started with an opening ceremony organized by SPICMACY of Loreto College; Damyanti Shield Quiz Competition followed this, Century Reflection organized by History Department, Mise-en-scene (Short film-making) organized by Cine society, Doodle-art, Spot-Photography, and other events.
The charm of the day was undoubtedly Street Play organized by the Political Science department, which the host college won. The second day consisted of Amal Ghatak Quiz, parody, ad-spoof, and other exciting events. The third day consisted of the much-awaited event of the fest – the Fashion Show organized by SPICEMAY. This fun-filled event was ended with a wonderful guest performance by DJ Nirav.
This event has been successful only because of the efforts given by the Society presidents and their respective members, and not to forget LC’s principal, Sister Christine, and the other staff members for their support and cooperation.
Shireen Sardar
College Ambassador
Loreto College, Kolkata
Last Updated on by kalidaspandian