Supriya Jain: A Yoga Enthusiast with Incredible Skills

Poorvi Parida
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Supriya Jain is a sign of positivity and growth. The yoga enthusiast’s life journey is not only inspiring but interesting in various ways. Supriya Jain is one of the most inspiring personalities with a different aura. She is a calm, composed, peaceful, and kindhearted woman. Supriya Jain is a multitasking woman with a versatile nature.

In this article, you can gather some inspiring and interesting facts about an Engineer (Technical Engineer) who has an immense interest in yoga and traveling. Icy Tales is in conversation with Supriya Jain about her journey, struggles, what motivated her to overcome all the difficulties in life, success, the importance of yoga, and much more.

Q. Tell us something about your childhood and what were your ambitions and passions back then?

Supriya Jain: I have been brought up in a village. My family was very supportive at the very start of my education period. My parents allowed my hard work and enrolled me in one of the best coachings in Kota. My parents supported me and motivated me to achieve my dream. I had a dream to become an IITian. At that time, my dream was to get a good job. Earlier, my dream was to become an IAS. I was extremely career oriented. In 8th class, my headings came in the newspaper, and I told them I wanted to be a doctor.

After 10th merit, when I got interviewed by one of the newspaper reporters, I told them I wanted to be an IAS. After 2 or 3 days, I decided that once my 10th was completed, I was neither a doctor nor an IAS, but I wanted to become an engineer. My father had supported me during the whole journey because he also wanted to be an engineer, but somehow he couldn’t complete that. My father’s math and science are so good. Somehow, I went to Kota, and I did IIT coaching.

Until now, the whole career path is all because of all the decisions I took at a very early period. At that time, I was just 14 years old when I left my village, it’s a small village, but I am still rooted in that place. I frequently visit my village and meet every school teacher and everyone from the village. I have been abroad and worked far from my village, but my village people know me very well and are proud of me.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. How long have you been practicing yoga?

Supriya Jain: When I came to Kota, is the time when I started the IIT coaching and all. At that time, I thought we didn’t need exercise. I was completely studious and didn’t want to spend a minute of my life on anything except my studies. Because, for IIT coaching, you can’t spare a minute. Somehow, I got the right person at that moment. A person near to my room was a lieutenant colonel. She was posted in Kargil, and they were there for their children to make it happen in IIT, so that lady influenced me to do exercise and everything.

At that time, I was 14 years old, and she told me the right line. She asked me to work out and do yoga every day. I still remember she said the energy that I have right now is because of my age. Later, the energy will not be there when I am of little age or somewhere. If I am working hard and getting the right nutrition every day, and doing yoga every day, I will be very active at a later age.

Recently, I took a challenge of no days off; no matter what & it’s already 1000 days passed, and the challenge is still on. Every single day, no matter wherever I am traveling, even if I am on a flight. Whenever I get time, I try to manage some time to do some yoga, and I have done yoga everywhere, like in a temple, on platforms, at relatives’ houses, and in London or Arabian airports. The main thing is, I have been following the yoga thing from then until now.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. As we see, you are also the founder of Konakona, a travel company; what inclined towards traveling?

Supriya Jain: It started by trekking in the Himalayas in 2016. Later, we traveled to many states and countries. My husband and I used to travel wherever we were, like Indonesia or Thailand; we did our planning and the whole thing. We tried to get a different kind of experience. We customize for our travel like if it is Thailand, we never choose the standard packages that the normal travel operators offer. For example, if there is some Island with great significance.

We used to add all these to our packages. After a few years, we thought we could make plans and start our travel organizations. So that we can make travel plans for others as well, and we can provide customized travel plans to people. We already have many plans for Indonesia and Thailand and many more for people. We have everything for people who want honeymoon trips, family trips, and long travels. Sometimes, people ask how we manage our work, as we spend most of our time traveling mountains or beaches.

We are working all the spirit of the time, but we are over inclined to the travel thing so that we can explore everything everywhere. That’s why Konakona started, and it’s been around four years. We have started Konakona, getting feedback and experiences from happy people. Travel and yoga are not for us to get the money, as we both have good earnings from our leading organizations, but these two things are our hobbies.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. Do you view yoga as more mental or physical?

Supriya Jain: Yoga is not just a physical thing for everybody because physical exercise is doing strenuous exercise to your body. For example, you are doing a physical workout for 15 minutes to get the sweat out, and you can do the exercise in 15 minutes, but you will not get peace from that exercise. After that 15 minutes, you will feel like your legs are burning, and you will look for the rest period. If someone does yoga for 1 or 2 hours properly, then the person can see positive change within a shorter period.

Like, if you start with the hard power of yoga and end with meditation or pranayama, you will lose more calories. The most impressive thing about yoga is that you will feel more peaceful and like you are ready to start your day. You will never feel like you are drained out. You feel extra rejuvenated and extra energetic doing yoga. Yoga is always a peaceful thing rather than just a physical activity.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. Do you feel anyone can enjoy and gain from yoga?

Supriya Jain: Yes, I truly feel that anyone can enjoy and gain from yoga. I am not saying that people must do strenuous exercises, but basic breathing exercises will bring very positive signs as this will bring prosperity to your life as you can give yourself some time.

Concerning knowledge, even if someone is trying to do some basic yoga and do nothing else apart from this. I took yoga sessions in orphanages, old age homes, Swaminarayan London, and Schools of Himachal & Multinational corporate offices. During this journey, my husband played a very supportive role.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. What were the challenges you incurred in your life, and how did you overcome those to achieve what you are today?

Supriya Jain: The first challenge is that the place I am coming from is not very renowned. The place is a village in Rajasthan. I am the first girl from that place who did engineering and the first girl who is working with a very good and popular organization with a high pay scale. In my village, the girls were not studying that high in that phase.

When I was 14, it was hard for my parents to allow me to stay far from my place. People were very insecure and had insecure feelings in the place. Some people in the village were not in support of educating girls. The people believed that girls’ education brings no value to the family as the girl child will leave the father’s house after marriage. I never faced any constraints or restrictions, thanks to my very open-minded parents.

My parents supported me and invested a lot of money in building my career. It was not a big challenge as my parents were always with me. After that, when I tried to engineer, I never felt any challenging thing during my engineering time. There were people from very different places.

Somehow with the hard work I had, I again did the university top, so it was again a huge thing in my life as there were people from very high school. Until now, I have been a little kid who studied in Kota, especially in the Bansal classes.

Two things that always make me happy are that I got an award from A.P.J Abdul Kalam and topped the university with the highest rank. Nothing is impossible if you do hard work. In college, people told me that yoga helps you with everything you do. My first job was quite challenging, as going to Gurgaon was challenging at an early age, as I was just 20 then.

Because, those days, people used to think that everyone who went to Gurgaon would get raped, but it’s not exactly like that, especially if you care about timing and the neighborhood, then you are safe. I never faced a very tough situation in my journey as I got the right people and motivation. The students I teach yoga to enjoy doing yoga as yoga is a happy and enjoyable activity. We enjoy and like doing yoga; even if we fall, it is not a serious issue. That’s how relaxing yoga is for everyone.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. Is yoga a way of life or a way to exercise and meditate?

Supriya Jain: It’s a way of life as there is something to attain. Yoga is a journey. I have been doing yoga for 15 to 16 years, but I never felt like I should stop doing yoga as I have attained something. If you start thinking that you are an expert, you will lose interest.

If I am an expert, I may wonder why I am doing yoga. I never feel that I am a yoga expert, even with my yoga Gurus, and there is scope. Never take yoga as a form of exercise. Once you start doing yoga, then it’s a kind of worship that you are doing to your body. I never felt the same while doing high-intensity training as I felt while doing yoga.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Q. Lastly, being a yoga instructor, is there something only yoga can help? And what changes have you seen in yourself since you started practicing yoga?

Supriya Jain: Something which yoga can do is peace. The peace which I have right now is just because of yoga. The vibe of the person who does yoga will always be very attractive. The people who do yoga are very calm and composed types of people. They are generally not very go-out kind of person. Earlier, I was a very different person.

Sometimes, I was sleepless. Right now, I am much more disciplined, and I don’t need a lot of things. Sometimes, I am a more giving kind of person. I can share everything that I have right now. I am not a materialistic person, and yoga made me a more emotional human. In simple terms, yoga made me a kind human.

Photo by Supriya Jain

Supriya Jain’s journey has been smooth and comfortable as she always stays focused on her dreams. It was her passion and ambition that helped her overcome minor obstacles in life. Now, Supriya Jain is standing at a juncture where she is more than happy and enjoying her peaceful life.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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