Girl – A Curious Diary Filled with Truth and Emotions

Shubhleen Singh
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The diary of a girl, as I stepped into my room, a disregarded object in pitiable condition caught my attention. This had been an agent of revolutionary times- “The pen.”

It exclaimed to me in a contentious voice, “Am I a medium to express thoughts, or can I act as a sword too?”.

“Am I here for the recitation of excruciating stories, or my opus holds a brick position?”

I decided to use this weapon and express life in my own words. The notions triggered my heart and my hand to work together. I wrote my first diary in the twenty years of my life- “The Diary of a Girl.”

The Diary of a Girl

My utopian view of life was quashed when I realized the hatred that existed in the present world. Humans are not amiable but egocentric. One cannot flourish because the others are too busy creating obstructions.

I always looked glum when I encountered this self-centered mob. I am a girl who has dreams. What if I feel more than anyone in my peer group feels? People need to acknowledge the uniqueness of everyone. You are not here to judge but to understand. Being perfect is not a possibility.

It was a new day, and I was with my friends at a market. I noticed an arresting exhibition of paintings. I saw a quirky painting where the painter had asserted a note saying, “Please mark a cross on the particular place if you find any mistakes.”

People marked the whole painting with numerous mistakes. On the other side, another copy of the painting was lying next to the previously asserted one that said, “if you find any mistakes, please pick up the brush and correct it.”

Surprisingly, no one was willing to make corrections, but everyone quickly judged and pointed out the mistakes. This is the actual beauty of the story, everyone has problems, but no one has solutions. It is easy to figure out the problem, but it isn’t easy to be on the problem-solving side. The astonishing fact is that humans lie on the problem side and not the other.

If I show my discontentment as everyone does, it will not solve the purpose of life. If life puts you on the edge of difficulty, only two things can happen. Either it catches you when you fall, or it teaches you how to fly.

Problems in society do exist, sometimes more for a girl. Problems such as poverty, unemployment, homelessness, etc., exist abundantly, but the real problem lies in humans’ hearts and minds. The love and the sense of belongingness are missing. Humans, the most intelligent creature on the planet, encounter failure to understand their fellow beings. To transform this planet from ‘my planet‘ to ‘our planet,’ the language of love and affection is needed. Instead of working as clusters, we should get united and act in unity.

By lightspring/ shutterstock

In the present scenario, people have very little time to relax and enjoy “life.” They are so engrossed in their lives that they forget to enjoy nature; we forget how to love. Today, the life of a simple human is nothing but a pre-planned story. The only way to solve this issue is to come out of our self-made walls, do what we love, acknowledge uniqueness, and spread happiness. This will act as a balm for bleeding hearts1.

I often see people working 24 x7, earning thousands each day but still dissatisfied with life. On the other side of the coin, some people hardly earn their basic needs, but they are on the ninth cloud. So, what is the reason behind this massive difference? It is nothing but mental satisfaction2.

Your pocket volume cannot buy you happiness; only an atmosphere with blissful people with contentment and optimism3 can do so. It is often said that everything that goes around comes around. Also, a rich heart can be under a poor coat.

Group of friends smiling brightly, diary of a girl
By monkey business images/ Shutterstock

I hope this beautiful vision of a girl comes true one day. If this happens, if the world becomes a happy4 place where everyone is concerned for everyone, where people celebrate togetherness in joy or sorrow, then “our planet” can be remarkably happy.

  1. Hodges, Laurie. “Bleeding heart: A review for growers.” HortTechnology 22.4 (2012): 517-522. ↩︎
  2. Lebow, Jay. “Consumer satisfaction with mental health treatment.” Psychological bulletin 91.2 (1982): 244. ↩︎
  3. Segerstrom, Suzanne C., Charles S. Carver, and Michael F. Scheier. “Optimism.” The happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being (2017): 195-212. ↩︎
  4. Taylor, Paul, Cary Funk, and Peyton Craighill. “Are we happy yet.” (2006). ↩︎

Last Updated on by NamitaSoren

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