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Have you been wondering which processes you should follow to help out your students for their best grades? Have you been wondering what more you should add to your way of teaching, which would help you and your students to ease out and take less pressure? Let’s see which teaching techniques are most active and applicable.
In today’s world, competition is there in every field, along with numerous discoveries and inventions to get acquainted with our everyday lives. No matter how much pressure you put on your students and no matter how dedicated they are towards their studies and career, there is a plethora of products and things to distract the students from their goals.
The way one teaches is a very fundamental thing for the future of their student or learner; the students rely most on their tutor and teachers to lead them and show them the best way to gain success. So, let’s get into a few teaching techniques, known and unknown, which turned out to be effective.
1. Teaching Techniques: Understandable Lesson Goals for Zero Confusion
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A bright and understandable lesson goal is significant for a student. If you let your students understand and make it clear that these are topics, and these are the essential portions that they should focus on. It will be easier for both you and your students to move faster with the syllabus and face lesser problems during the class. Before taking any class, make it clear to your students that you are going to start which chapter, how significant it is, and most importantly, mention the type of question and answers they should prepare.
2. Teaching Techniques: Modeling with Your Students For an Authentic Result
Once your class lesson is complete, and you have made it clear to your students as to what are the significant points and questions they should focus on. Make sure to give them an example as to how they should progress.
During assignments, after you are done articulating the points and variations, make sure to give a rough presentation on the board or copy as to how it should look. If the class you are taking is a senior one, try to give them a good example of previous year assignments. Then, students will try to make the assignment look a lot better than the previous ones.
3. Teaching Techniques: Question your Students Every Time You Are in the Class
We all know that not all students are able to pay equal attention. Everyone does not have the courage to ask someone something. Some do not even clarify the questions they have in mind, perhaps out of fear of the class teacher or because of the embarrassment they could face in front of the other students in the class. There could be a lot of reasons because of which few students seem absent-minded in class.
After your lesson or chapter is done, make sure to have a written class test or ask random questions in the class, and even let your students ask you questions regarding the topic. In that way, you would be able to know how effective your teaching skills are and how much the students have gathered from you.
4. Teaching Techniques: Summarize the Lesson with Your Students for a Better Revision
After you are done with a lesson or a chapter of a particular subject, summarize the main sections or parts of the chapter by using or creating flow charts. In that way, your students would be less forgetful regarding the current after moving on to a new one.
Ask your students to make a chart or a map, which will record the main sections and the pattern of question preparation, which includes the following sections that you have to include in your answers. This flow chart or map will turn out a great source for faster revision.
5. Teaching Techniques: Practice the Lessons Which are Done
Yes, I know the same old! But we all know to practice and revision is the only way to get better with your scores and learning skills. After you are done with some lesson or chapter, ask your students to not just leave it for the exams to come. Make sure that they practice those already done topics side by side as well, or you could also just ask them to follow up the flow chart twice or thrice a week, which will help you and your students to recover faster.
6. Teaching Techniques: Provide Appreciation to Your Students
Do not think twice before appreciating a student for their work. No, not that she/he is a good student or a fast learner. Appreciate your student for a particular topic or task, if they answer something tough or if they prepare a good answer on their own, by that way, your student will feel encouraged and motivated but not over-confident. To choose and gift each student for their hard work and excellent results, is impossible, your appreciation is their gift.
Give questions as home tasks and check it and give feedback and remarks on the papers so that they enjoy preparing questions and study more. Sometimes ask them questions that are not in the book but related to the chapter. Certainly, they will not be answered, ask them to prepare this question by using different articles from the internet, give them a certain period to complete those thought-provoking questions.
7. Teaching Techniques: Maintain Time Flexibility for Your Students
We cannot expect every student to learn and study with the same degree of speed as we progress in the classroom. It takes time for a few students to grab the thought and lesson that you are trying to depict. I know it is not easy to give time individually to each student, but we can at least try to be flexible with the duration of the chapter.
The best way to keep the time flexible is to prepare a chart with your students and give them an approx date on which you might complete the chapter. While making a list, discuss the difficult and manageable sections. This will enable them to get an idea about the required time for each section. Besides, keep a free day on which your students could ask you questions and clarify their uncertainty for specific questions.
8. Teaching Techniques: Group Task is Significant for Their Growth
We are all aware of the group task, and the majority of the time; it is up to two-three individuals who do the entire project or assignment. Make sure to choose your group members wisely, and assign tasks to every one of them. The group task is significant because if a student is not able to understand the lesson of their class teacher, they will be able to understand it from someone of their age, and their friends.
However, group task is not effective most of the time, but we should not neglect this teaching technique since it helps your student to realize how much they are studying and that they should work on themselves as much as they can. A student realizes the pressure of competition when they give a test or study together, which helps them realize how much more they need to concentrate on their subject and class.
Without neglecting any student, make sure to sum up the passionate and non-passionate students together, so that they could ask their friends and clear out their queries.
9. Teaching Techniques: Technology for Better Study
With the help of a whiteboard or smartboard, you could help your students to understand your lessons better. We all know that it’s easy to remember a movie, but it’s hard to remember a book or a chapter. So, if you use the technique of technology, like a projector and other virtual products, and somehow portray your class and topics through the help of technology, it will be easier for your students to remember it and hence progress faster.
10. Teaching Techniques: Talk to Your Students to Know Their Problems and Confusions
Last but not least, talk to your students! The most effective and significant way of getting your student’s attention and help them to learn faster is to talk to them. Communication is always the best way to solve any kind of confusion or problem.
Some students are slow and weak to catch the lesson faster, and some are so fast that they study the chapter or book before the teacher or tutor does. So, it is always useful to talk to your students and help them out in their queries on their difficult subjects.
Perhaps, even for 10 minutes or 15 minutes, take a break from the topic and talk to your students, ask them how they are preparing their questions, talk to the student who never speaks or ask any queries, which subject they find comfortable and which they think takes time and too difficult to deal with.
Talk to them about the time when you used to study when you were of their age. Talk to them about your favorite subject and which subject you hated the most, tell them if you used to study in the morning or at night, tell them in which subject you used to score the best and in which you used to score the worse. Talk to them about how your parents used to treat you before the exams are about to come up, sharing your strategies and how you used to prepare yourself before your exams, would make them feel less stressed and tensed for their studies.
In return they will let you know their issues with studying properly because after you initiate a conversation, a student will feel a bit relaxed and less frightful, they will let you know precisely which subject they are weak at, if there is any sort of pressure for their studies, so you will get to know which student is weak and exactly where, what is their weak point and where it is coming from.
Students and their future are dependent on their teacher and tutor, however not entirely but the most significant parts. Students tend to grow and think, just like their teachers do, and students admire their teachers and want to be like them one day. The subjects, science, literature, and, most importantly, life lessons, students receive them first from their teachers. Then they become able to teach themselves and somebody else, so it is an essential thing the way a teacher teaches the students.
A teacher was once a student, and their dream, passion, or interest was to grow up and become a teacher. The degree of passion for knowing new things, get good marks and become something varies. Yes, every student does not have the same degree of passion or interest, but a teacher should do as much as they can, to help out students and prepare them for their future.
Every teacher is efficient in their particular subject, and every student is strong and weak in their specific topic, but what makes them vulnerable, no, not lack of interest, it is the fear because they are not well equipped. A teacher must know and try to experiment with different teaching techniques, which will help students to understand what the teacher is trying to depict.
In the above teaching techniques, there are few techniques that we all are aware of since our childhood, and few are useful because of modern technology. Let us know which method you find more effective for your students in the comment section.
Last Updated on by Steffy Michael