Vispy Kharadi popularly known as the ‘STEEL MAN OF INDIA’ is a thirteen-time Guinness world record holder in martial arts feats. He is currently a full-time fitness and martial arts tutor, sports nutritionist, and strength trainer.
Vispy Kharadi has opened Spaartan- Vispy’s Martial Arts Academy imparting training to individuals. He has opened an international standard indoor sport and fitness center – athletic which is the first PPP model of SMC.
The 13-time Guinness World Record holder is also the General Secretary of Kudo International Federation India. Vispy Kharadi is the trainer to Border Security Forces (BSF) in armed & unarmed combat(Krav Maga) He has represented in national and international tournaments of judo, volleyball & badminton.
Vispy Kharadi has imparted training to the Gujarat police force for the last 10 years and conducts free self-defense camps for women across Surat City and Gujarat free of cost under the banner of Suraksha Setu for the Gujarat government.
The Steel Man of India imparts VVIP protection to delegates like – Bill Gates, DJ Tiesto, Aditya Thackeray, Akshay Kumar, and DJ Swedish House mafia. He executes disaster management for big events in the country like Sunburn, Filmfare Awards, etc.
Vispy Kharadi has performed in the world’s most popular reality TV show America’s Got Talent. They are the first Indians to be invited to perform and their act has been ranked top amongst the most dangerous acts of the season.
Icy Tales in conversation with Vispy Kharadi.
Q. What motivated you to get into bodybuilding?
Vispy Kharadi: I have always seen my dad work out since I was a kid. We had a few dumbbells, weights & bars at home. This got me connected to them at an early age. I was also very fond of watching English action movies. Young me was very fond of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Van Dame, Bruce Lee & Jackie Chang. This left an imprint on my tender mind to build a good physique & also learn skilled fighting & martial arts like them.
Q. Can you walk us through your preparation and achievement of the Guinness Book of World Records?
Vispy Kharadi: I am 365 days on hardcore training & a clean diet. My day is incomplete without hitting the gym & doing my Martial arts training. But before my records, I need to plan my nutrition as well as workout & body conditioning schedules rigidly as per my stunt requirements.

Just an example – for certain stunts, I need to cut my salt intake to increase the oxygen flow in my body. As most of my records involve risky stunts, I must practice cautiously. I also need to train my mind. If the team record is there, I have to take care of my teammates’ practice, motivation & diet and also see to it that no one is injured severely.
Q. The glamour of bodybuilding has given scope to many scams; what’s your take on that?
Vispy Kharadi: I am not into bodybuilding as a competitor, but because I love the principles of training our overall body with proper knowledge about nutrition.
I believe that nature is always safer. If you make the right & consistent efforts, results will follow. I will always support drug-free aesthetics over anything else & stay true to my beliefs, as I am currently associated with KUDO, which comes under NADA and WADA regulations. Scams are there everywhere! You have to take your ground & stay focused.
Q. Are you an advocate of natural bodybuilding or supplements?
Vispy Kharadi: Supplements that support health & wellness, like nutraceuticals, are essential, but enhancers & shortcut fast result producing stimulants are big NO. Loads of health hazards & side effects will ruin a person’s health, and families often suffer.
Q. What advice do you have for people beginning their fitness journey?
Vispy Kharadi: Set a goal, and visualize it too. Train under the right guidance. Consistency & effort will always give results. Don’t take shortcuts. A natural & scientific approach is the best. Give utmost importance to nutrition.
Q. Does body positivity have any nexus with looking ripped?
Vispy Kharadi: Looking ripped is a stage that I compare to climbing Mount Everest. You can climb it, but you cannot stay there. When a person has set a goal to get ripped, there is a lot of positivity in the approach, but after a certain period, it does start getting on the head due to many factors like carb depletion, other enhancers, etc., and it starts showing on face, health and most importantly their behavior.
Of course, looking ripped will fetch you good compliments but for how long? Rather stay focused on fetching compliments with your positive behavior and charm.

Q. What motivated you in life?
Vispy Kharadi: I learn things from the people around me. I believe that no one can motivate you unless you give a push to your limits. only you can work for yourself. Be ready to strive & work hard & take your limits to the next level. I believe motivation is a wrong word; no one can motivate you, but you can get inspired by people around you.

Q. What is your take on vegetarian V/S non-vegetarian food in bodybuilding?
Vispy Kharadi: Superior is always Non-Vegetarian, but if you are vegetarian, you have to choose your protein sources wisely and mix them well, too, as there are very limited sources.
The amino acids available from non-veg sources are better in building muscles, but if someone is practicing a vegetarian diet on moral grounds, then there is no option to convince them or explain them.
Q. What advice do you have for people aspiring to be bodybuilders?
Vispy Kharadi: Go safe, Go Scientific, and Study your genes. You will have to put in more than 100 percent effort. There are no shortcuts and consistency matters.
Q. Nutrition as a subject is gaining popularity gradually, and a significant number of students are pursuing it in their higher studies as well. Can you please give some tips, like career opportunities and how far someone can benefit from pursuing the subject?
Vispy Kharadi: Fitness & health are based on two strong pillars that are exercise and nutrition, both are incomplete without each other. Nutrition as a career is a booming field. According to me, this subject should be made a compulsory subject in the study curriculum as every household needs to eat right & have the knowledge of what goes into their bodies.
It’s not only important for people into sports and fitness but for everyone. The study of clinical & sports nutrition would be a feather in the trainer’s cap. With the focus coming more and more toward health and fitness, career opportunities in this field have also shot up worldwide.
Q) Does having good or bad mental health affect fitness?
Vispy Kharadi: Oh yes !! Mental well-being is a prerequisite for anyone’s physical health. Pursuing healthy routines & workouts will also ensure one’s mental health & happiness. Having said that the bottom line is a person who is focused and healthy does become disciplined in life and this state of mind is only possessed by mentally strong & healthy people.
Q) There was a period when we ate for pleasure, but today, we are more mindful of aesthetics and health. According to you, how can one take care of their daily meals?
Vispy Kharadi: Mindful & healthy meals will not only transform you & make you healthy but also take care of the way you look. Aesthetics are a by-product of mindful eating & training habits. Whatever food our tongue likes our body doesn’t and whatever food is needed and appreciated by our body our tongue doesn’t like.
Vispy Kharadi has been working hard and putting in continuous efforts toward his fitness and helping others through their fitness journey. He is also doing amazing work by helping women learn the art of self-defense to become independent and strong so that they can stand up for themselves with no help from others.
Last Updated on by NamitaSoren