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A drug is something that is used to bring out relief or pleasure in a human body. The drug changes their psychological and physiological behavior when infused in someone in need. Drugs must be taken out of necessity. Usage of drugs for medicinal purposes is reasonable. But the concept of drug abuse is heavily opposed due to its ability to turn things negative. Over or unnecessary consumption of drugs will automatically bring out disastrous effects for the user and the others in his surroundings. We have Dealers and Kingpins turning mere drug substances into pure money.
This act has waged many drug wars between the government and immoral groups. Our mankind has faced many problems due to this drug abuse. Countries like Spain and America are some of the famous fighters in this drug war. Drug abuse is one of the menacing threats to our society. People must become aware of the most addictive drug to stay vigilant. It alters a man mentally as well as physically. But for real, what makes drugs so dangerous? It enabled people to earn tons of money and has even collapsed the government. It must have a lot of power to do something significant like that. How is it so threatening?
The key answer to this question is within ourselves. Our habits. When a person takes a drug continuously, it will get into his regular life schedule. It is called a habit when it is harmless. But when the habit intends to alter the person or cause any harm to him, it is ultimately called an addiction. This article focuses on bringing out the most addictive drug in today’s world, how it has found a way into human life, its related threats, and possibly, a solution from an overall perspective. Before jumping into the drugs’ variants, let us look at how these highly addictive drugs actually work and alter the human brain.
1. What Is Addiction and How Does It Work?
So basically, our human brain is filled with a lot of hormones. They are directly connected to the reactions of an individual. One such powerful hormone exists within the human brain and is still considered one of the most significant. It is called Dopamine. Dopamine is the pleasure hormone due to its ability to induce a person to do something. It brings out the sense of reward within a person for completing such a thing. Dopamine levels of an individual tend to get higher when a person is rewarded for the work he has completed. But a person’s dopamine levels can also be bought to a higher state by another method.
You’ve guessed it right. Drug Abuse. The brain’s reward system is compromised here. The levels of Dopamine can be increased artificially by the usage of drugs. This pleasure induces a person to do it again. Soon after this, the person gets into a state of numbness and a feel to do it again. This will lead to the repetition of the behavior, which is also called addiction. During this state, the person loses his sense of reality and control. Such substance addiction will always tend to cause chaos. When someone is addicted, the person may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes.
2) How Can You Actually Measure an Addiction?
One cannot measure the exact point of addiction, to be precise. But based on some aspects and through a method called the Addiction severity index, we can determine the power of that specific drug to influence a person. Some of such aspects are How pleasurable the usage of such a drug can actually be and to what extent the drug can alter the person mentally and physically. With these aspects’ help, let us look at the most addictive drug addition available in the world currently.
3) Famous Addictions
3.1) Nicotine addiction
Still strong as one of the most addictive substances, Nicotine is the most widely used addictive drug. This most addictive drug is primarily infused within cigarettes through tobacco. It is actually a chemical that makes you smoke or consume continuously. This directly tells us that there are a lot of smokers out there in the world. Nicotine has found its way into human life since the 16th century.

Consumers of tobacco products have faced a lot of health issues. Tuberculosis, Lung diseases, Cancer, and heart diseases are some of the health issues that could arise from tobacco consumption. The thing which actually makes this dangerous is that it is legalized. Sales of Nicotine in various forms are actually allowed worldwide. This has created a nicotine market and is expected to grow 2% annually due to its increased demand and supply. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms include depression, anxiety, anger, and even insomnia.
3.2) Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol joins the list of most addictive substances in the world. Alcohol is any liquid substance that contains a chemical component called ethanol. The consumption of such substances will automatically lead to alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction can be dangerous when it takes a toll on its user. Overconsumption of Alcohol will lead to numbing the user’s nervous system. The step is actually considered alcohol abuse due to its nature in inflicting self-harm. It weakens his immune system and will make him vulnerable to serious health conditions like stroke, liver, and even kidney failures. This has the potential to become the most addictive drug worldwide.

The victims of Alcohol use disorder will also fall ill to various mental issues. Legalizing this has made it a problem worldwide. It has become a culture to consume alcohol for everything. People of all age group consume alcohol and falls victim to alcohol addiction. Alcohol withdrawal is the most difficult part here. This addictive substance can cause withdrawal symptoms such as typical headaches, nausea, depression, and even hallucinations. These symptoms can be overcome through alcohol treatment centers that provide quality alcohol treatment.
Check out 6 Ways To Cure Your Alcohol Addiction
Both these drugs mentioned above have something in common. This particular trait has made them the most dangerous. Legalization. These drugs are immune to the law’s eyes and are considered legal substances. These aren’t prohibited, hence making them easier to public access. Nicotine drug and alcohol stays at the top of this list due to their rising consumption and production. Let us look at some of the other drugs that threaten humans. But this time, these drugs are heavily opposed by law, making their access prohibited. But still, people find a way to access these. Let us look at this list without any further delay.
3.3) Cocaine Addiction

Crack Cocaine is actually a stimulant drug extracted from two varieties of coca plants. This most addictive drug is native to South America, the most famous place for the activity of Cocaine. The whole continent has witnessed a lot of drug wars and blood due to the circulation of this drug. The addictive nature of cocaine makes it the reason for establishing big crime syndicates to make money. These syndicates operated by the same family members paid a lot of blood for the fight to make this most addictive drug legal, which, fortunately, didn’t happen.
Powdered cocaine was smuggled all around the world soon after its discovery and was illegally commercialized all around the world. Crack Cocaine has also made many people lose their minds and lives. It makes people lose their physical dependence and victims of chronic pain and mental deterioration. The country of America has set up a national institute mainly to fight this drug’s influence over their country during the 20th century. The Cocaine withdrawal period includes increased appetite and Fatigue as well.
3.4) Cannabis Addiction
Cannabis goes by a lot of names. Marijuana, Ganja, Weed, Pot, Grass, Bud, and many others too. This specific substance is the most naturally extracted drug by humankind. Cannabis is a mind-twister. It is scientifically named as a psychoactive drug that alters the functions of the human nervous system. The drug is actually extracted from a plant called Cannabis Indica. This drug was actually used as a pain killer by a lot of people in the days of the past century.
It was consumed to relieve chronic pain, and nerve pain and was even used as an efficient medicine to treat Glaucoma. It was even considered religious and said to bring up spirituality to its users in some parts of India. Cannabis fell into a very useful category as a pain reliever.

But the thing is that this useful gift of nature once became the most addictive drug due to its abuse. Cannabis abuse spread like wildfire due to its easy availability and effect of bringing a trance to the human mind. The plant can be grown in normal suburbs and other residential plots. This induced a lot of people to make money by selling Cannabis. This drug can prove to be a life-threatening one if overdosed. This Marijuana use disorder is mostly experienced and caught up by youngsters. Withdrawal symptoms here include physical discomfort, decreased appetite, mood and sleep difficulties, cravings, and even restlessness for the person.
3.5) Methadone Addiction

Methadone is actually used to treat nerve and chronic pains, just like the other normal painkillers. But this drug has a specialty. Methodone is actually used to treat people who are suffering from Heroin addiction. But, the medicine itself is abused and has now turned into a drug that has made many people fall into its addiction. The drug has a high rate of physical and psychological dependence. The danger here is that Methodone is one of the highly advised prescription painkillers made available to the public. It is currently traded in the name of Dolophine and Methadose.
It was even considered an illegal drug to exist freely. The drug is available in tablet and liquid forms, facilitating an easy infusion into the bodies of people who require a quick trance boost within their cheap budgets. In some cases, people suffering from Methodone addiction will project withdrawal effects such as anxiety, nausea, muscle shivers, vomiting, and even diarrhea.
3.6) Methamphetamine Addiction

The component stated as Methamphetamine is actually a substance used only for medicinal purposes. The component is used to treat ADHD and obesity. Methamphetamine is totally man-made through chemical substances. They are present in mere prescription drugs. The creation of Methamphetamine for pleasure is usually considered as substance abuse.
This was on the verge of becoming an illegal drug for its highly addictive nature. This substance addiction is most common in the United States. Meth is considered a recreational drug made to facilitate and awaken the function of the central nervous system for people with ADHD. It is a stimulant drug for the central nervous system to induce consciousness. Such kind of a drug can be manipulated and used for pleasure.
It is even considered the most addictive drug in the suburbs of America. A person’s psychological dependence drops to zero after consuming this drug, making him prone to various mental issues. Withdrawal symptoms of meth include fatigue, insomnia, and other cognitive disorders.
3.7) Heroin Addiction
Lastly, we have the answer to our question. Heroin is the most addictive drug to ever exist in human history, with the highest rate of Addiction severity. It is a component extracted from a pain medication called morphine. This medication is relied upon by many people who need to relieve pain. Morphine is a substance that is produced by something called the opioid. A lot of addictive substances can be created from Morphine. This opioid is dried latex taken from the seed capsules of the opium poppy Papaver somniferum. Raw consumption of this will lead to Opioid addiction with several serious health issues.

Heroin addiction is the most addictive drug that is simply left exposed to the hands of people. Heroin users generally tend to face a lot of issues related to mental health.
This is considered substance abuse far more dangerous than crack cocaine mentioned above. The growing abuse of prescription painkillers such as hydrocodone has made Heroin the most used drug for the past decades. This is because heroin substance found in normal pain medication, is cheap and gets you high. This addictive substance will cause withdrawal symptoms like Vomiting, Diarrhea, cold flashes, nerve pain, and Insomnia. One can treat Heroin addiction by joining rehabilitation centers and getting addiction treatment.
The list of drugs that you’ve seen above is highly addictive. Such things should cease to exist. It is because it has destroyed mental health. These drugs have imposed a lot of harm on the mental as well as physical health of mankind. Their usage will ultimately lead to the degradation of the human mind and body. One should undergo a heavy addiction treatment to nullify its negative effects. Most of the commonly abused drugs are also the commonly prescribed ones.
Abuse of prescription drugs is done intentionally by people who are interested in doing so. These so-called Victims of Drug abuse must realize that they cannot continue like this. Moreover, they must realize that they require help, and that they are not alone. This is because they are left at the easiest disposal of humans. These commonly abused drugs are the real dangers to society. Fortunately, there is a solution to the problems caused by these addictive drugs.
4) There is always a solution!
Addiction is actually a dangerous concept to face. A phase of darkness will conquer the minds of the affected. But they will see the brightest side of their lives after overcoming that phase. Many communities come forward to help the people who need a solution to escape the clutches of drug addiction. These drug variants mentioned above are only some of the most addictive substances available and made known publicly. But many other drugs can be far more dangerous but not made known to the human eye.
Many organizations are operating with maximum effort to stop the circulation of drugs and their abuses. But what can a victim do if he has fallen prey to this?

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A lot of treatment centers and treatment facilities are made available for the ones in need of help. Addiction treatment is offered to a lot of people who are interested in restoring their sanity. The treatment centers provide the best of professional treatment advice to help the person in need. It is best to approach your nearest medical provider or treatment facility and opt for one of their treatment program to get a solution.
We all should fight addiction together, so let us focus on helping the ones in need and help them build up their resistance levels towards drug withdrawals through proper and much-needed motivation they really need right now.
Last Updated on by Sathi