Why your social life is not what it should be? The evolving and constantly changing world has given us many benefits, one of which is the progressive mindset. But we have survival instincts ingrained in our DNA, and we always find ways to flee or fly, and the more we feel pain nowadays, the more we flee away.
1. The Modern World –
The modern world has given us many gifts, and one of those is social unacceptability. The world is already full of people who seem to be perfect, more attractive, and more acceptable. Those who are in any way different have less chance of being accepted because they are already fighting between working on their flaws, being compared to others, and the constant judgement that is now very openly spread in the form of gossip.
Talking about the sensational technological changes that have given people a mask and voice to speak anywhere they want without being caught, the online world It is said that “If you want to see the real face of a person, put a mask on him“, We have never been taught how our speech and choice of words can impact the other person’s psychology.
The lack of awareness that has been created by us ourselves has a major impact on the mental health of another person to such an extent that he may not be able to exist without social anxiety.
The other aspect of the diversity that the modern world has offered to us is the comfortability of getting things done without putting in the effort that is needed and letting the brain skip the pain of planning. prepare and execute any task.
We get all the information with just one tap, we get food, we get entertainment to numb the brain, we get everything that is needed to let the brain be the master of joy, and us being a slave to the pleasure of the brain.
This pattern has been transferred from one generation to another and has led us to live a life that is less disciplined and more dependent on mood. The lack of awareness of the potential that a human body and mind can achieve has made us weaker in terms of immunity and made us less prone to survive.
The lack of knowledge has made us dumb, and sometimes we confuse laziness with the labyrinth and make ourselves believe that the complexity of the given task is far stronger than the potential of our work.
The kind of generation that has evolved doesn’t even like the talk and discussion about aspects of awareness and reality. We act and talk smart, but we have become dumb from putting everything into just presentation and maintaining a reputation that we don’t have.
The kind of social environment that has been created is more commonly avoided than faced, considering the number of luxuries that have been provided by technological advancements.
This has led everyone to choose silence over any talk that disrupts their image in society, so naturally, we have been taught to escape the situation rather than fight it. This can change by changing the environment and polishing your skills with hard work and iteration.
2. Personal Growth-
The personal growth graph depends on the work we put in. The human body has immense capabilities; the more pressure you put on it in a planned manner, the stronger it tends to become.
The physical health aspect not only deals with the body’s clinical health but also encapsulates the soft skills and hard skills that are necessary for the survival of humans.
2.1 Mental and Physical Health-
The morning routine, the kind of food we consume, the kind of data we consume—everything matters when we talk about physical health. A lot of aspects are supposed to be taken care of when we talk about overall physical and mental health. There are various conditions, be they genetic or acquired, that can lead to an unhealthy body.
Some conditions cannot be cured from the roots, but the symptoms and pain can be reduced by maintaining a healthy diet and constant exercise regime. Various techniques are present to slow down the pace of damage that any such condition can bring.
One of the most effective techniques is yoga, an ancient practice that claims to cure many symptoms and diseases. The more disciplined we are concerning the diet and exercise regimen that we have made, the faster we are supposed to heal and become strong. The other aspect of physical health is the development of soft skills.
Some skills such as personality and speech can be learned and practised, till we become better at them. Mental health is affected by a lot of factors that may sometimes also include past traumas and experiences, the other habit of anxiety and fear while trying to be social, and maybe a result of some mental condition or general anxiety disorders, the curable conditions can be treated through medical help and counselling.
In general, developing healthy habits and trying to face our fears may help in developing a healthy social life.
2.2 Why Your Social Life Is Not What It Should Be –
2.2.1. The Paradox of Not Having Time:
Time management skills are the most prominent techniques that help us overcome every difficult situation. Multitasking can be easily done with these skills. The good thing about this is they can be learned and easily implemented but to continue to implement it in a long run is hard to maintain.
The complex situations keep on getting worse when we dive deep into the well of responsibilities and leadership. When we are given a lot more tasks to be managed in small time, time management skills are no less than a boon.
To manage all the work and complete the given task in the given time is a matter of energy and senses. The most basic rule is to maintain a record of the task assigned and keep track of the tasks that are finished, this will help as a roadmap to finish everything in time. We need to understand the value and give time accordingly to our career and important things as well as our social life.
2.2.2. The Stigma that You Deserve Better:
As emotional beings, the idea of investing whenever there is a need is ingrained in each one of us. There is a desire hidden in every good deed that maybe someday we will get a return for it but this idea itself is hindering the purity of a good deed.
This creates a mentality that we are the best and invest everything every time and get nothing in return except pain and misery, so we stop trusting new people and judge them completely before even coming into contact with them.
The belief that we deserve better can never be fulfilled as we live in an imperfect world with every human having one or another flaw. We need to manage our thinking and start believing in hope.
2.2.3. The World of Social Media:
Social media keeps improving itself based on the user history and tracking system thus it provides us with such a personalized feed but after a while, if we keep on consuming it we may lose track of the differentiation between reality and fake world.
Social media has served as a boon and a curse at the same time, it is the main cause of increasing anxiety in the younger generation. The friends we make on social media and the kind of reach that we assume to get from it never really help, as in real life outside the virtual reality world we may not even have a single person that we can rely on in hard times.
There is no connection to reality left when we start living in the virtual world for too long. The change in the pattern of thinking in the coming generations is highly expected if these things continue at the same pace.
2.2.4. The Idea that You Can Never Make Friends:
Some people develop a mentality and fear that they can never make any friends. They never socialize, never come forward in groups, and thus they never really make friends.
This fear can be tackled by initiating small talk and being engaged in social activities.
2.2.5. The Need to Work on Skills:
Making friends as a kid was a lot easier than it is now as an adult. You may be dealing with a lot of stuff, and the same is for the other person, so making friends in this busy world is difficult but not impossible, as making friends is just another skill that can be developed with knowledge and experiments based on the knowledge.
Giving a hand when someone needs one is one of the best initiatives you can take in the scope of making true friendships. A lot of people exist on the planet, but when someone wants to talk, he can find none to listen to, and now we have created a world where no one talks.
2.3 Social Support –
The social support that one gets is highly important in determining the social life of any person. Having old friends still in touch sometimes boosts mental health. Being good at socializing is a subject of practice.
The importance of a social group is impeccable. The kind of impact that it can have, cannot be estimated. The social connection that you make may last a lifetime if taken care of; spending time with the ones who listen makes you less anxious and makes you feel empowered and valued.
3. Conclusion-
There can variety of reasons for not having a good social life. There is the utmost importance to having a social life because it helps in the development of a positive attitude by helping to find people with similar interests, developing focus, and feeling and being recognized.
The relationship that you develop sometimes may last till the end. The modern world and the development of technology have helped us find an escape and made us less prone to being caught as weak. The advancement of technology has given us various ways to sustain our life effectively in isolation and thus the very need of being social is neglected as a whole.
Social media and the fake online world have created many unrealistic bars that are difficult to cross for the average person to be socially acceptable, and people are stupid enough to live for fakeness.
We never realize that there may have been a lot of work to make things look perfect for that very small time until it can be recorded and uploaded. The increase in anxiety and lack of confidence in the coming generations may make them more socially isolated.
The other factors that are present between you and your social life are various physical and mental health conditions. Sometimes people are not physically fit or have been diagnosed with too many health conditions to make even a small social group. Some mental conditions are also prone to reducing your social interactions and making you isolated.
We learn through experience and understanding, it gets better while we practice and learn more about it. Some people believe that they are less and may never be able to make friends, but we should understand the ground reality of no one being perfect and start accepting people as they are.
Sometimes we believe our anxiety overpowers the attempt to make social connections, but in reality, the fear that we have doesn’t even have any physical existence; it is just in our minds, and that can be changed whenever we need it to.
Slowly working on your fear and initiating the effort and diverting the energy to make your social life better can have tremendous results. Once we overcome our fears, even strangers can become good friends. The connection in the group makes your life better and boosts your confidence. We just need to understand where we lack and work on solutions, and we will have the best social life experiences in no time.
Last Updated on by ritukhare