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You are awesome in so many ways that you don’t even know! We are living in an influencers’ society and get influenced by other people on the internet. Everyone wants to become like somebody without realizing the fact that they might already be doing awesome stuff every single day.
Few attributes are common in every such person, who’s not just awesome from the outside but also from within, which makes you an awesome person. It includes characteristics like doing what you are passionate about, carrying out outdoor activities that you haven’t tried, or having the courage to be a woman of strength.
You Are Awesome: 9 Honest Reasons
Millions of people saw the apple fall, but only Newton asked why. Such a little thing makes you different from others. Little things make you awesome! Here is our list of 9 honest reasons that speak for why you are awesome!
1. You Never Settle for Less
While taking decisions, something within tells you not to settle for something less than you deserve, because you know your value. So, you keep on improving, learning, practicing, and working hard until you achieve what you deserve! You aren’t someone who stays in their comfort zone.

This defines why you are awesome and, possibly, could be one of the fascinating people in history. One reason why you are awesome is, as mentioned, not settling for less. But how to make it happen? Let’s take an example of Steve Jobs, the man behind Apple, and the technological revolution in the entire computer and smartphone industry. What made him such a man? What made him so special? Well, the answer to this question can easily be understood from his quote:
“Never Settle For average.”
It perfectly explains why he did that, and his strong belief about never settling for something less. He knew when he could give far better experience to the people as compared to his competitors. All it takes is a little courage and your strong belief to change everything, and not live an intentional life. When you do that, you know you are awesome. According to a survey on people, 43% of people give up on their dreams and settle for something less than they deserve.
You can probably guess by now why you are awesome as compared to other people, even if you don’t accept yet that you are!
2. You Do What You Like
Doing what you love should be done regardless of what people or society says. It includes doing it despite negative situations, your own problems, or hundreds of failures. You do it; however, the circumstances might be, and it takes courage. Not everyone can face their societies, and wrestle with failures, and circumstances to do what they love. Learn from the failure and live.

Trust me; if you do that, you are awesome. American poet “Maya Angelou” is an excellent example of a woman who followed what she liked, thus making her not only successful but also satisfied. She loved writing, and that made her successful. It is to be noted that people don’t like you always for being wealthy. Instead, they love you when they see you doing something you like! And then the only statement that comes out of their mouth is that “You are awesome!”
According to a survey, people spend 60-100 hours a week doing things they don’t like or procrastinating to be worried about the consequences. Imagine spending your whole life doing stuff you don’t enjoy. The imagination seems like living in prison, and people who are in prison are not awesome. As I said earlier, it takes a lot of courage, and if you do what you like, indeed, you are awesome.
3. You Are Visionary
One of the primary signs that you are awesome is when you can believe and predict something for the future, which might change everything, and you stick to that belief. You are assured in mind that it would work due to your vision.
People admire you as you are visionary, which makes you different from others and could make you very successful in the future. People with vision are ordinary people like you and me, but what makes them unique is that they stick to something they believe in. They believe in their vision and the fact that this can change their world. Have a look at the quote of Nelson Mandela above.

He was a visionary who changed the world with his action. You can feel his strong faith from the quote itself. What he quoted isn’t something you didn’t know of. Any action you take with a vision changes the world around you. According to research conducted on 1 billion people, 90% of them were not visionary, thus leading them to have an unsuccessful life. Now, you may imagine how big the deal is to have a vision! Reiterating the same point, it tells you why you are awesome.
This already makes you different from 90% of the world. It is quite a clear fact that you might be one of those few people who, thanks to their vision, are expected to have a successful life in the future.
4. You Find Beauty in Small Things
Everyone seeks happiness, and most of us presume that doing something particularly big or new would make us happy. It is not always true. Yet, having this thought makes them feel bad and unsatisfied with their lives. You have a high self-esteem while you find happiness in small things which is truly a unique combination.
Still, there are certain people like you, who don’t need something big to happen to make them happy. They enjoy finding happiness in small things, and they love the way they are! The comments like “You are awesome” don’t impress you.

In the words of a famous writer William Arthur Ward whose work motivates people worldwide, “Happiness is an inside job.” Indeed, it is true. Happiness comes from the inside. Most people get this wrong because they are busy looking for big things outside to make them happy. Understand that even the little things can please you! It’s all about cherishing those things! It’s all about being delighted from within!
Note that you are accountable for your own joy. No one else in the world can set your happiness equation. If you believe this, you are awesome. A report from Washington states that from the year 1990 to 2018, the number of unhappy people increased by more than 50%. If you find happiness doing things that people don’t even notice like helping people, carrying out household chores, watering plants, and enjoying your presence, then no matter what people say, you are awesome.
5. You Genuinely Care
This is one of the fundamental things we find attractive in a person. People are not always able to show their care for somebody. It’s sometimes presumed to be selfish, but it is just we are humans, and we can’t express the same feeling of care for everybody. If you can care for someone, even if it’s little, but genuinely, then that’s the game changer! You are awesome if you express your concern for someone. Showing care doesn’t make you a saint, but rather makes you an honest person.

Don’t restrict your concern or care to others. Show some for yourself too. Read Andre Lorde’s quote below to fathom it better! Andre Lorde was an American writer, activist, and feminist who dedicated her life for something she believed was so true with her work and strongly against the fact that thinking about yourself is wrong.
No, it is not. At the end of the day, what matters is how honest you are while caring/loving. It doesn’t matter if the care is for your own self or someone else. It’s like, you do something for someone you know/ don’t know without expecting anything in return. As long as you care without selfish motives, you are awesome!
6. You Dress to Look Your Best
How you dress is one of the major factors that makes you look amazing and presentable apart from facial features! Dressing up should not be about wearing clothes and carrying out a personality that you are not! Instead, it should be looking like who you are, your original self. When you dress to look your best and the original version of yourself, it is, again, a sign that you are awesome.

The first impression is the last, and when you dress properly and look your best, you know people are going to love you and will try to keep you around, without even knowing who you are. You dress to look best, the way you are! To support this, Christian Louboutin, who is a French fashion designer, states that shoes (a part of your dressing) do not just lift you physically, but also emotionally. To be precise, they make you feel that you are awesome, not just from the inside but also from the outside.
7. You Are Fearless
What makes someone successful is when they take the right risks and be fearless of taking risks! There is a popular misunderstanding: people think a fearless person is not scared of anything, but in reality, everyone is scared of something as they are all humans. You treat people the way they behave.

It is our natural response to a stimulus. What makes you truly fearless is when you do something, even if you fear it. Look at the quote from Janelle Monae. Isn’t it right? You don’t become fearless or face your fear in just one swing or a day. Constant dedication and efforts are needed while facing fear. Not everyone gets successful in doing that even in their lifetime.
You are fearless because you try every day to overcome your fear. It means you are awesome! In America, over 20 million people are scared of something or have phobias! If such a large numbered people are phobic of something, then you are merely someone who is continually trying to overcome his/her fear!
8. You Understand the Importance of Time
Time is described as the true measurement to measure anything, as defined by scientists from all around the world. If you can understand and manage time, then you are awesome!

It is not easy to manage time regardless of all the distractions that you have to deal with daily. It requires discipline, which sounds boring, but if you do that, you are already ahead of so many people. But, how does being awesome relate to understanding the value of time? Firstly, if you understand the value of time, you would know that no matter how worse the situation is or things happen to you emotionally, time will pass no matter what.
You can let go of things with the utilization of time, whereas other people let go of things by wastage of time.
9. You Are Positive
Last but not least, being positive, which is the fundamental thing you need to have if you are expecting a positive outcome of anything you do. You won’t believe it. But it is not common to have a positive attitude. Most of the people you see around you suffer from overthinking and negativity.
How does being positive relate to the fact that you are awesome? Well, because not everybody can live their life to the fullest and it is not like they don’t want to, but thanks to all these negative thoughts, they are not able to do that. Yet, the unique fun is being positive when everything’s negative! If you feel very down at times and can’t help yourself during that moment you should definitely reach out to professional medical advice.

In the words of Aristotle, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Click here to check out some optimistic thinking books!
Reasons Behind Your Awesomeness: A Quick Recap
1. You never settle for less.
2. You do what you like.
3. You are a visionary.
4. You find happiness in small things.
5. You genuinely care.
6. You dress to look your best.
7. You are fearless.
8. You understand the importance of time.
9. You are positive.
You are awesome, even when you think that some of the signs from our list didn’t match your personality. Do you know why? Because you are here and you have the guts to accept that something’s missing in your personality and there’s scope for improvement.
Last Updated on by Steffy Michael