Devanshu Karia’s Insights on Digital Marketing

Juhika Mehta
6 Min Read

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What happens when you flip a magick box upside down? Endless ideas tumble out of it.

Experimenting, growing, analyzing, and connecting – such has been the journey of Magick Box Media and its founder. We often see brands struggling to grow online in this competitive market and then there is Devanshu Karia who dedicates his expertise towards building great brands.

From a freelance copywriter to getting stellar clientele on board, we ask Devanshu Karia to give us a glimpse into his journey.

Let us know Devanshu a bit.

devanshu karia
Devanshu hails from the Mumbai suburbs and is a digital marketing practitioner and a management student as well. He has mastered the art of priority management by scheduling client deadlines, exams and learning continually. After understanding the market needs and building a team of creative minds, he leaped into the field in 2019 when he was just 18.

We asked Devanshu what made him enter into the already competitive industry. To which he said, “When I worked as an employee at a few of the most appealing Digital agencies during my initial career days, there were many aspects of team building and operations which required attention. Client deadlines being missed, team members getting exhausted, bad organization – are some of the most commonly faced issues by members at an agency; I also observed my colleagues being humiliated for not being creative enough. This had to end! I then aggressively started working on structures or ways that enabled any employee to work with a creative headspace and never face a situation where they were forced to think creatively!’’

He continued, “I help people and their businesses grow and flourish. I don’t just carve out a place for them online. It’s not just about creating a buzz. For me, it is about building great brands. Great in terms of their communication strategy, ads execution, analytics, and many other necessary aspects.”

Magick Box Media: The Beginnings

magick box media
Beginnings are exciting. And so was the case with Devanshu and his new business.

“It was January 2019, when the world first saw Magick Box Media. It was just the four of us – me, a partner, and two part-timers. As our business bloated, we continued to expand our team. Very soon, we started receiving recognition for our recent projects and kept adding value to our existing clients.”

Since ‘Magick Box’ (with the extra ‘k’s) seemed like a quirky name, we asked him about it.
“Oh yes, that is something me and my team came up with. They always say ‘think out of the box’ taking that chain of thought forward; we created ‘magick box’; a box with endless creativity and ideas.”

When does Devanshu feel like a Hero?

“I feel like a hero when the organic content I make goes viral. But more than that, I like it when I’m resourceful to my team, and the work experience is uplifting for them. That sense of satisfaction is amazing.”

Surely, the Hero must have faced some challenges?

“Of course, it was not easy. I tried to explore multiple roles. You see, I did not aspire to become a digital marketer initially; it is something that I eventually blended into. I was more into fitness when I was a full-time student. I have worked as a sales executive, creative copywriter, ads manager and gave client servicing a shot before finally becoming an agency owner. So, it was uncertain for me to choose a single direction to focus all my energy on until I finally found it.

Your team says you are a cheerleader.

devanshu karia
“Did they really say that?” he laughed.

“I am the person who laughs in the most serious of situations. But for your team, you have to be a cheerleader. Whenever we face setbacks, I tell them, ‘Countless opportunities are coming our way, don’t let this one disappoint you.’ And I think this mindset keeps us going.”

We have heard you enjoy experimenting…

“Yes, that’s what marketing is all about. Observing the trend and understanding the pattern which aids viral content and leveraging its benefits is a huge trial-and-error process.”

“But that just sounds cool. It is much harder to develop a strategy that seems foolproof and is even harder to make it work. Our team has sacrificed sleep and worked non-stop to execute ideas. Sometimes, ideas and creativity take time to flow out of our Magick Box, but, yeah, the magick never fails to work.”

Has the pandemic been hard on you?

magick box media

“Yes, and no! It was during the intense lockdown that I left my job. It was a big risk – a leap of faith, you can say. I invested all my time into bringing great value to businesses, but there was no turning back after setting my mind onto it.

“Everyone was caught off-guard in 2020; many people were laid off. But the pandemic taught me that every problem has a solution if you look for it.”

What’s next for you?

“I want to explore the life around me, learn more about consumer behavior, and other factors that influence their decision-making.”

Last Updated on by ritukhare

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