9 Intriguing Questions with Manya Nigam

Juhika Mehta
9 Min Read

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Manya Nigam, by profession, is a fiction author, blogger, engineer, full-time mother, and social media content creator from Lucknow. The author is another name for positivity. Her optimistic and affirmative attitude toward life makes her immediately popular among the people around her. She not only takes all the challenges of her life positively but also inspires others with her decisions.

Here is a delightful conversation with Manya Nigam on her journey as an author with Icy Tales. Let’s delve into the conversation to learn more about Manya Nigam.

Q) When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Manya Nigam: Becoming an author was never planned. I have loved writing since childhood and wrote only blogs and a couple of positive posts. One day, suddenly, a thought popped up in my mind to write short stories. The reason was simple: during childhood, we used to listen to short stories from our parents and grandparents because they have the power to impact our minds, some stories gave us lessons, and there are some stories we remember to date.

Picture by Manya Nigam

Similarly, some people get connected with the stories more, which made me realize that I also should start writing short stories. I published my first book, and from there, I also began to write books. The first short story I wrote went up to 40,000 plus words.

Q) How was your childhood like? What did you want to do as a child when you grew up?

Manya Nigam: My profession I am an engineer. Since childhood, I had a wish to do something in arts, and my father wished for me to see as an engineer. I completed my engineering and joined HCL technologies after a couple of years, and I left my job because I was expecting my first child. I thought now I should work on my passion, and I gradually started taking steps toward my passion.

I love visualizing and expressing spoken and unspoken sentiments. I love observing people, their behaviour, and their body language.

Q) What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?


Manya Nigam: My mornings are usually spent waking up my child, sending my son to school, and doing some household chores. My day usually goes into teaching my son, making him do the homework, and I have to play with him as well. During the day, I write between 10 am to 12 pm and during the evening hours when my son is out of the outdoor games. In total, I can manage only four hours of writing.

Q) Where does your inspiration come from for your stories/ writings?

Manya Nigam: The inspiration for my writing comes from real-life scenarios. It becomes very easy if your writings are based on real-life incidents. People you meet, everyone has a different story to tell. Everyone is born with other circumstances. When I am conversing with people, someone shares with me a problem they are facing. I try to think about the solutions and write a story in which I think of similar characters and situations and introductions the solutions. This is how I write my stories.

Q) What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your stories/inspiring quotes & blogs, and inspiring novels?


Manya Nigam: The best of writing is when you are writing, you inspire yourself a lot. In an inspirational quote or blog, you are writing, and you learn the message first before conveying it to others, which helps you become a motivational and inspiring person toward life and your passion; it also helps in enhancing your personality. Before I write any inspirational piece, I must think to allot first, which helps to create positive thoughts. That is the reason I enjoy writing emotional content the most.

Q) You have written 3 books. What was your experience while writing your first book and 3rd book? Did you encounter any changes in the process of writing your 1st book and then other books?

Manya Nigam: The first book I wrote was completely based on a true story; it was easy for me to write because I already knew the plot. The only thing that I needed to work on was connecting the dots and the characters. The second book was much easier than before because the scenarios were clear in my mind; the only thing I needed to work on was the story. When I started writing the third book, it was the time of covid; during that time, it was difficult for me to interact with people. Nobody was interacting with each other, and we all were locked in our houses.

Talking about the writing experience, you grow gradually. When you write your first book, you are still learning how to write a book, blog, or inspirational story. You become better with the passage of time, practice, and the gradual writing process. Talking about my writing experience, I can now think in a flow and connect the dots with the character. Now I know how to convey my message to the audience.

Picture by manya nigam

Q) What do you think makes a good story?

Manya Nigam: In my opinion, a good story is when you can create good characters to connect with your readers. The author doesn’t connect with the readers; the character does. I, as an author, have to work on the plot, the problems that occur in the character’s life, and how they come up with the solution. As an author, I must also develop the characters’ emotional and physical states. The very important point is to build character.

Q) Do you believe in writer’s block? How can one overcome the same?

Manya Nigam: Writer’s block occurs very rarely for me. I don’t compete with other writers. I inspire myself. There are days when I am unable to write, I don’t get thoughts or ideas to write, and on those days, I don’t get harsh on myself. I tell myself that taking your time is okay; you will get time to get ideas. That’s how I overcome it.

Q) Lastly, any tips for writers who are beginning to enter this phase and start a career?

Manya Nigam: When you start writing, you must know about yourself whether you love it or not. IOn order to become an author or a writer, you must love your work. It is applicable in every field. Do what you love to do. To grow in your profession, you must love your work. Practice your writing, read a lot, and don’t be harsh on yourself. Every writer and author faces writer’s block, and it’s completely fine. Just keep growing and keep practicing.

Picture by Manya Nigam

Manya Nigam is a full-time mother, a functional author and a blogger. Writing is a healing therapy for her for all the emotional stresses she gets for any reason. We wish her all the success in her future endeavours.

Watch the full interview on our YouTube Channel.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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