Gunjan Bawa : 9 Intriguing Questions with This Food Blogger

Juhika Mehta
8 Min Read

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Gunjan Bawa is a 24-year-old Punjabi girl from Delhi, who holds a master’s degree from Delhi University. Since childhood, the food explorer has been very passionate about food, and Gunjan chose to turn her passion into a full-time job as a food blogger.

Gunjan Bawa is in conversation with Icy Tales on her food journey.

Q)  What inspired you to become a food reviewer and explorer?

Gunjan Bawa – To be honest, food is something that we Punjabis adore. My love of food has evolved into a career. When I first started, I knew nothing about food blogging or making money on Instagram. I have a passion for clicking pictures of food and eating, which turned into my profession very quickly. When I started seeking collaboration, I got more clarity in choosing food blogging as a full-time incoming source.

Q) Can you share 3 good and bad things about being a food blogger?

Gunjan Bawa – I’d like to start with the negatives. The first is that you gain weight, which is associated with poor health. The third point is that there is no time for you; you work 365 days a year.

The good thing about being a food blogger is a lot of people know you, a proud moment, at the stage where I m right now; I am always grateful for that.

Q) According to you, What is the best social media strategy for getting more viewers for food-related videos?

Gunjan Bawa – Social media is one of the most potent instruments for creating compelling content in today’s fast-paced world. Content is, in my opinion, the most effective tactic for all food bloggers who use social media. There are times when we experience ups and downs in terms of views and likes as we watch the number of followers fluctuate.

“Content is king,” we’ve all heard. Good content that appeals to the audience should be posted. I’m not referring to gulab jamun or chole bhature when I say “great content.” There should be honest reviews for the food blogger’s outlets. If you provide an outlet for an overvalued review, the audience that follows and trusts you will lose faith in you. Some ideas might work on Instagram; you never know. Keep posting the ideas that come up in your mind.

Q) How did you get inspired by food blogging? Any particular reasons to choose this as a career path?

Gunjan Bawa – I’ve always wanted to work for a multinational corporation or appear for a government exam, and I’ve passed one step of the government exam. Still, I was already into food blogging at the time.

Gunjan BawaThere are many successful food bloggers. They have a sizable following, whether on YouTube or Instagram. In reality, series like Shark Tank content and digitalization have also been the buzz of the town. Being a food blogger, you have to be idiotic when creating content presenting it on social media.

Q) Many people believe that food vlogging is a bit self-indulgent thing. What will you say about this comment?

Gunjan Bawa – To be honest, I didn’t find food blogging to be self-indulgent at all. We, food bloggers, enjoy our work and never complain about it. There are days when we shoot for six hours, and we do it joyfully and never get weary of it because no one forces us to. Some bloggers complain about going on a shoot for six hours; what is the requirement to do food blogging if you feel it is a hectic job? Enjoy the work that you are doing.

Q) With ‘Foodyypreneur,’ you get to explore a diverse range of cuisines. How has your relationship with food changed after you opened the page?

Gunjan Bawa –  Since I was a child, I’ve had a great relationship with food. When I first started food blogging, I learned a lot about other cuisines, and I’ve visited a lot of restaurants in Delhi and sampled their delectable cuisines. What matters most, though, is how the dish is prepared. What are the unique elements used in the various cuisines?Gunjan Bawa : 9 Intriguing Questions with This Food Blogger 1 We have an understanding with the restaurants that we will not reveal their secret specialization when it comes to a specific food. I’ve learned a great deal about the food industry, thanks to Foodyypreneur. I’ve heard of people who can’t afford to eat at the fine dining establishments and spend $5,000 to $6,000 per dinner.

What I can do is snap a 360-degree photo of a restaurant and its foods and upload it to Instagram so that people can have a virtual tour of the food and the establishments. It’s a learning day every day being a Foodyypreneur.

Q) We have seen on your YouTube channel that you experiment with food a lot. Do you also have cooking as a passion?

Gunjan Bawa – In my family, I am the most pampered child, I love cooking, but only the basics I am aware of. I can cook for 4 to 5 people good enough.

Q) What would you like to tell someone who is looking to start a food page on Instagram?

Gunjan Bawa – My essential tip to all the food bloggers or someone just starting up with it is never to copy someone’s content. Make your Instagram account a one-of-a-kind food blogging feed by borrowing ideas from other food bloggers and thinking. Of course, you can show your content on trendy reels, but don’t repost other bloggers’ stuff. Have faith in your work and God, keep going, keep creating keep delving into the food industries.

Q) What is your definition of success or your life mantra?

Gunjan Bawa – Whatever I’m doing, I trust that God is with me and that if I’m doing things correctly, he will back me up. I am eternally grateful for what I have and have received thus far. I challenge myself every day to be better since no one is perfect, and the way life treats us, we should always be grateful for what we have and more challenging than others to chase our dreams.

Gunjan Bawa : 9 Intriguing Questions with This Food Blogger 2Gunjan Bawa, who is very passionate about food, finds her happiness in delving more into the food industry. Gunjan’s commitment to her passion has indeed inspired many. She keeps posting her delicious commitment for passion on her Instagram feed, engaging the audience. We wish Gunjan Bawa all the very best in her future endeavors.


Last Updated on by Sathi

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