As a child, I always dreamt of having different types of dolls like Barbie’s, candy, corn husk dolls, Chinese puppets, etc. I even saved money to buy a house for them, but what if one night you wake up to see these dolls blatantly staring at you or sitting in front of you with a knife?? Scary, right!
Here are 5 real life cases of conjured dolls that that will make your worst nightmares come alive
Currently residing at the “EAST MARTELLO MUSEUM” in Key, ROBERT actually belonged to Robert Eugene Otto, an American resident. This doll was gifted to him by his nanny who was sacked from her job due to her black magic practice. The doll looked like Eugene, with button eyes and real hair (believed to be Robert’s). Very soon Eugene and the doll became best-est buddies and he named it after himself, i.e. ROBERT.
But things got worse when neighbors started complaining that the doll giggled and walked when nobody was home. Once Eugene complained that ROBERT tried to kill him. Fact or myth, the doll still resides at the Martello Museum and if anybody clicks his picture without his permission, he curses that person and also his companion.
If you ever visit Canada, please do go to the “QUENSEL MUSEUM” and look at this cute little doll. According to the sources, the doll was trapped in a basement along with a girl who died due to suffocation and later her spirit got trapped inside the doll.
The owner of this doll, said that one night she heard someone crying at the other room, but when she went there nobody was there, except the doll and an open window. Since then the doll never failed to petrify its owner. But the museum staffs have something totally different to say. According to them, Mandy is a 100 years old child who wants care, love and affection. They also pick her up in their lap and work or roam around the museum to calm or pacify her. They treat her more like a child than evil or possessed doll.
If a single doll is not enough to scare the hell out of you, then come down to Xochimilco at Mexico. You will find dolls everywhere hinged like decorative Christmas stars or bells. According to the sources, the island belonged to Don Julian Santana Barrera, more commonly known as Julian. He was haunted by the spirit of a girl who mysteriously drowned in the island water. To pacify her soul, he started collecting dilapidated dolls and hanged them on the trees. Many say he was a mad man and made all of these stories, but on 2001, his death at the same spot where the child died, gave the villagers a reason to believe in him, and they all had goosebumps when they heard of his death. It is believed that he collected over 1,500 toys, which looks like decaying corpse from a distance. Believe it or not, visitors have claimed to feel really cold inside that island.
On October 2004 a woman in Texas purchased this doll from e-bay. The doll came with an instruction code which said that removing it from the silver case, can cause real harm. The woman considered it to be a mere joke and detached it from the silver case, and the next day she decided to return it. The doll was a real voodoo zombie doll that gave the lady a real nightmare in the form of repeated scary dreams of getting killed by the doll. She even tried to return it to the owner, but the doll would return and stand outside her door every time she did that. The real story behind this possession is still unknown.
The name itself gives you a clear and visionary idea about what the doll can do, as she has already inspired our Hollywood directors to make a movie on her. Well, how would you feel if suddenly late at night you receive parchment papers with “HELP ME” written on it, or a sudden knock when nobody is home??? The real owners had much more fearful encounters with the doll.
Residing peacefully in a wooden box at “THE WARREN OCCULT MUSEUM” at Connecticut, Annabelle is said to be the deadliest toy in the world. Nobody is allowed to touch it, and it is covered with a holy cross, and holy water is sprinkled on it every day.
There is an inch of realness behind each and every story mentioned here. Never pick-up anything lying on the road, or accept any parcel from an unknown person. It may look innocuous, but you never know what it’s going to bring with it.
Last Updated on by Himani Rawat