Lovyaa Garg: A Very Talented Illustrator & Comic Artist

Dhanika Bhola
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Lovyaa Garg is an illustrator and comic artist working through social media for more than 5 years. She has been in the art world since her childhood days. Besides art, she also cooks, reads, plays the keyboard, and does baking. Lovyaa Garg did her bachelor’s in fine arts from the College of Art, Delhi, and a course in animation from Maya Academy of advanced cinematics, Delhi. Since then, she has been experimenting and exploring her art.

ICY Tales is in conversation with Lovyaa Garg on how she started with art and what are her near plans.

Q) How did you get into comics? What made you inclined towards the same?

Lovyaa Garg – I never thought that I would get into making comics in my entire existence. I suddenly felt that my head is full of ideas back in college, and comics are the perfect way to express them. At that time also, it was like a hobby. I didn’t think that I would do it as a whole thing.

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Comic work by Lovyaa Garg

Q) When and how did you realize that this is something you want to pursue the whole time?

Lovyaa Garg – To be very honest, I am still exploring this world. I still haven’t figured out if I want to write comics for the rest of my life. I love writing comics and storybooks, and they are a way I can express myself and something I can never get bored of.

Q) Can you describe your drawing routine? How often do you draw, and how do you break up your day with work?

Lovyaa Garg – I don’t have any fixed drawing routine. The first thing I do in the morning after I freshen up is jot down my ideas. And also, whenever in the whole I get any idea pops up in my mind, I quickly take note of it on my phone so that when I sit to draw, I don’t have to waste my time. On average, I draw for like 5 to 6 hours every day. Art is a beautiful hobby for me from which I start my day and have no idea when it ends.

Q) You are yourself a small business owner; according to you, what is the upcoming scope of small businesses in India?

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Lovyaa Garg – I feel that there is always a scope if you love what you are doing. India is a developing country, and the scope of art is also increasing in India day by day. It’s a common perception that small businesses in the field of art generally don’t do well, but that’s not true. I am true to what I am doing, which gets people’s attention and makes me stand out.

Q) When you start a new drawing, what kind of inspiration do you look for, and how do you find that?

Lovyaa Garg – Whenever something strikes my mind, I quickly note it down. It’s not like when I sit to draw, I look for inspiration; I already have a complete list ready on my phone, and when I sit to draw, I scroll through that list and have tons of ideas to write about. When I deliberately think of the ideas, they become a little sore and lack genuineness.

Q) In what kind of atmosphere do you like to draw?

Lovyaa Garg – I am pretty comfortable drawing on my desk only. In summer, my desk is my only best friend. But as I am a hardcore nature lover, I also sometimes love to draw in the park unless and until the weather is not too hot. So I prefer drawing in the park on the sunny days of the winter season.

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Q) Generally, it’s a stereotype that there are underrated artists in India. What is your take on that?

Lovyaa Garg – I think it’s pronounced India is a developing country people don’t have any time for art. People don’t consider buying art as they are busy earning for livelihood. You can’t expect the same amount of payment from a US client and an Indian client. But as these social media platforms evolve in India, artists are standing out in the industry and making an ample amount of money.

Q) How did your parents react when you told them you wanted to become an artist?

Lovyaa Garg – I think I am a super lucky person; since childhood, my parents have always supported me in pursuing art. They always knew that this was something I did the best. Since then, I have always participated in a lot of drawing competitions. I loved art, and my parents knew that and warded off all the stereotypes that could come my way.

Q) What tools do you use while making the illustrations?

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Illustrations by Lovyaa Garg

Lovyaa Garg – My current go-to best friend in this is my iPad. There is an app called pro-create, which I use to draw my comics. I prefer digital over manual art as it is swift to make and is forgiving as you undo and redo your mistakes without any hassle. The traditional way of art is very rejuvenating and relaxing but is very time-consuming in a professional way.

Q) After 5 to 6 hours of daily screen time, what is the one thing that restores your energy?

Lovyaa Garg – Definitely Yoga. Yoga is the one thing I find very relaxing and rejuvenating. It restores my energy and relaxes my soul after a hectic schedule. It takes me to another world when I am tired of my screen time and desk work.

Q) What kinds of comics do you prefer writing?

Lovyaa Garg – My approach towards comics is slightly different. If you read my comics, you will see that they are inclined towards social problems, mental health, physical health, intellectual stuff, spirituality, etc. All of my comics are the learnings of my day-to-day life. It’s everything I deeply feel about.

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Q) What do you think is your most significant achievement to date?

Lovyaa Garg – My most significant achievement to date is living my life stress-free, independently, and as I always wanted it to be. There is no kind of pressure from anyone. The actual feeling of success is when you live your life as per your own choices. I can proudly say that I am a happy person free from any stress, and that’s what all matters and brings out the best in me.

Q) A message you would like to give the readers?

Lovyaa Garg – Life is beautiful when you don’t have filters! Don’t hesitate to be yourself, and don’t forget to keep improving yourself in every possible way.

images by Lovyaa Garg

Lovyaa Garg is a comic artist and illustrator creating art to spread mindfulness, happiness, and positivity worldwide! She has illustrated more than 50 children’s books and is the creator of makeitmini_comics.

Last Updated on by Sathi

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Dhanika is currently doing her graduation and have a passion for writing.
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